






耶鲁大学(Yale University)是一所坐落于美国康乃狄格州纽黑文市的私立大学,始创于1701年,初名“大学学院”(Collegiate School)。

耶鲁大学是美国历史上建立的第三所大学,今为长青藤联盟的成员之一。Yale University (Yale University) is the one located in the United States is Hong New Haven, Connecticut in the private university, founded in 1701, the beginning of a "University College" (Collegiate School). Yale University is the history of the United States on the establishment of a third university, this Sinomenine longer a member of the Union. 在2006英国泰晤士报专上教育增刊的世界大学排名,耶鲁大学在总平均排名世界第四。美国Princeton Review在2006把耶鲁大学在全美最难进的大学里排第二。耶鲁以人文、艺术、历史、及法律最有名;耶鲁的理工科在美国一流名校里算是比较弱的。 In 2006 the British Times higher education supplement in the world university rankings, Yale University in the overall average ranking fourth in the world. U.S. Princeton Review in 2006 at Yale University in the United States into the most difficult of the University ranked second. Yale to the humanities, arts, history, law and the most famous; Yale's first-class science and engineering schools in the United States, is relatively weak. 耶鲁大学的产业包括152亿美元捐款(此项列世界学术机构第二位)和藏于十多所图书馆中计110多万卷藏书。耶鲁有约3,200名教职人员,5,200名本科学生和超过6,000名研究生。除了哈佛大学,耶鲁大学是罗氏奖学金获得者最为众多的大学。Yale University in industries including 15.2 billion U.S. dollars contributions (the second academic institutions in the world), and in possession of more than 10 libraries in the collection of over 110 million rolls. Yale about 3,200 teaching staff, 5,200 undergraduate students and more than 6,000 graduate students. In addition to Harvard University, Yale University scholarship winners Roche is the most numerous universities.耶鲁大学将本科教育视为大学的核心。这种重视在美国同类大学中实属少见。耶鲁学院(Yale College,即耶鲁大学本科部)70个专业主要着力于通识教育,仅有极少的几个本科院系着眼于专业性的准备,甚至于耶鲁大学工程系也鼓励并且要求学生探索和学习工程学科以外的领域。耶鲁学院大约有20%的学生为自然科学专业,35%为社会科学专业,45%的学生则为人文艺术专业。耶鲁大学要求所有的教授均讲授本科课程。每年在耶鲁大学的课程目录中(Yale Program of Study,或通称Blue Book)有超过2000门课程以供选择。Yale University to undergraduate education as the core. Such attention to similar universities in the United States is rare. Yale College (Yale College, Yale University undergraduate that the Department of) 70 professional major focus on general education, only very few undergraduate faculty focus on professional preparation, even the Yale University Engineering Department also encourages and requires students Exploration and study areas outside the engineering disciplines. Yale College about 20 percent of the students for science professionals, 35 percent for social science professionals, 45 percent of the students of the humanities arts professionals. Yale University professor require all undergraduate courses are taught. Yale University in each of the courses directory (Yale Program of Study, or commonly known as Blue Book) has more than 2,000 courses are available.耶鲁大学的英文和文学系曾属于新批判运动学派。其中Robert Penn Warren、W.K. Wimsatt、Cleanth Brooks等评论家都是耶鲁大学的教授。在新批判运动过后,耶鲁文学系则成为美国解构主义思潮的中心。当时围绕Paul de Man的法文系和比较文学系都受到英文系的支持。之后这被称为“耶鲁学派”。耶鲁大学历史系同样引领着重要的学术潮流。历史学家C. Vann Woodward作为1960年代重要的南方历史学家而著名;同样的,著名的劳动历史学家David Montgomery,培养了许多当代的劳动历史学家。最令人注意的是,现今大量非常活跃的拉丁美洲历史学家,都曾在20世纪60年代到80年代在耶鲁师从Emìlia Viotta da Costa。 Yale University Department of English and literature have been critical of the new school movement. Including Robert Penn Warren, WK Wimsatt, Cleanth Brooks and other critics are professors at Yale University. Criticism of the new campaign after the Yale literary deconstruction of the United States has become the center of ideologies. At that time, Paul de Man on the French Literature and Comparative Literature Department are subject to Department of English support. After this was known as the "Yale School." Yale University's History Department also lead an important academic trend. Historian C. Vann Woodward as the 1960s, important and well-known historian of the South; Similarly, the famous labor historian David Montgomery, the training of the workforce in many contemporary historians. The most attention is the current large number of very active in Latin America historian, had in the 1960s to the 1980s at Yale studied under Emìlia Viotta da Costa. 耶鲁大学图书馆是世界上规模第二的大学图书馆,拥有藏书1100万册,坐落于22座建筑物中,其中包括最大的史德林纪念图书馆、Beinecke古籍善本图书馆和法学院图书馆。学校还在纽黑文郊区设立有藏书库,以收藏长久不用的图书。 Stirling Memorial Library is located at the heart of the school, the collection of 4 million books, and for the Yale University library system at the centre. Ancient Books, Beinecke Library collections so far have found the earliest print of the Gutenberg Bible. Most library books using the Library of Congress catalogue, some of the earlier collections are still cataloging the use of Yale Law. All collections are landing on the Orbis system directory (Faculty of Law, another collection system using directory Morris) and the United States and major libraries interlibrary loan agreements with individual universities and libraries implemented next day delivery service, so that professors and students can quickly The need to get the information. Besides the many facilities from the school known as Eli Express courier service connection, students can choose any request from a library of books and returned books. These services to undergraduate students and professors are free of charge. 耶鲁大学的美丽校园636f7079e799bee5baa6e79fa5e9819331333332636338环境甚为著名。而一些现代建筑也常被作为建筑史中的典范出现在教科书中,其中包括路易·康设计的耶鲁大学美术馆、耶鲁大学英国艺术中心;Eero Saarinen设计的Ingalls滑冰场、Ezra Stiles学院和Morse学院;以及由Paul Rudolph设计的艺术和建筑系大楼。 耶鲁大多数古建筑都为哥特式风格,多建于1917-1931年期间。大量的浮雕都展现了当时的大学生活:有作家、运动员、喝茶的交际花、读书时打磕睡的学生等等。在耶鲁大学法学院大楼(官方名称为史德林法学大楼)的雕刻上,也展现了当代的一些场景,包括警察追逐强盗和逮捕娼妓的场面。建筑师James Gamble Rogers为了使建筑显得老旧,采用了在石质墙面上泼酸、故意打破玻璃并且使用中世纪的方法补合,并且还人为的添加了许多空的装饰性壁龛,仿佛雕塑已经失落很久。虽然耶鲁大学中心校园的大多建筑都呈现中世纪的建筑风格,使用大型的石材,而事实上大多都采用的是1930年通用的钢结构框架,唯一的例外是哈克尼斯塔,高216英尺。在建造时曾经是世界上最高的全石质结构。该塔在1964年加固,以在其内部安装耶鲁纪念组钟,共计54口。今日该钟每日在中午12点30分和下午5点整由耶鲁大学的一个专门学生团体奏响,选奏的音乐从经典组钟乐到披头士都有选择。</P< p>



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