






雅思7.5 托福100



相关专业学士学位zhidao,本科成绩80%,TOEFL 600-577(PBT)或TOEFL 250-233(CBT),个别学系要求申请者递交GRE/GMAT成绩。(专以上要求视课程而定)。 2011年研属究院课程学费:Master in Financial Accountability Master of Human Resources Management Schulich School of Business (MBA, IMBA, MPA, MF)


[加拿大] 约克大学York University建校年代:1959年所在省州:e68a847a6431333332613731安大略省所在城市:Toronto学生人数:57300人中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 国际学生参考学费:3982加元/年, 折合人民币26692元;折算汇率:1 加元 = 6.1098 人民币入学要求:ENTRY REQUIREMENTSGraduate with an Honours degreeYou must have graduated from a recognized university holding an honours degree or equivalent. Some programs consider applicants with a three-year undergraduate degree and relevant work experience.Undergraduate degrees not designated as honours degrees may be acceptable as the equivalent of an undergraduate honours degree if they contain a minimum of 120 credits (typically, a four-year program with full time enrolment) including the completion of a minimum of 6 credits at the fourth-year level at an accredited postsecondary institution. Three-year first cycle undergraduate degrees from institutions that meet the criteria set forth in the Bologna Declaration may be acceptable as the equivalent of an undergraduate honours degree. Undergraduate degrees from institutions in India that have received a ranking of five stars or "A+" or higher by the National Assessment & Accreditation Council or from institutions of higher education in India with whom York University has a signed partnership agreement may be acceptable as the equivalent of an undergraduate honours degree. If you completed your undergraduate or master’s studies outside Canada, you may need to complete additional courses to qualify for admission to a graduate program at York. Please contact the relevant program office for more information.Minimum "B" grade point averageA minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of “B” or equivalent is required. Your GPA is assessed over the last two years (full-time equivalent) of study. (Some graduate programs require a minimum GPA of “B+” or equivalent.) The minimum GPA is a critical consideration in determining admissibility. In rare cases a program may choose to give priority to a candidate’s creative accomplishments, other relevant experience, letters of recommendation, portfolio or test results.English language proficiencyProvide proof of language proficiency if you do not meet one of the followingfirst language is English; ORYou completed at least one year of full-time study at an accredited university in a country (or institution) where English is the official language of instruction.York University reserves the right to request a successful English language proficiency test result.Meeting these three minimum entry requirements does not guarantee admission. Programs set additional requirements to these minimum standards.参考资料:




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