该剧是根据真实历史创作的故事,以汪伪政权控制的“上海孤岛”乱世时期为背景,从独特的金融视角切入,男主角帅飘利用自己金融专家的特长,紧抓人性贪婪的弱点,在面对国仇家恨的紧张局面中纵横捭阖、计智百出,与对手展开步步惊心的高智商经济对抗战。该剧于2014年2月19日登陆贵州卫视、湖北卫视黄金档首播。The senior soul master elite contest ended in episode 33.The play is based on the real history of the story, Wang puppet regime control of the "isolated island of Shanghai" as the background of the troubled times, from a unique financial perspective, the hero Shuai Piao exploits his financial expertise to grasp the weaknesses of human greed and maneuver in the face of the tense situation of national hatred and resourcefulness. Start a war of resistance with the opponent's high-IQ economy step by step. The show debuted on Guizhou Satellite TV and Hubei Satellite TV on February 19, 2014.