






Irish customs

Irish honest people, people's warm, friendly, and want to know other social and cultural. At home, the tavern or other place together and talk to the national pastime of the usual but. China is now very popular guinness world records of Ireland is a production "guinness" beer business of to help people find the tavern a basis, good sell more wine and compiled. Unexpectedly, the book's reputation had already far exceeded the guinness.

Irish people like green, avoid the red and white combination with blue. The Irish flag by green, white and orange composition. Irish national flower for clover.

All of the mail sent to Ireland shall be indicated in the post office destination county name.

Ireland holiday mainly has: January 1 New Year's day, March 17, st Patrick's day (that is, the Irish National Day), Jesus and black Easter (March 21 on round up the first Sunday after the Easter, before Easter is in the good Friday is Jesus, holiday from Friday to Monday), bank holiday (June and August, the first Monday in October and the last Monday), December 25, Christmas on December 26, st Stephen's day.



圣帕特里克节(英语: St.Patrick's Day) 是3月17日举行的文化和宗教庆典,3月17日是圣帕特里克的忌日 (A.D.385-461),而圣帕特里克是爱尔兰最重要的天主教圣人。

圣帕特里克节是爱尔兰共和国、北爱尔兰、加拿大纽芬兰与拉布拉多省和英国海外领土蒙哲腊的公定假日。散居在世界各地的爱尔兰人,像是英国,加拿大,美国,巴西,阿根廷,澳大利亚和新西兰等地也会庆祝,圣帕特里克节在以上国家过得比其他国更加隆重热烈。 现代的庆祝活动受到大量爱尔兰移民影响,尤其是北美发达国家,近年来,有人批评圣帕特里克节的庆祝活动过于商业化,并对爱尔兰人民造成负面的刻板印象。


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