
加拿大约克大学york university schulich商学院本科面试求助



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帮你搜集了一下网上常见大学的 Interview Questions,希望对你有帮助e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333332613663。

1. Introduce yourself or How would your friends/coworkers/supervisor describe you2. Tel us 3 key learnings from your work experience. 3. Why Schulich 4. Why do you want to do MBA at this stage in your life/ career 5. One reason that we should not select you6. What are your short- and long-term career goalsWhere do you see yourself in 5 years7. Tell us about a challenging situation that you facedHow did you resolve it8. What are your greatest strengthsGive examples 9. What are your biggest weaknessesGive examples 10. What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date11. Interests and Hobbies – Be prepared!.. questions as basic as “Why do youdo poetry (or any other activity” may be asked.12.after graduation, you will in Canada or back to China.13.challenging situation and solution14.you admired business leader and chrateristics of good leader15.Why do you think now is the time for you to go back to school 16.What do you hope to learn in business school 17.What do you think you will contribute that will be unique among your classmates 18.Why do you want to come to Schulich 19.Where else are you applying 20.Where do you see yourself in 10 years 21. Do you have any questions for us Leadership:1.Discuss a time when you successfully supervised a diverse group of people toward a difficult goal.2 Give an example of when you accomplished something significant that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been there.3 Tell me about a situation where you had to persuade someone to agree with your point of view4 Describe a time when you had to gain upper management’s support for an idea/proposal.5 Name a time when you had to convince someone who didn’t report directly to you to do something they didn’t want to do.6 Describe a situation in which you identified key problems early on in a project and were able to avert a crisis.7 Tell me about a time when you led a team to a goal even though the individual team 8members were skeptical that it could be accomplished.9 Discuss a time when you had to make an unpopular decision.10 Teamwork11 Tell me about the toughest group that you ever worked in. what made it so tough, and how did you handle it 12 Describe a time when you have a conflict with another person in a corporate or school setting.13 Tell me about a time when you worked with someone who didn’t follow through. What did you do 14 How have you dealt with a person who was difficult to work with Ethics15 Describe an ethical dilemma that you faced in your career. How did you resolve it 16 Give me an example of when you pushed back against doing something.17 What is the hardest decision you have ever had to make on the jobOutside of your job Innovation18 Name a time when you developed a unique and resourceful solution to a problem.19 Describe a situation when you had to make an important decision without having all of the necessary information at hand.20 Tell me about a time when you had to analyze facts quickly, identify the issues, and develop an action plan.21 Give me an example of when you thought out of the box.22 Tell me about a time when you took a smart risk.23 Have you ever had to bend a rule to get your work done more efficiently Maturity24Tell me about your most spectacular failure. What happenedWhat did you learn 25 What happened, what went wrong, what you learned, and how you applied that lesson in a later situation.26 Discuss a time when you didn’t succeed on the first try.What is the worst professional decision you have ever made 27 Tell me about a time when you weren’t very pleased with your performance.28 Describe a situation in which you wish you had acted differently with someone in your group.Undergrade1. Why did you choose your undergraduate major 2. Tell me about a standout academic experience.3. What was your favorite class in college Career Progression1. Why go to your first job 2. Discuss your career progression3. Tell me an important thing that you learned from your work and school experiences.4. How did you choose your job after college5. Tell me a decision you made in your career you wish you could have done differently.6. What challenges do you think you will face as you move through this career path 7. What would be your dream job (if you had no considerations for money etc.) 8. Explain your career path to date; why did you choose the jobs you have had Current Job1. Tell me what you do in your daily job2. What do you do at work 3. What do you/don’t you like regarding your job4. Tell me about your job. How is your most recent project going 5. What exactly do you do at your current job, how is the group structured, do you have any direct reports 6. Take me through an interesting project you have worked on recently.7. What do you like about your jobWhat do you not like about your job 8. If I promoted you today at your job, what change would you implement 9. Take me through an interesting project you have worked on recently.10. What would you do to improve your company (pretend you've been promoted) 11. Describe a typical work day12. What is most frustrating at work Why MBA 1. Why are you applying to business school 2. What brought you here(applying for business school)3. Why the MBAWhy now 4. Why are you interested in a general MBA program 5. What specific skills do you want to get out of this program 6. With all of your experience, why do you need an MBA 7. When did you realize that you wanted to go to business school, and why Why School 1. Why does this school appeal to you 2. Have you thought of other schools 3. Where else have you applied and what was the resultOther MBA1. Why do you want to be in senior executive role 2. Would you have any regrets if the market tanked next year and you were unable to get a premier job3. What part of the MBA program will you struggle with most 4. Activities at SCHOOL you would participate in. What you can bring to them 5. What do you think will be your biggest challenge at SCHOOL 6. What will be the biggest challenge for you in adjusting to life at SCHOOL 7. What do you see yourself doing for your summer internship after your first year 8. What do you specifically have to bring to the classroom versus the many others who have done XXX career 9. What would you uniquely add to the class 10. What do you think the risks are for SCHOOL if we admit you 11. What would you do if not accepted Personal Characteristics1. Tell me who you are.2. Discuss yourself3. What is an activity you are involved inWhy is it important to you 4. Name three words or phrases to describe yourself to others5. What contributions would you make to a group 6. What do you do to relieve stress7. It's two years after graduation, what three words would your team members use to describe you8. Who’s the leader you admire mostAnother leader and why!9. How would co-workers describe you 10. A book I'd recommend that I've read recently.11. Name three qualities that do not describe you12. What distinguishes you from others 13. What are people most surprised to learn about you 14. How comfortable are you speaking up in front of large groups of people 15. Why do you think you are successful at what you do16. Misperception about you/first impressions17. If you could write a book on anything what would it be on 18. What kind of books do you like to read 19. What are your extracurricular interests 20. What makes you unique 21. On a scale of to 1 to 10, compared to your peers, rank yourself in analytical ability. In driveIn confidenceIn being better than people 22. How do you think you are as a contributor to the community Career Aspirations1. What do you want to do (in regard to business function, industry, location) 2. Describe your career aspirations3. What are your long- and short-term goalsWhy 4. Talk about experiences you have had at work.5. Discuss any experience you have had abroad.6. What challenges do you think you will face as you move through this career path 7. How you will accomplish your career goals 8. What is your goal in 3, 5 years time 9. What strategic issues would you want to tackle if you were running a company in your chosen field 10. What do you not want to do General Leadership1. How do you define success 2. How are you a leader in your job3. What is your leadership style 4. How would you describe your leadership style; collaborative or direct 5. What are the pros/cons of your style 6. What leader in history do you admire most 7. What makes someone a leader 8. How do you motivate someone Leadership Stories1. Tell me about a time you helped someone else succeed.2. Tell me about a time you helped someone else develop3. Give examples of how you have demonstrated leadership inside and outside the work environment4. Time when you've been challenged as a leader and what you learned from it.5. Give an example of leadership that you didn't discuss in your essays6. Tell me about a specific situation in your professional career where you solved an important problem.7. Tell me about a time when you exhibited leadership.8. How had your leadership style evolved from Position X through today 9. Give a leadership example outside of work, after college.10. Tell me about a leadership experience that you did not mention in your essays.11. Since submitting your application, how have you continued to take leadership roles 12. What would your colleagues say are your strengths and weaknesses as a leader 13. Give me your leadership resume, starting when you feel is appropriate and demonstrating your growth as a leader.14. Give an example of when you took the initiative.15. Give another example of a situation in which you showed leadership in the face of adversity.16. Tell me about a decision you have faced, not that you necessarily regret but I am more interested in the decision point.Lessons Learned1. What did you learn from experience XYZ (that was discussed in my essays)2. Tell me about a time you had to deal with conflict in the workplace3. Time when you've been challenged as a leader and what you learned from it.Team Environment1. Have you worked in a team environmentWhat were your contributions to the effort 2. What would you do if a team member wasn't pulling his own weight 4. How do you work in teams 5. What would your colleagues miss least about you 6. What role do you usually take in a team setting 7. When did you lead a teamWhat is the hardest part of leading a team8. Tell me about how you manage teams9. How do you create accountability and create a strong team 10. Tell me about a leadership experience where you had to depend upon another person/other people for success11. Give an example of when you had to lead people Challenging Situation1. Describe a situation where you brought an idea forward, and it failed.2. Talk about a time you encountered a problem you had to overcome.3. Time when a leader fell short and you had to step up and lead.4. Time when you wanted to give up and how you motivated yourself to keep going.5. Tell me about a time when you had to interact with people in a difficult situation.6. Tell me about a time when you were challenged at work.7. Time when you wanted to give up and how you motivated yourself to keep going.8. Tell me about an instance where you had to negotiate something on the job. How did you convince your counterparts Failure1. Biggest failureSecond largest, third largest failure2. Tell me about the time when you let your team down.3. Describe a situation when something went totally awry4. What do you consider your biggest fault is at work, why do you think you have it and what are you doing about it.5. Have you planned something that did not go through 6. Tell me a decision you made in your career you wish you could have done differently.7. Tell me about a time where you failed at your first jobEthical Decision1. Talk about a time when your values were challenged and you had to consult your moral compass.2. When was your belief challenged 3. What part did you play in the ethical concern you mentioned in your essayHow did the higher ups react to this situation Difficult People1. Tell me about a time when you developed a person / dealt with a difficult person at work. What did you do 2. Tell me about a time you faced conflict at work- either between you and another person or between two co-workers and how did you deal with it.3. Tell me about a time when you had a bad leader.4. Give me an instance where you handled a difficult subordinate at workOther1. A latest dilemma I had between good options.2. Tell me about a time when you saw the solution before someone else 3. Do you have any decisions you regret 4. Why did you pick your recommenders 5. What do you think your recommenders said about your strengths & weak8nesses 6. What are your strengths and weaknesses 7. What would your colleagues say is your strengths and weaknesses as a leader 8. What accomplishment are you most proud of Closing1. Is there anything you would like to ask me/us2. What questions do you have for me 3. Anything you wished I had asked

加拿大约克大学york university schulich商学院本科面试求助


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