







gift则有“赋予”的意思。01gift礼物,赠品天赋,天才,才能She gave me an unusual gift.她给了我一份不同寻常的礼物。She tore the wrapping away and took out the gift.她撕开包装,拿出礼物。Mozart was a talented musician.莫扎特是个天才的音乐家。Life will not gift you with what your heart desires unless you really deserve it.除非你真的配得上,否则生活不会给你你内心所渴望的。02present礼物,礼品What do you want for a present 你想要什么礼物?She bought her friend a present.她给朋友买了一件礼物。He wrapped the present in pretty paper for his girlfriend.他用漂亮的纸包好给女朋友礼物。present一词多意,今天只介绍一种用法。03present和gift的区别礼多人不怪,我们买一样东西,把它包好,送给要送的人,有时候我们把这样的礼物称为gift,有时候称为present。它们都意味着把某样东西给别人,而不期望从接收者那里得到任何回报。一般情况下,我们会凭感觉将它们互换使用:Jack exchanged gifts with Suzane at Christmas.杰克在圣诞节和苏珊娜交换礼物。She sent them a present to express her gratitude.她送给他们一件礼物以表达她的感激之情。I went around all the shops but I couldn't find a present for him.我走遍了所有的商店,但找不到给他的礼物。但是它们俩其实有些细微区别,如果我们想更准确地使用,还是了解清楚的好。

1,present可以是加以“奖励”,或作为“纪念品”的礼物; gift能表示“赠送”或“捐赠”的礼物。We handed out gifts of food and clothing to the survivors of the flood.我们向洪灾的难民分发了食物和衣服等礼物。Angela accepted the present given to her by her uncle for her excellent results.安吉拉接受了她叔叔因为她成绩优异送给她的礼物。The orphanage accepts gifts from the noble hearted.孤儿院接受高尚人士的礼物。

2,present是日常生活非正式语境中使用的词;gift是正式语境中正式语言中使用的词。He realised that it was improper for a police officer to accept gifts.他意识到警察收受礼物是不恰当的。gift往往比present更有价值,更珍贵;present更普通。The family made a gift of his paintings to the gallery.他的家人把他的画送给美术馆。She's got a secret admirer who keeps sending her gifts.有个暗恋她的人一直给她送礼物。(用present表现不出心意。)The watch was a gift from my mother.这块手表是我妈妈给我的礼物。(用present表现不出在我心中的珍贵。)3,present只能是具体的礼物;gift既可以是具体的礼物,也可以是抽象的礼物:A gift of love for your birthday, which is a warm wish from my heart.给你的生日送上一份爱的礼物,这是我发自内心的温馨祝愿。I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it.我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它。

4,gift可以做定语,present不做定语。There's a gift shop in the museum.博物馆里有一家礼品店。Selling price here indicates the balloon's value, gift box and ribbon.这里的售价表明气球的价值,礼盒和丝带。



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