
加拿大 UT大学



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加拿大 UT大学


hi ;)多伦多大学的商科叫rotman commerce program, rotman 是mba很有名的但是不知道本科怎么样介绍:Rotman Commerce:Offered jointly by the Faculty of Arts and Science and the Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, Rotman Commerce at the University of Toronto offers an innovative curriculum with a global perspective for an enriched professional undergraduate experience. Our programs explore the role of commerce in modern society while developing skills and confidence in analysis, effective communication and decision making.这是你要的信息:HIGH SCHOOL PREREQUISITES AND ADMISSION INFORMATIONStudents interested in Rotman Commerce should apply to the commerce admission category on the St. George campus. You will be required to Rotman Commerce have at least six senior high school credits (Grade 12 U or M courses in Ontario) including English 4U, Advanced Functions, and Calculus and Vectors (你的课程没有问题).Students must also complete a supplementary application (哪里都有的,你躲不过哈哈) form which will be available after they have applied to U of T. Students will be asked for information on extracurricular involvement (课外活动!), volunteer(义工) and work experience(工作经验), and more. All grades received in repeated courses are considered.就是这样,几乎所有好的大学的商科都不仅仅是看7a64e4b893e5b19e31333238656636成绩,还要看课外活动,所以多参加一些club吧!


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