







虽然也叫“动词”,但这类动词必须跟有实际意义的动词(实义动词,如 eat,sleep,drink等)在一起;也就是老师常说的:情态动词 + 动词原形。情态动词如:can, couldmay, mightshould, ought tomust, have toneed, dare02 can & could1)表能力I believe I can flyShe could skate before she broke her leg.断腿之前,她能溜冰呢。注:could 表示过去拥有的能力。

2)表请求、允许Can you give me 10 bucks 表请求时,could 比 can 更礼貌和委婉。

3)表猜测Can it be true 真的吗?can’t 用于表示否定推测,“不大可能”It can’t be true.不大可能是真的。对过去的否定推测:can’t have doneIt can’t have been true.(指过去)couldn't 也可以表示对过去的否定推测,只是更委婉一些。It couldn’t be true.(指过去)注:学校老师常把 can’t 解释为“不可能”,而根据《薄冰英语语法》为“不大可能”,没有那么绝对。

4)虚拟语气用 could,不用 can.could have done 表示跟过去的事实相反,即“本可以做到,却没做”,表达了一种惋惜、遗憾之情。《生活大爆炸》第一季第10集, 因为Penny 唱歌实在难听,Sheldon 和 Leonard 不想去看她的演出,于是撒谎要参加什么电子偶素的研讨会。可 Sheldon 一撒谎就浑身难受,回到屋里就跟 Leonard 嚷嚷:You could have told her the truth.你本该告诉她实情的。他们一开始就没有对 Penny 说实话,所以 Sheldon 才责怪舍友“明明可以说实话”(然而并没有)。* 有人可能会问:couldn’t have done 是不是表示“本不可以做,却做了”的意思?No~正如上文第3点「表猜测」所说,把它当成对过去的否定推测就行了。用法与 can’t have done(指过去)相似,但语气委婉。——《薄冰英语语法》You couldn’t have told her the truth.你不大可能跟她说了实话。

5)can vs. be able to关于两者的区别,除了 be able to 可以用于各种时态,此外还有两种比较流行的说法:

① can 表示“能够”时,与 be able to 同义。—— 《薄冰英语语法》② 在一定的条件(金钱、资源、机会等)下做成某事,用 be able to,不用 can/ could 。——《新概念英语 2》43课 - 关键句型敲黑板:成功地完成某事 —— be able toHe didn’t agree with me at first but I was able to persuade him.一开始他不同意我的观点,但我最终说服了他。03 may & might1)表请求、允许You may not take my stuffed animal!你不可以拿人家的娃娃哦!关于 may 的回疑问还是比较多的。儿童绘本 May I Have a Cookie 有个现成句式:- May I please have a cookie - Yes, you may.肯定回答除了Yes, you may.还可以说成:Yes, you can.如果鳄鱼妈不让 Alfie 吃饼干,可以说:No, you mustn’t.No, you can’t.当然, 这些听起来都很凶。不那么凶的话可以回I am afraid not.You’d better not.* 值得一提的是,考试的时候,大家尽量避开 No, you may not. 这种否定回答用得比较少,很可能改卷就给你判 ❌ 了。实际上,人家只是较少用,没毛病。委婉程度:might > mayMight I have a cookie 多提一句,表允许、表猜测时,may 和 can 可互换;may 比 can 正式,can 较口语化。

2)表猜测可能性:may > mightHe may be at home. (≈ 50%可能性)He might be at home. (≈ 30%可能性)3)虚拟语气用 might,不用 may.might have done 表示“本可以做……,却没有做……” ,有责怪的意思04 should & ought to1)表义务,“应该”根据薄冰老先生的说法,should 常用于一般情况;ought to 则更多用于特殊情况。比如:>> We should respect the old.我们应该尊敬老人。尊老是中华民族的优良传统。这句话讲的就是一般情况,并没有讲要特殊对待哪个老人。>> We ought to take good care of the old man. He has no family.我们要照顾好这个老人家。他已经没有家人了。这里的孤寡老人就是一种特指,一种特殊的情况。

2)表推测should 和 ought to 都可以用来表示推测,可能性大大滴(当然还是 < must)如果排个序,可能性:must > ought to > shouldShe must be Tony’s girlfriend.肯定是他女朋友!Tony 发了朋友圈,说“只愿得一人心”,配图是她。She ought to be Tony’s girlfriend.很大可能是!Tony 每天都给她送花。She should be Tony’s girlfriend.很可能是!Tony 经常跟她一起踩点到公司。

3)虚拟语气>> 本不该做某事,却做了:shouldn’t have doneoughtn’t to have doneAustralia shouldn’t have bamboozled British into traveling there when the whole country has been “on fire” for months.澳大利亚本不应该忽悠英国人去那儿旅游;整个澳洲“火烧”了几个月。* bamboozle sb. into doing sth. 忽悠某人做某事实际上澳拍了广告,请国宝级女歌手 Kylie Minogue 凯莉·米洛欢迎广大英国人民前来澳大利亚度假。图片来源:英国报姐>> 本该做某事,却没有做:should have doneought to have doneAustralia should have spent the advertising expenses in controlling the wildfires.澳大利亚本应该把广告费用在控制山火上。据说澳洲旅游局这次宣传一共耗资1500万澳元(约7300万人民币)。而这头大火还在烧……图片来源:英国报姐05 must1)表“必须”Must I cheer up 我必须得振作起来吗?肯定回Yes, you must.你必须振作起来!否定回No, you needn’t.No, you don’t have to.没必要。你累了就真的没必要。图片来源:《丈夫得了抑郁症》剧照注意否定回答不能用 mustn’t。mustn’t 表禁止,绝对不能。You mustn’t touch me!2)表肯定推测The Gods must be crazy.上帝肯定是疯了。图片来源:《上帝也疯狂》电影海报must have done 表过去肯定做过……So somewhere in my youth or childhoodI must have done something good歌词源于《音乐之声》歌曲 Something good06 need1)情态动词need 需要,必须If you want anything, you need only ask.你要啥,说一声就行。needn’t 不必You needn’t do that.你大可不必。前面我们提到过,用 must 提问,否定回答可以用 needn’t。Must I go No, you needn’t.或者,No, you don’t have to.2)实义动词值得注意的是,need 也可当作实义动词,这时它常跟 to 在一起:need to do sth.,表有义务或责任做某事You need to eat more!你要吃多一点!I need to take my dog out for a walk every day.我每天都得带狗子出去遛弯。实义动词 need 的否定式是:don’t need…(人称、时态看情况)You don’t need to do it if you feel tired.如果你累了,就没有必要做。

3)虚拟语气needn’t have done 本不必要做某事,却做了在新概念二第41课里,一男的陪媳妇买帽子,对她挑的款式各种嫌弃,叨叨:We mustn't buy things we don't need.不需要的东西咱不能买。之后,女人回了一句:You needn’t have said that.你本不必酱讲。然后就开始互相伤害:I needn't remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.我不必提醒你昨天买的那条丑死了的领带。07 dare1)情态动词多用于否定句,疑问句中。dare 的否定式是 dare not,缩写:daren’tI daren’t move!我不敢动!Dare you answer me when I call your name 我叫你一声,你敢答应吗?特殊情况也有,比如用于 if/ whether 之后:I wonder whether he dare tell the truth.我不知道他敢不敢讲真话。注意,正宗的情态动词没有人称的变化,不用考虑三单。或条件句:If you ever dare call me that name again, you'll be sorry. ( from 牛津高阶 )你敢再那样叫我, 你就shi定了。

2)实义动词这时就要考虑人称、时态的问题了:>> 跟 need 一样,常常是跟 to 连用:dare to do sth.She dares to use the F-word in front of the kids!她竟敢在小孩面前讲脏话!>> 在否定句和疑问句中,带不带 to 都可以。He didn’t dare (to) tell her his feelings.








1. 表示“允许、许可”,意为“可以”,在疑问句中用might比用may的语气更加委婉,类似于can和could的用法。


情态动词(Modal verbs)本身有一定的词义,表示语气的单词。但是不能独立作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语

情态动词must, may, might, could, can表示推测:

以must为例。must + do(be)是推测现在存在的一般状态进行;must + be doing 推测可能正在进行的事情;must +have done是推测可能已经发生过的事情。

1. must“肯定,一定”语气强,只用于肯定句中。

He must be a man from America. / He must be talking with his friend. / He must have already arrived there.

2. may和might“也许”,后者语气弱,更没有把握。可用于肯定句和否定句。

He may not be at home. / They might have finished their task.

3. can和could“可能”,could表示可疑的可能性,不及can’t语气强,用于肯定、否定、疑问句中。

The weather in that city could be cold now.

We could have walked there; it was so near.(推测某事本来可能发生,但实际上没有发生)

Can he be in the office nowNo, he can’t be there, for I saw him in the library just now.(语气很强,常用于疑问句和否定句中)


1. 对现在的事实进行推测:

主要结构:…must / may / might +动词原形


be + doing


1. You must be Jeanne. I’m Mathilde Loisel. We used to know each other very well.

2. They must be in bed already at this time of the night.

3. The teacher must be joking.

4. Freda isn’t in class. She must be sick.

5. There must be something wrong.

6. She might be very clever, but she hasn’t got much common sense.

7. He may be arriving this evening.

8. He may be traveling around the world.

9. The keys can’t be in the room. I have just searched it very carefully.

10. Can the news be true

2.对过去的事实进行推测:结构:情态动词+have done / been+名词/形容词/介词短语。例句:

1. Mrs. Longmans must have been a pretty girl in her youth.

2. He couldn’t have seen Anna yesterday. She’s gone abroad.

3. I think I must have left my glasses in the library.

4. He might have overslept again.

5. Where can Tom have gone

情态动词表达虚拟语气:表达“本来…”,“不然早就…”。这是情态动词的一种虚拟语气用法。表示说话人所讲的与所发生的事实相反。表达了说话人的埋怨,后悔的语气。其结构是在一些情态动词后面加 have done 结构。根据要表达的意思,有如下结构:

(1).should have done / ought to have done:本应该……

(2).shouldn’t have done / oughtn’t to have done:本不该……

(3).could have done:本来可以……

(4).needn’t have done:本来没必要……

(5).would like to have done:本来很想……

(6).would rather not have done: 本来不愿意……

(7).could / might / have done: 不然早就……


1. You shouldn’t have laughed at his mistakes.

2. You could have told us earlier.

3. You ought not to have spent so much time in reading novels.

4. We need not have been in a tearing hurry to catch the train.

5. They would like to have seen that film last film.

6. If he had given me his number, I could have telephoned him.

7. They might have been frozen to death but for the rescue in time.


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