这个似乎没有这个记录查了下轮滑一小时距离的世界记录是38.632千米 官网记录如下Mauro Guenci (Italy) covered 38.632 km (24.004 miles) on inline skates in one hour on a road circuit at Senigallia, Ancona, Italy, on 11 June 2005.Mauro did 36 laps to reach this result on a 1088.60 m long track. Mauro Guenci, a fireman in his normal life, is record holder for the most distance in 24 hours as well. This record was organised in conjunction with the traditional Roller Day by the Team Roller Senigallia, of which Mauro is a member.这样算下来平均100米是9.31秒。
但是因为起步的时间消耗被均摊到一小时,1小时的时间也过长,所以只当参考。另外,轮滑速桩(静止起步12米助跑+20*0.8M过桩 共计28米)的世界记录大概是不到4.5秒的样子 这样算下来的话,100米的记录应该在16秒以内吧,毕竟速桩还要考虑过桩的因素。