






2 年时间都在用英文邮件和国外客户沟通,每天都要写至少 10 封邮件,读的邮件就更多了。

分享几个我认为非常实用,老外也会经常在邮件中使用的句子。打招呼Hello Kate,Hi Max,基本上就是 Hello, Hi 这两个词换着用,如果是第一次和别人写信的话,就用 Hello. Dear XXX,这种在学校学的用法,基本没有见过,至少没有见到英美客户用过。如果是非常非常正式的信,可以用 Dear XXX.一般的商务邮件,用 Hello / Hi XXX, 完成没有问题。转发邮件I've forwarded_______to you.I'm forwarding_______to you. 经常要把客户 A 的邮件,或者其中的某个附件,转发给客户 B, 我一般这两个句子轮着用,比如:I've forwarded Lily's email to you.I'm forwarding Logan's resume to you.附件please find attached XXX挂附件是常有事,用得比较多的是:Please find attached my report.或者 I attached my report.抄送 I've CC'd / CC'ed / copied XXX on this email. 某人需要知晓邮件内容时,就需要抄送,一般会在邮件里写明抄送了谁:I've CC'd Lucy on this email.上面三个用法都对。切入主题This is to inform you that ...直接了当地把你的主题给写出来。跟进事项as we discussed,...to follow up on our meeting / discussion,...Regarding / in regards to...一件事情,往往有被来回商量。要继续讨论的时候,就可以用上这些词。例行报告This is just to keep you updated.This doesn't need any immediate response, but please keep an eye on the situation.给客户汇报进度的时候经常用到,不需要回复。询问I'd like to know if / when / how / whocould you confirmif / when / how / whodo you have any details / update on...当你需要对方提供信息的时候用。感谢thanks for getting back to methe informationthe emailfollowing up on / with ...for your help with...looking into this / that 收到对方回信时,都要说一句 thank you balabla, 最简单也要说一句 thank you for your response. 结尾通用If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.I look forward to hearing from you / your reply.Please let me know what you think about this.几乎每一封信都会加上这句话。对方等你的消息时I'll get back to you as soon as i can.I'll let you as as soon as i can.I'll keep you posted.你等对方的消息时please let me knowplease keep me posted落款Kind Regards,Regards, Warm Wishes,Yours Truly,最后,加上自己的名字,如:Regards,Emma一般就是这 4 个来回用,甚至一个用到底,懒得换。课本上的 Sincerely, 除了中国同事,从没见过任何外国人用。这个词,非常非常非常的正式,大概或在写给政府的信里用吧。做了一个公众号,欢迎大家关注:学英语的日常,分享日常口语,还有雅思考试,出国留学的相关内容,都是个人经验。关注:学英语的日常,回复:英语:会有一份英语资料,对我当时准备专八口语考试的帮助非常大。最后,还请帮忙点一个赞哦。



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