









楼上的。。。 你这个哪里是UT入学条件 你这个是签证申请的材料。。想必你自己也没看懂。。LZ想问的话可以问我 我刚从UT毕业


加拿大多伦多大学是加拿大数二数二的大学,世界排名二十名左右 你有这个雄心很厉害以下是加拿大多伦多大学入学条件你想申请这个大学,证明你英文应历害了 相信你可以看得懂If you are applying for a Study Permit for the first time, you may do so at the nearest Canadian Embassy, Consulate or High Commission as soon as you receive your offer of admission from the University of Toronto and decide to accept. International students must obtain an initial Study Permit before they enter Canada. Your Study Permit is your most important CIC document and it is required to study in Canada legally.Application forms and guidelines for a New Study Permit can be downloaded from the CIC website at:Important:"If you already have a Study Permit that requires renewal, please see the section below on Extending Your Study Permit Within Canada."Before completing the application, students should review the CIC Application Guide for Applying for a Study Permit Outside of Canada.The requirements for an initial Study Permit include:"Completed CIC Application for a Study Permit Made Outside of Canada "Completed Document Checklist "Valid Passport"Two photos, as specified by Appendix B of the CIC Application Guide"Original offer of admission letter from the University of Toronto"Proof of funds to support yourself during your stay (approximately the cost of tuition plus at least $10 000 CAD per year for a single student)"Medical examination (if required and depending on your country of residence)"Completed application form"Application fee in an acceptable format ($125 CAD)"Any other documents required by the responsible Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate in your country, along with your country's regulations"Citizens and Permanent Residents of the United States may obtain a Study Permit from Immigration authorities at the port of entry as they enter Canada. It will take less time than applying at a Canadian Consulate in the US. "If you are an international student who has studied at a Canadian high school, you must apply to “Change the Conditions” on your Study Permit to indicate that you are now at a post-secondary institution."Citizenship and Immigration Canada may ask international students under the age of 18 to have a Canadian Citizen act as a guardian. The University of Toronto cannot take responsibility to act as guardian. It will be the responsibility of the student’s family to satisfy this requirement. "If you are issued a Letter of Introduction, you must submit this letter to a Canadian immigration officer on arrival at the airport/border to obtain your actual Study Permit.最后祝福你申请成功!!!!






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