读音:jǐ fān繁体:几番出处:《三国演义.第二回》:「玄德几番自往求免,俱被门役阻住,不肯放参。」白话翻译:《三国演义.第二回》:“玄德几次亲自去求免,都被守门的差役阻挡住,不肯放参。”扩展资料:
1、再看得远一些,20年之后到200年,我们的经济实力要翻几番,大概没有人能计算出来。To look a little further into the future, 20 years later to200 years later, no one can predict how many times our economic power will be increased.2、逝去的岁月,留了些须的黯然,几番波澜后,却发现平静是多么的难得。Years of pass away, stay exiguity of gloomy, how many times great waves after, but discover the equanimity is what rare.3、几番思索之后终于决定再次还原自己的爱好。After mulling it finally decided to restore as a hobby.4、经过几番周折,这笔交易总算做成了。After several setbacks, the deal was finally clinched.