







复旦大学(Fudan University),简称“复旦”,位于中国上海,由中华人民共和国教育部直属,中央直管副部级建制,位列985工程、211工程、双一流A类,入选“珠峰计划”、“111计划”、“2011计划”、“卓越医生教育培养计划”,为“九校联盟”(C9)、中国大学校长联谊会、东亚研究型大学协会、环太平洋大学协会的重要成员,是一所世界知名、国内顶尖的全国重点大学。


Facts about FDUFounded1942. Coed, private, independent. [more about our history]Locations Teaneck, New Jersey, FDU's Metropolitan Campus, 10 miles from NYC, in Bergen County; Madison, New Jersey, FDU's College at Florham, 35 miles west, in Morris County; Wroxton, England, 3 miles from Banbury and 70 miles from London; downtown Vancouver, Canada, FDU-Vancouver. Extension sites throughout New Jersey, and partner institutions and study abroad opportunities around the world.Global Education The first American university to own and operate an overseas campus (Wroxton College in Oxfordshire, UK); the first comprehensive university in the world to require distance learning of its undergraduates. [more about our mission]Enrollment New Jersey's largest private university. Undergraduate students: 8,585; graduate students: 3,527; student/faculty Ratio: 14.1. [more about Admissions]Average Class Size 18 students [more statistics in our "Common Data Set" reporting]Degrees Associates, Baccalaureate, Masters and Doctoral.Honors ProgramsOffered in all majors, more than 120 throughout all 4 years.Accelerated Degree Programs A variety of combined degree programs let you complete your undergraduate and masters degree in 5 years.Athletics Men's and Women's Division I (Knights) and Division III (Devils) teams in more than a dozen sports, plus a diverse club and intramural program on both campuses.Student ActivitiesMore than 100 active student organizations and clubs, from student government to national fraternities and sororities and professional honor societies.Faculty 262 full-time (85% hold a Ph.D. or terminal degree in their field) and 574 part-time. [more about faculty]Calendar 2 semesters and summer sessions. [more about the Academic Calendar]


美国菲迪大学Fairleigh Dickinson University(FDU)是美国新泽西州最大的综合性私立大学。该校能提供100多个本科和研究生的学位课程,有授予学士、硕士和博士学位的权利,其中包括全美最好的临床心理学和学校心理学的博士学位;同时有资格颁发各类专业职业培训证书。其商学院受到AACSB的授权和认可,是全美最好的商学院之一。是美国第一个拥有海外校区和第一个提供全球远程教育的大学。到目前为止已授予学士、硕士学位超过12,000个,是联合国,纽约州、市政府等大型公共机构管理人员的定点培训基地。经过近百年的建设与发展,学校已成为一所基础坚实、实力雄厚,特色鲜明,在国内外具有较大影响的研究型、综合型大学。菲迪大学FDU拥有四所分校:新泽西洲梯内克Teaneck市的大都会校区The Metropolitan Campus;新泽西洲麦迪森Madison市的佛罗汉校区The College at Florham ;座落于英格兰 Wroxton College和加拿大的FDU-Vancouver。每一所分校都具有其独一无二的特性。无论哪种教育环境和人文风格,在菲迪大学FDU都能得到充分的体现。林木葱郁,庄严堂皇的校园,务实的教育方法和出色的就业前景,吸引了无数崇尚古典,追求传统学院教育经验的国内外学子。


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