Good job 干得好1、You always live in the hope that if you do your job well, justice will prevail.一个人总会抱着这样的希望,只要工作干得好,你是会得到公正对待的。
2、We have completed the contract within the letter of the law, although we could do a slightly better job if we had more time.我们已严格地完成了合同,但如果有更多的时间的话,还可干得好些。
3、How Not To get a good job. 如何不得到一个好工作。
4、Why did you throw up such a good job你为什么放弃了这么好的一个工作 5、They argue that their collaboration, even when not permitted, is simply gaining practice at a skill they need to acquire to get a good job and advance,” he says. 他们辩称,自己的合作虽然未经允许,但这也只是为了进行必要技能的实践,以便将来获得一份好工作和得到晋升。扩展资料:【近义词】1、good luck 好运;祝您(你)好运He attributes his success to good luck. 他把成功归因于运气好。
2、good karma好运,好命;善因缘How have you turned your time gaps into good karma opportunities for making a difference in theworld你是怎样把余暇变为广行善事、广结善缘的机会而使世界有所不同的呢?【词汇搭配】1、make a good job of it办得好, 处理得好... 2、do a good job工作干得好 3、make a good job of something把某事办好