






最基本的句子Most Fundamental Sentences:dreamn.梦;梦想;向往的事☆ I never remember my dreams when I wake up.我从来不能回忆起我做过的梦。

【这是我多年想不通的问题】☆ To spend vacations by the sea is my dream. 在海滨度假是我向往的事。☆ I’ve always had a dream of owning my own business.我一直梦想拥有自己的企业。Kim’s Note:So many people who work in boring jobs have this dream. They long to own their own business and be their own boss.很多做着让他们厌烦的工作的人都有这样的梦想。他们渴望拥有自己的事业,做自己的老板。☆ I had a strange dream last night-- you and I were in some sort of tropical forest being chased by tigers.我昨晚做了个奇怪的梦――你和我在某个热带森林里被老虎追。【词性转换】dreamv.做梦, 梦见, 梦想, 想到☆ She was dreaming peacefully.她正宁静地做着梦。☆ Last night, I dreamed that a monster was chasing me. I was so scared and woke up screaming.昨晚,我梦见有个怪兽追我,我非常害怕,尖叫着醒来。☆ Did it storm last night, or did I dream it 昨晚有暴风雨吗?还是我在做梦☆ Did you say that you were going with me tonight or did I dream it(= am I wrong) 你说过你今晚和我一起去,还是我弄错了?最简单的“dream”用法:☆ Good night – sweet dreams!晚安――祝你做一个甜美的梦!☆ Have nice dreams!做个好梦!最特别的用法梦中情人,佳境,美境,特别令人满意、出色或美丽的人或物:☆ Our new car runs like a dream.我们的新车开起来好极了☆ Our vacation was like a dream. We had perfect weather every day.我们的假期棒极了,每天都有特别好的天气。超级王牌句型一:dream of/about:☆ I dreamed about my teacher last night. 昨天夜里我梦见我的老师了。 ☆ I dreamed about my grandfather last night.昨晚我梦见我爷爷了。☆ When you are young you dream about all sorts of things.人年轻的时候总会有各种各样美好的向往。【疯狂联想】谁都不会例外,每个人的心中都有各种各样的梦。只要还有梦,人生就是美好的。☆ I dream of becoming the best football player in China. 我梦想成为全城最好的足球队员。☆ I dream of one day working for myself and not having a boss.我梦想有一天为自己工作,不再有老板。☆ The soldiers often dreamed about their family and friends at home.士兵们经常梦见家乡的家人和朋友们。☆ When I was little I used to dream about having the money to buy all the toys and candy that I wanted.小时候我常常渴望能够有钱买所有我想要的糖果。【疯狂联想】这是每一个小孩的梦想。Kim’s Note:Dreams definitely change as we get older. I’m sure many people can remember a time when this was what they dreamed of. 随着人们长大,梦想当然也会改变。我相信很多人都会记得当年他们也有着这样的梦想。☆ When I was young I dreamed of becoming a great spy. Now, I’m an FBI agent. I guess you could say that my dream came true.我小时候就梦想着当个伟大的间谍,如今我是个 FBI特工。我想你可以说我的梦想成真了。【疯狂联想】这样的经历可不是每个人都有的,但你也不妨做个这样的梦。超级王牌句型二:It has long been one’s dream to do sth.☆ It has long been her dream to marry Bill Gates.嫁给比尔·盖茨是她长久以来的梦想。☆ It has long been her dream to be an actress.当演员是她长久以来的梦想。☆ It had always been our dream to take the children to the Great Wall.带孩子们去长城曾经一直是我们的理想。超级王牌句型三:I never dreamed that…/of…☆ I never dreamed that such a thing could happen to me! 我做梦也没想到这种事会发生在我身上!【疯狂短评】最挑战的句子Most Challenging and Show-off Sentence。☆ I never dreamed that such a thing could happen!我从没想到这种事竟会发生!☆ I never dreamed that I would see you again.我从来没想到过我还会再见到你。Kim’s Note:This is a classic, romantic, movie sentence. Long-lost lovers always use this sentence when they are reunited. 这是句经典、浪漫的电影台词。久别重逢的恋人们总是在见面的时候说这句话。☆ I never dreamed that I could speak good English. Crazy English changed my life.我从来没想过我能说好英语。疯狂英语改变了我的人生。☆ A: I never dreamed of hurting you. I’m so sorry.我从没想过伤害你。【疯狂短评】A good way to apologize.道歉的好方式。 B: I never thought the man of my dreams could treat me so badly!我从来没想过我的梦中情人会对我如此糟糕!☆ A: Your son is a nightmare!你儿子简直是个恶梦!B: I never dreamed that he would behave so badly. I’m so embarrassed.我做梦都没想到他会表现得如此恶劣。我很难堪。【疯狂联想】A good way to make an excuse or to show understanding. For example, when parents talk to teachers, friends talk to each other about their husbands or boyfriends. 找借口或表示理解的好方式。比如说,当父母跟老师谈话时,朋友们彼此交谈关于他们的丈夫或男朋友时。超级王牌句型四:of one’s dreams (= the best that you can imagine; sth. you always long for)☆ I finally got the job of my dreams.我终于得到了我梦寐以求的工作。☆ Win the house of your dreams in our fantastic contest!参加我们精彩的比赛,你会赢得梦想中的美宅!☆ Build the life of your dreams with the help of Crazy English.用疯狂英语帮助你建立梦想中的人生。☆ I thought I married the man of my dreams, but he turned out to be a real nightmare! Now I dream of getting divorced as quickly as possible.我以为我嫁给了我的梦中情人,但却发现他是个真正的恶梦!现在我常梦想着尽快离婚。超级王牌句型五:with a dream of…☆ A: Those foreign experts have come to China with a dream of helping Chinese to speak better English.那些外国专家怀着帮中国人把英语说得更好的梦想来到中国。B: We all share the same dream.我们有着共同的梦想。☆ A:With dreams of improving their lives and finding their fortunes, thousands of farmers flooded into Beijing.怀着改善生活发财致富的梦想,成千上万的农民涌进了北京。B: Beijing is a city of dreams.北京是个梦之都。超级王牌句型六:put an end to one’s dream of…☆ This would put an end to their dream of world domination.这将结束他们主宰世界的梦想。【疯狂联想】这个句子适用于美国和前苏联。☆ The accident put an end to my dream of becoming an Olympic athlete.那次事故结束了我成为一名奥运选手的梦想。超级王牌句型七:a dream come true☆ Receiving this award is just like a dream come true.得到这个奖项真像是梦想成真。☆ Getting into Beijing University is my dream come true.去北京大学读书让我的梦想成真。超级王牌句型八:realize/fulfil one’s dream☆ I don’t have to go to America to realize my dreams. I can make my dreams come true here in China.我不需要去美国实现我的梦想,我在中国就可以让我的梦想成真。☆ You need a college degree to fulfil your dream of becoming a teacher.你需要先得到一个大学学位才能实现你做老师的梦想。超级王牌句型九:beyond one’s wildest dreams☆ He succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.他万万没想到他会成功。☆ My boss offered me a salary beyond my wildest dreams.我老板给我提供了我万万梦想不到的高薪。超级王牌句型十:must have dreamed/have been dreaming最有用的句子Most Useful Sentence:☆ I never said that! You must have been dreaming.我没说过那话!你一定是在做梦。【疯狂联想】A good way to avoid responsibility. 逃避责任的好方式。☆ I certainly didn't promise you the money; you must have dreamed it.我肯定没有答应过给你那笔钱,准是你自己在胡思乱想。【疯狂联想】A good way to deny something. 否认某件事的好方式。☆ A:I thought I’d bought some condoms but it seems I haven’t — I must have dreamed it. 我以为自己已经买了避孕套,现在看来还没有买,我准是在做梦。B: Then if you think you’re having sex with me, you’re dreaming!如果你以为你要跟我做爱,那你是在做梦!【公益广告】防止艾滋病,请用避孕套!最有力的句子Most Powerful Sentences:☆ Stop dreaming and get to work!别做白日梦了,去工作!☆ You’re dreaming if you think you can go to the United States.如果你以为自己能去美国,那真是白日做梦。☆ A:When I’ve made lots of money, I’ll spend six months of the year on vacation.等我挣了大钱,我会花半年时间来度假。B: Dream on, Dave!大卫,那是不可能的!☆ A:I think I can learn to speak good English in one month.我觉得我可以在一个月里学会说一口流利的英语。B: In your dreams.做梦吧。☆ A:I think I can make a lot of money in this business.我觉得可以在这门生意里赚很多钱。B: You must be dreaming.你一定是在做梦吧。一个典型的故事 A Typical Success StoryWhen I was a little boy, I always dreamed of becoming a professional athlete. Michael Jordan was my idol. But unfortunately I became an accountant, and I got married to another accountant. It’s such a boring job. I just didn’t have that talent and strong will that it takes to become a professional athlete. I hope my son will realize my dream. Who knowsMaybe I’d better let him chase his own dream. Anyway, it’s so important to have a dream in life. Now my dream is for my son to be successful.【李阳疯狂英语“三最”训练记录为:16秒】【李阳疯狂英语“一口气”训练记录为: 1口气】我小时候总是梦想要做一名职业运动员。迈克尔·乔丹是我的偶像。不幸的是我成为一名会计,我还娶了另一个会计。这工作真是无聊透顶。我就是没有成为一名职业运动员的天份,也没有那种强烈的意志。我希望我儿子能实现我的梦想。但谁知道呢?也许我该让他追寻自己的梦想。不管怎么说,人生必须要有梦想。现在我的梦想是让我的儿子成功。和“dream”有关的词汇Words Associated with Dream:Daydream (做白日梦)means to think pleasant thoughts when you’re awake and when you should be paying attention to something else.Daydream指在醒着的时候或者在应该注意其他事情的时候想愉快的事情。☆ I couldn’t pay attention during the meeting. I was too busy daydreaming about my vacation.开会的时候我无法集中思想,我正忙于做着去度假的白日梦呢。Nightmare (梦魇,噩梦;使人极其痛苦的事情或经历)means a dream arousing feelings of intense fear, horror, and distress or an event or experience that is intensely distressing.Nightmare指引起极度的害怕、恐惧或悲痛的梦,或者是让人非常痛苦的事件或经历。☆ He woke up from a nightmare, trembling with fear.他从噩梦中惊醒,因为恐惧而吓得发抖。☆ Years after my terrible car accident I still have nightmares about it.那次可怕的汽车事故后过了很多年,我还是会做恶梦。最后一步:疯狂练嘴☆ She thinks he is in love with her, but it’s only a dream.她以为他爱上了她,但那只是个幻想而已。☆ I keep having the same dream about trying to get across a deep river.我老做同样的梦,梦见我费力地想过一条很深的河。【梦的解析】This dream probably means you are having serious problems during the day. The deep water stands for deep trouble in your daily life.这个梦很可能表明你在白天有着严重的问题。深水表示你日常生活中的大麻烦。另外“deep”和“river”是练习长短音的最佳组合。☆ Space travel used to be just a dream.太空旅行过去只是个梦想而已。☆ It has long been a dream of mine to retire and live by the sea. 退休后去海边生活是我的夙愿。☆ Her dream of success kept her from quitting.她渴望成功的梦想使她不愿辞职。☆ Becoming the President is the dream of my lifetime.成为总统是我毕生的愿望。☆ John lives in a dream.约翰生活在梦幻中。☆ The boy had dreams of being a hero.这孩子梦想当英雄。☆ Is life really an empty dream 人生果真空如梦吗?☆ The first few days of their romance had been like a dream. But the dream didn’t last.他们开始几天的浪漫温馨曾是那么的完美,但这美梦却没能持续多久。☆ He let me drive his new car last night — it drives like a dream.昨晚他让我开他的新车,真是棒极了。☆ I will never stop pursuing my dreams.我永远都不会停止追求我的梦想。☆ The American dream means anyone can be successful if they work hard. “美国梦”是指任何人只要努力工作都能成功。☆ Man should always have big dreams.人应该有远大的理想。☆ My childhood dream was to be a policeman.我孩提时的梦想是当一名警察。☆ I can’t sleep because I have bad dreams every night.我睡不好因为我每晚都做恶梦。☆ The child woke up in the middle of a bad dream.孩子被恶梦惊醒。☆ You crushed my dreams with your cruel remark.你残忍的话粉碎了我的梦想。☆ Don’t rob me of my dreams, they’re all I have left right now.不要抢走我的梦,它们是我现在仅有的东西了。☆ Don’t spoil my dreams with all your negative talk.不要用你负面的谈话破坏我的梦想。☆ I ruined my father’s dreams of having a doctor for a son when I dropped out of college.我退出了大学,这粉碎了我父亲希望有个儿子当一名医生的梦想。☆ When you woke me, you interrupted a wonderful dream.你把我叫醒了,打断了我的好梦。☆ It’s a terrible thing to lose your dreams.失去梦想是很可怕的事。☆ You can say what you want, but you can’t stop me from dreaming.你爱怎么说就怎么说,但你不能让我停止梦想。



Dream vi.梦想;做梦;梦见;想到vt.& vi.做梦,向往vt.梦想;做梦;想到n.梦想;愿望;梦adj.梦的;理想的;不切实际的


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