






Manchester College History Manchester College traces its origin to the Roanoke Classical Seminary founded by the United Brethren Church in Roanoke, Indiana in 1860.The seminary became Manchester College when it was moved to North Manchester, Indiana in 1889.Representatives of the Church of the Brethren purchased the campus in 1895 and deeded it to four State Districts of the Church in 1902.The number of supporting districts increased until, by 1932, Manchester College served the five-state area of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Rapid growth of the public high school and increasing interest in higher education resulted in a gradual shift of emphasis from an academy and Bible school to a college of liberal arts.The academy was discontinued in 1923.Mount Morris College in Mount Morris, Illinois, merged with Manchester College in 1932.Founded as a Methodist seminary in 1839, Mount Morris had been purchased by representatives of the Church of the Brethren in 1879 and operated under the name of the Rock River Seminary and College Institute until 1844, when the name was changed to Mount Morris College.The merger of Mount Morris College and Manchester College came about when the Church of the Brethren decided its educational program would be strengthened by pooling its resources in a smaller number of colleges.The relationship of Manchester College with the Church of the Brethren continues. The College accents this relationship and welcomes students of all faiths to its campus. Manchester College has been accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (159 N. Dearborn, Chicago, IL 60601, 312-263-0456) since 1932.The teacher education program is accredited by the Indiana Professional Standards Board and by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education at the baccalaureate level.The baccalaureate level social work program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.Manchester College holds membership in many organizations related to higher education. Welcome to Manchester College! Welcome to Manchester College, the college that transforms lives! We invite you to explore our web site and to visit our campus – you'll sense the energy of Manchester College.Our students understand that need to prepare for their careers, and they also appreciate that new learning itself expands their lives.What is so transforming about Manchester CollegeOur students want to make a difference in the world Our faculty are scholars and teachers and mentors Our campus combines its peaceful setting with easy access to major cities Our students live on campus, learning what it means to live in community Our students have amazing internships and opportunities to study abroad Our students, regardless of major, are active in choirs, jazz bands, athletics, multicultural clubs, drama, Mock Trial team, Model U.N., and many other activities Our seniors get jobs within six months of graduation – at a rate of at least 95 percent But please, see for yourself! We hope you will schedule a visit soon to Manchester College, or roam our web site to learn about our academic programs, student activities, construction projects, study abroad, athletics, concerts, and more. Service is a 100-years-strong commitment of the graduates of Manchester College. Our graduates are known worldwide for their work with people in need. This service is amazingly varied – medical service for the poor, tax consulting to nonprofit organizations, teaching in schools for disadvantaged children, pastoring churches through the country, pro bono legal assistance to those who can't afford to pay an attorney ... Manchester College graduates are continually finding fresh ways to give back, to share, to accept the demands of responsible citizenship. A key phrase in our Mission is to graduate persons of ability and conviction. That dual commitment is our transforming power.We hope this commitment incites you to learn more about Manchester College and to stay in touch.



Introduction to the University of ManchesterManchester University, founded back in 1851 and granted its royal charter in 1903, is a giant of the north in a great student city. Living and studying here may change your life. There are more than 15,000 undergraduates and it attracts more applicants than any other university. Perhaps this is because of the good mix of arts and sciences that the university provides, as well as access to outstanding facilities, such as the third largest university library in the UK, the Jodrell Bank Science Centre with its radio telescope and 6,000 PCs clustered across the campus. Rutherford split the atom here and, on a pragmatic note, first years are guaranteed university accommodation. The students' union has four bars and two venues for live music, and there are over 100 student societies. All this goes some way to explaining Manchester's popularity. But one of the university's other assets is the city itself and all that goes on there. Sophisticated but homely, cosmopolitan but northern, you cannot deny Manchester's buzz or its unparalleled music and club scene. The university feeds off this, counting such glamorous cats as the Chemical Brothers, Sleeper's Louise Wener and MP Nick Brown among its alumni. The last was a stalwart of the Northern Soul scene, always ready with his talcum powder to demonstrate some trouser-splitting new move to awed onlookers. The final piece of the jigsaw in explaining rainy Manchester's charms are not the figures on burglary or car crime in student areas, but the surveys published yearly announcing that students there have more sex and take more drugs than the rest of the student population of Britain.大学介绍大学位于曼彻斯特市市中心。曼彻斯特是英国最生机勃勃和重要的城市之一,也是国际公认的技术、工业和学习中心之一,备受英国本国和海外学生的青睐。在流行文化、尤其是音乐、时装、设计、当然还有足球等方面可与伦敦相媲美。而且,生活费用较低,人们普遍热情、好客,在这两个方面要优于伦敦。该市的中国城之大仅次于伦敦,这里各种风味的地道中国餐馆比比皆是。众所周知,曼城还是世界最有名气的足球队之一-曼联队的故乡!它也是个科技城市。令该市引以自豪的是,这里是世界上许多最重要的技术公司所在地,而且仍然是在世界上确有重要地位的科研中心之一。该市周围是美丽的田园风光,附近有著名的四大天然景区,即皮克高原、柴郡平原、奔宁山脉和兰开厦沼地。大学历史该大学成立于1851年,是随着“工业革命”发展起来的首批主要公立大学之一,也是英国比较老的红砖大学之一。曼彻斯特是在英国高等教育领域有着重要作用的城市之一。拜伦卢瑟福就是在这里首先发现了原子裂变现象,而世界第一部现代计算机也是于1948年在这里诞生。曼彻斯特大学教师和学生中的诺贝尔奖获得者多达20人。学校设施生气勃勃、紧凑而整洁的中心校园就坐落在市中心地区。所有主要系别、图书馆、学生会和一些宿舍均设在该校园内,而且最近又新建了一个语言教学中心和一个一流的信息技术中心。图书馆藏书三百五十余万卷,是英国的第三大图书馆。所有藏书均可通过公用联机图书目录查询系统进行查阅。正如您可能预料的那样,曾经发明过计算机的这所高等学府的信息技术设施在英国是无与伦比的!所有学生均可通过遍布全校的6000多个终端免费上网和收发电子邮件,这些终端包括各个系别的计算机网络系统和图书馆内的公用网络系统。曼大计算学,即该大学的信息技术系,是一个闻名于世的信息技术研究中心,可使用户利用各系、全校、全国、甚至国际机构的各种信息服务。大学学生会是全国最大的一个,而且无论是在社交活动还是在政治方面都非常活跃。许多乐队都曾在可容纳1,200名观众、名为学园的俱乐部内进行过演出,这里也是著名的Tropicana俱乐部夜总会之家。学生会大楼内还有3个酒吧和一个咖啡厅。作为一个全国最大的学生会,各种学生俱乐部和会社五花八门,而且所有学生均可参加。该校还有一个一流的学生广播站和办得最好的学生报之一,学生戏剧和表演艺术也享誉整个英国和欧洲。开设的课程该大学开设的学士、授课式和研究式硕士课程领域非常广泛,而且标准很高。该校的商科、计算、法律、戏剧与电影、音乐,以及机械工程等许多学科领域的课程质量均居于英国各大学的前10名。住与食曼彻斯特大学和曼大理工学院有一个共用膳宿服务系统。所有的外国学生保证可住校至少两年,很快还会承诺在整个三年的学习期间均可住校。大学和学院还通过其膳宿服务系统-“曼彻斯特学生之家”在随后的任何一年为学生寻找较便宜的住所;曼大的学生宿舍设备一流,有厨房、电视室、酒吧间、洗衣房、电话和互联网等设施。该大学的膳宿有三类:(1)提供饮食和服务的学生宿舍,每学年2,150英镑;(2)自供饮食的学生宿舍,每学年1,300英镑;(3)学生公寓套房,每学年约1,000多英镑。校园生活大部分学生和年青人都认为曼彻斯特是个好去处!这里的夜生活在英国是无与伦比的,这里有着优于任何其它大学城的俱乐部、酒吧和酒楼。市中心已经整修一新,这里有美术馆、剧院、博物馆和特拉福德古建筑(Old Trafford)、著名的曼联队足球场等等,所有这些使该市成为英国最令人兴奋的城市之一。曼大还有自己的大面积室外体育场以及停船场所、游艇俱乐部、网球场和有壁球设施的室内体育中心、健身中心、壁球场、游泳池、攀登墙、桑拿和日光浴室等等。


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