
爱丁堡大学的MSc 设计 与 数字 媒体具体学的是什么内容



爱丁堡大学的MSc 设计 与 数字 媒体具体学的是什么内容求高手给解答



数字媒体艺术(数字影视与网络视频制作方向) 【初复试合并考试】 面试 ①自我介绍(中英文自选)②回答考官提问:初步考查考生的专业认知、交流能力、创新能力及知识面,并对考生心理素质和性格特征进行考查 ③才艺展示:考生展示个人创作的作品或获奖证书,并可现场展示自己在美术、音乐、文学、影视、计算机等方面的才艺。

考官可根据实际情况要求考生进行现场命题创作,如编故事、创意设计、电脑制作、命题作文等。专业笔试 综合能力考试 ①短片分析:观看短片(10分钟以内),从视听语言及风格、叙事结构、制作特点等角度进行分析。在此基础上画出一场戏的分镜头(镜头顺序示意图),如不能用绘画表现可用文字表达 ②综合能力测试:重点考查学生的知识面和逻辑分析能力。文化笔试 考试内容为高中文化课中的语文、英语、数学。数字媒体艺术(网络媒体设计方向) 【初复试合并考试】 面试 ① 自我介绍(中、英文自选)②回答考官提问:初步考查考生的专业兴趣、交流能力、逻辑思维能力、想象力及知识面 ③专长展示:考生展示自己在计算机、美术、音乐、文学、影视等方面的专长、个人创作作品或相关证书。考官可根据考生的实际特长,要求考生进行现场命题创 作,如创意设计、电脑制作、程序设计等。专业笔试 专业能力考试 ①互联网基本常识考查 ②综合能力测试:重点考查学生的知识面、创意思维能力以及逻辑分析能力 ③材料评述:根据一段互联网行业的热点事件文字材料展开评述,重点考查学生的思辨能力以及文字表达能力。文化笔试 考试内容为高中文化课中的语文、英语、数学。录取:数字媒体艺术(数字影视与网络视频制作方向)、数字媒体艺术(网络媒体设计方向) 按文科和理科分别排队录取。其中文科或文科综合类考生的招生人数不超过本专业计划总数的1/3, 并要求考生数学高考成绩达到学校确定的本专业最低录取分数线。参加数字影视制作类、网络媒体艺术类“小白杨奖”决赛者,须报名参加相应数字媒体艺术(数字 影视与网络视频制作方向)、数字媒体艺术(网络媒体设计方向)专业考试并获得本专业考试合格证及相应类别“小白杨奖”后,在考生折算比值达到学校确定的本 专业最低折算比值情况下,按照折算比值从高到低择优录取。折算比值=考生文化考试成绩÷考生所在省本科一批录取控制分数线。

爱丁堡大学的MSc 设计 与 数字 媒体具体学的是什么内容


英国爱丁堡大学的设计与数字媒体专业MSc Design and Digital Media,在爱丁堡艺术学院,是个跨学科的专业。这个课程主要学的内容如下: 媒体与文化互动设计媒体动态网页设计数字建模与动画设计概论设计与数字媒体:毕业设计


以下这是官方的描述:Programme description

This is a unique programme of study that addresses the growing need for professional education in digital technology applied to design, including its social, cultural and philosophical implications.

Based in a lively studio environment, the programme develops wide skills in digital techniques and a critical framework to appraise the application of these technologies to design.

The programme addresses the needs of practitioners, managers, decision-makers and educators who want to be informed by first-hand knowledge of the technical possibilities of digital technology and an awareness of social, cultural and business contexts.

Learning outcomes

Students will:

acquire a broadly based foundation in design technologies

develop their ability to work cooperatively in groups in the context of design

develop understanding of the potential for new technologies and their new creative uses

enable the use of existing digital design techniques in a creative way

develop skills in entrepreneurial thinking and business planning

find an analytical and critical framework to develop fresh thinking in design

Entry requirements

Normally a UK 2:1 honours degree or its international equivalent. The subject discipline is not as important as aptitude and commitment to study in this area.

We may also consider your application if you have equivalent professional experience; please contact us to check before you apply.

International qualifications

Check whether your international qualifications meet our general entry requirements:

Entry requirements by country

English language requirements

All applicants must have one of the following qualifications as evidence of their English language ability:

an undergraduate or masters degree, that was taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country as defined by UK Visas and Immigration

UKVIlist of majority English speaking countries

IELTS: total 6.5 (at least 6.0 in each module)

TOEFL-iBT: total 92 (at least 20 in each module)

PTE(A): total 61 (at least 56 in each of the "Communicative Skills" sections)

CAEandCPE: total 176 (at least 169 in each module)

TrinityISE:ISEII with distinctions in all four components

Degrees taught and assessed in English must be no more than two and a half years old at the beginning of your degree programme. Language tests must be no more than two years old at the beginning of your degree programme.











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