同志们!今天是我们在严重条件下来庆祝十月革命二十四周年。德寇背信弃义的进攻,及其强迫我们进行的战争,造成了威胁我国的危险。我们暂时失去了一些区域,敌人已经进犯到列宁格勒和莫斯科的门前。敌人指望在第一次打击之后,我们国家立即屈膝投降。可是,敌人大大的失算了。我们的陆军和海军虽然遭到暂时的失利,但还是在全部战线上英勇的击退着敌人的攻击,给敌人以严重损失,并且我们的国家,我们全国组成了统一的战斗阵营,以便我们陆军和海军一起实行粉碎德国侵略者。我国有过比现在处境更加危急的时日。试回忆1918年,我们庆祝十月革命周年纪念时的情况吧。当时我国四分之三的领土都落在外国武装干涉者手中。我们暂时失去了乌克兰、高加索、中亚细亚、乌拉尔、西伯利亚和远东等地区。当时我们没有联盟者,没有红军——我们才开始创建红军——粮食不足,武器不够,被服缺少。当时有十四个国家围攻我国。可是我们不曾灰心,不曾丧气。当时我们在战争的火焰中组织了红军,并把我国变成军营。当时,伟大的列宁精神鼓舞了我们去进行战争反对武装干涉者。结果怎样呢?我们击溃了武装干涉者,收回了一切失地,并争得了胜利。我国现时的状况要比二十三年前要好得多。我国比之二十三年前,无论就工业、粮食或原料方面来说,都要富足许多倍。我们现在有同盟国与我们结成反对德国侵略者的统一战线。我们现在有陷入希特勒暴政压迫下的欧洲各国人民的同情和拥护。我们现在有精良的陆海军挺身保卫祖国的自由和独立。我们无论在粮食、武器或被服方面都不感严重的缺乏。我们全国,我国各族人民都一致支援我们的陆军和海军,帮助他们粉碎德国法西斯的侵略匪军。我们的人员后备是无穷无尽的。现在伟大列宁的精神和他胜利的旗帜,也如二十三年前那样,鼓舞我们去进行卫国战争。我们能够并且一定战胜德国侵略者,这样难道可以怀疑么?敌人并不像某些惊慌失措的知识分子所形容的那样厉害。鬼并不像人们所描述的那样可怕。谁能否认,我们红军曾屡次把轰动一时的德军击得仓皇逃窜呢?如果不妄信德国宣传家的夸张声明,而去按照德国真实状况来判断,那就不难了解德国法西斯侵略者是处在大破产的面前。现在德国笼罩着饥饿和贫困,在四个月的战争中,德国损失了四百五十万士兵,德国流血殆尽,他的人员后备正在穷竭,愤恨的精神不仅浸入到那些陷在德国侵略者压迫下的欧洲各国人民中,而且浸入到感于战争结束无期的德国本国人民中。德国侵略者正在紧张其最后的力量。毫无疑义,德国决不能长久支持这种紧张局面。再过几个月,再过半年,也许一年——而希特勒德国就定会在其深重罪孽下破碎的。红军和红海军战士,指挥员和政治工作人员,游击队男女队员同志们!全世界都望着你们,认定你们是能够消灭德国侵略者匪军的力量。陷在德国侵略者枷锁下被奴役的欧洲各国人民都指望着你们,认定你们是他们的解放者。伟大的解放使命落到你们的肩上。要不愧为这个使命的承担者呵!你们所进行的战争是解放的战争,正义的战争。让我们的伟大祖先亚历山大-涅夫斯基、季米特里-顿斯科伊、库兹马-米宁、季米特里-波札尔斯基、亚历山大-苏沃洛夫、米哈伊尔-库图佐夫的英姿,在这次战争中鼓舞着你们吧!让伟大列宁的胜利旗帜指引着你们吧!为完全粉碎德寇而战!消灭德寇!我们光荣的祖国万岁!我们祖国的自由和独立万岁!在列宁旗帜下向胜利前进!JOSEPH STALIN'S SPEECH ON RED SQUARE ON ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF THE OCTOBER REVOLUTIONNovember 7, 1941Comrades, Red Army and Red Navy men, commanders and political instructors, men and women workers, men and women collective farmers, intellectuals, brothers and sisters in the enemy rear who have temporarily fallen under the yoke of the German brigands, our glorious men and women guerrillas who are disrupting the rear of the German invaders!On behalf of the Soviet Government and our Bolshevik Party I greet you and congratulate you on the 24th anniversary of the great October Socialist Revolution.Comrades, today we must celebrate the 24th anniversary of the October Revolution in difficult conditions. The German brigands' treacherous attack and the war that they forced upon us have created a threat to our country. We have temporarily lost a number of regions, and the enemy is before the gates of Leningrad and Moscow.The enemy calculated that our army would be dispersed at the very first blow and our country forced to its knees. But the enemy wholly miscalculated. Despite temporary reverses, our army and our navy are bravely beating off enemy attacks along the whole front, inflicting heavy losses, while our country-our whole country-has organized itself into a single fighting camp in order, jointly with our army and navy, to rout the German invaders.There was a time when our country was in a still more difficult position. Recall the year 1918, when we celebrated the first anniversary of the October Revolution. At that time three-quarters of our country was in the hands of foreign interventionists. We had temporarily lost the Ukraine, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. We had no allies, we had no Red Army-we had only just begun to create it-and we experienced a shortage of bread, a shortage of arms, a shortage of equipment.At that time 14 states were arrayed against our country, but we did not become despondent or downhearted. In the midst of the conflagration of war we organized the Red Army and converted our country into a military camp. The spirit of the great Lenin inspired us at that time for the war against the interventionists.And what happenedWe defeated the interventionists, regained all our lost territories and achieved victory.Today our country is in a far better position than it was 23 years ago. Today it is many times richer in industry, food and raw materials. Today we have allies who jointly with us form a united front against the German invaders. Today we enjoy the sympathy and support of all the peoples of Europe fallen under the yoke of Fascist tyranny. Today we have a splendid army and a splendid navy, defending the freedom and independence of our country with their lives. We experience no serious shortage either of food or of arms or equipment.Our whole country, all the peoples of our country, are backing our army and our navy, helping them smash the Nazi hordes. Our reserves in manpower are inexhaustible. The spirit of the great Lenin inspires us for our patriotic war today as it did 23 years ago.Is it possible, then, to doubt that we can and must gain victory over the German invadersThe enemy is not as strong as some terror-stricken pseudo-intellectuals picture him. The devil is not as terrible as he is painted. Who can deny that our Red Army has more than once put the much-vaunted German troops to panicky flight If one judges by Germany's real position and not by the boastful assertions of German propagandists, it will not be difficult to see that the Nazi German invaders are facing disaster.Hunger and poverty reign in Germany. In four and a half months of war Germany has lost four and a half million soldiers. Germany is bleeding white; her manpower is giving out. A spirit of revolt is gaining possession not only of the nations of Europe under the German invaders' yoke, but of the Germans themselves, who see no end to the war.The German invaders are straining their last forces. There is no doubt that Germany cannot keep up such an effort for any long time. Another few months, another half year, one year perhaps-and Hitlerite Germany must collapse under the weight of its own crimes.Comrades, Red Army and Red Navy men, commanders and political instructors, men and women guerrillas!The whole world is looking to you as a force capable of destroying the brigand hordes of German invaders. The enslaved peoples of Europe under the yoke of the German invaders are looking to you as their liberators. A great mission of liberation has fallen to your lot.Be worthy of this mission! The war you are waging is a war of liberation, a just war. Let the heroic images of our great ancestors-Alexander Nevsky, Dmitri Donskoi, Kusma Minin, Dmitri Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov-inspire you in this war!Let the victorious banner of the great Lenin fly over your heads!Utter destruction to the German invaders!Death to the German armies of occupation!Long live our glorious motherland, her freedom and her independence!Under the banner of Lenin-onward to victory!