









加拿大教育由各省负责,联邦政府不设教育部。由于加拿大地域广阔,各省之间经济发展水平参差不齐, 各省建立了适合自身发展、相对独立的教育体制。总体上,加拿大高等教育保持较高的水准,每年吸引众多海外学子前来求学和深造。 加拿大政府认可的高等教育机构分为大学(University)和社区学院(College)等。加拿大大学绝大多数是公立大学,攻读本科一般需要3-4年,硕士研究生需要1-2年;博士研究生需要3年。社区学院侧重培养应用性专业技术人才,一般期限为2至3年。该类学校一般提供大专文凭与各种证书,不颁发学位,但可以选择一些以后可转读大学深造的课程,学制为1至2年,学完后可转入正规大学二、三年级继续攻读本科课程。目前,在加拿大以公司形式注册的私立学校数以千计,其专业、学科设置和教师资格等方面尚无有效监控。因此,中国学生在申请这些私立学校时,需要十分谨慎。

二、名单大学 (University)Alberta University of Alberta University of CalgaryUniversity of LethbridgeBritish Columbia Royal Roads UniversitySimon Fraser UniversityThe University of British ColumbiaTrinity Western UniversityUniversity of VictoriaUniversity of Northern British ColumbiaManitobaBrandon UniversityThe University of ManitobaThe University of WinnipegNew BrunswickUniversité de MonctonMount Alison UniversityUniversity of New BrunswickSt. Thomas UniversityNewfoundland & LabradorMemorial University of Newfoundland Nova ScotiaAcadia UniversityDalhousie UniversityMount Saint Vincent UniversityNSCAD UniversitySaint Mary's UniversitySt. Francis Xavier UniversityUniversité Sainte-AnneOntarioBrock UniversityCarleton UniversityLakehead UniversityLaurentian UniversityMcMaster UniversityNipissing UniversityQueen's UniversityRyerson UniversitySaint Paul UniversitySt. Jerome's UniversityTrent UniversityUniversity of GuelphUniversity of OttawaUniversity of TorontoUniversity of SudburyUniversity of WaterlooUniversity of Western OntarioUniversity of WindsorWilfrid Laurier UniversityYork UniversityPrince Edward IslandUniversity of Prince Edward IslandQuebec Bishop's UniversityConcordia University HEC Montréal Université Laval McGill University Tele-UniversitéUniversité de Montréal école Polytechnique de Montréal Université du Québec : école nationale d'administration publiqueUniversité du Québec : école de technologie supérieure Université du Québec : Institut national de la recherche scientifique Université du Québec : Télé-université Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Université du Québec à Montréal Université du Québec à Rimouski Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue Université du Québec en Outaouais Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Université du Québec Université de SherbrookeSaskatchewanUniversity of SaskatchewanUniversity of ReginaFirst Nations University of Canada


一、被中国承认的大学可以去中国教育部教育涉外监管信息网查询:二、加拿大被承认大学名单:Algoma University(原为Laurentian University下属学院)Brock UniversityCarleton UniversityLakehead UniversityLaurentian UniversityMcMaster UniversityNipissing UniversityOCAD UniversityQueen’s UniversityRyerson UniversitySaint Paul UniversitySt. Jerome’s UniversityTrent UniversityUniversity of GuelphUniversity of OttawaUniversity of Ontario Institute of TechnologyUniversity of SudburyUniversity of TorontoUniversity of WaterlooUniversity of Western OntarioUniversity of WindsorWilfrid Laurier UniversityYork University安省大学学院名单Brescia University CollegeHuron University CollegeKing’s University College at The University of Western OntarioRedeemer University CollegeUniversity of St. Michael’s CollegeUniversity of Trinity College安省学院及社区学院名单:Algonquin College of Applied Arts and TechnologyCambrian College of Applied Arts and TechnologyCanadore College of Applied Arts and TechnologyCentennial College of Applied Arts and TechnologyCollège BoréalCollège dominicain de philosophie et de théologieConestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningConfederation College of Applied Arts and TechnologyDurham College of Applied Arts and TechnologyFanshawe College of Applied Arts and TechnologyGeorge Brown College of Applied Arts and TechnologyGeorgian College of Applied Arts and TechnologyHumber College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningLa Cité collégialeLambton College of Applied Arts and TechnologyLoyalist College of Applied Arts and TechnologyMohawk College of Applied Arts and TechnologyNiagara College of Applied Arts and TechnologyNorthern College of Applied Arts and TechnologyRCC Institute of Technology,Division of YorkvilleSault College of Applied Arts and TechnologySeneca College of Applied Arts and TechnologySheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced LearningSir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and TechnologySt. Clair College of Applied Arts and TechnologySt. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology卑诗省大学名单:Capilano University (原Capilano College)Emily Carr University of Art and Design(原 Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design)Kwantlen Polytechnic University (原Kwantlen University College)Royal Roads UniversitySimon Fraser UniversityThe University of British ColumbiaThompson Rivers University(原University College of the Cariboo)Trinity Western UniversityUniversity of Northern British ColumbiaUniversity of the Fraser Valley(原University College of the Fraser Valley)University of VictoriaVancouver Island University (原Malaspina University-College)卑诗省大学学院名单Okanagan University College卑诗省专业学院名单British Columbia Institute of TechnologyJustice Institute of British ColumbiaNicola Valley Institute of Technology卑诗省学院及社区学院名单Camosun CollegeCollege of New CaledoniaCollege of the RockiesDouglas CollegeLangara CollegeNorth Island CollegeNorthern Lights CollegeNorthwest Community CollegeSelkirk CollegeVancouver Community College


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