







牛津大学师资力量雄厚,是研究型的世界顶尖教育机构。【原文】How to applyThe University requires candidates to apply online and for their referees to submit online references. To access the online application system, which is hosted by Embark on behalf of the University, please visit applyonlinePaper applications are only acceptable in exceptional cases where it is not possible for you to apply online. Applicants who have an exceptional need to use a paper application form should use the instructions and form available in our Guidance for paper applications.【翻译】如何申请牛津大学要求申请人在线申请,推荐人允许在线提交推荐信。为了进入网上申请系统(由Embark代表牛津大学主办)只有在特殊情况下才接受书面申请——不能进行网上申请时。有特殊情况需要使用纸质申请表格的申请人应使用指导说明和表格——可以在书面申请指南获取。【原文】In addition to the submission of a completed application form and the application fee, the following materials are compulsory for all applications:§ Three academic references§ Transcript(s) of previous higher education§ CVésumé§ Statement of purposeesearch proposal【翻译】除了提交完成的申请表格和申请费用外,以下材料是申请所必须的:§ 三份推荐信;§ 先前高等教育的成绩单;§ 意向陈述或研究报告。【原文】Applicants may also be required to supply one or more of the following materials with their application, depending on the requirements of the course:· Academic written work· Portfolio (e.g. of artwork, performance recordings)· GRE results· Maths admissions exercise【翻译】申请者可能还需要提交以下其中一项或多项材料,这取决与他们所选的课程要求:学院书面作品;作品集(比如艺术作品,表演记录等);GRE成绩;数学招生测试。【原文】The online application system comprises:§ seven pages of questions, where you will be required to input essential data about your applicationfurther pages allowing you to upload supporting materials for your application§ a reference system requiring you to register your referees' e-mail address and other details, which then allows your referees to log in to the system and submit online references§ an Application Inspector to check that you have answered all mandatory questions§ a declaration for you to read and confirm regarding the information and documentation provided in your application§ If you have technical difficulties or queries regarding the application, you should request support from the Embark Support Centre at embarksupport.zendesk.comA range of assistive measures are in place to support applications from students with disabilities; for example, a paper application will be accepted where necessitated by an applicant’s disability. Further information on this support is available under Guidance for applicants with disabilities.【翻译】网上申请系统包括:§ 七页问答题,你需要输入有关申请的重要信息。§ 另有页面帮助你上传申请的证明文件。§ 推荐系统,要求你注册推荐人的电子邮件地址和其他信息,允许推荐人登录系统并提交在线推荐信。§ 申请检查系统,确认你完成了所有必答问题。§ 帮助阅读和确认你申请中所提供的信息和文件的声明。§ 如果你有任何有关申请的技术性困难或问题,你应该要求Embark支持中心提供帮助。



本科:IELTS成绩要求:听、说、读、写各项成绩不得低于7.0。 硕士:雅思成绩:7.5分以上,听、说、读、写均不得低于7.0。剑桥熟练英语证书考试(CPE):C级以上。牛津大学(University of Oxford),简称牛津,是一所位于英国牛津市的公立大学,建校于1167年,为英语世界中最古老的大学,也是世界上现存第二古老的高等教育机构,是一所在世界上享有顶尖大学声誉、巨大影响力的知名学府。


牛津是世界著名学府,想要去该学校深造的考生就一定要多下功夫,否则是难以实现的。考生也要对其申请条件等有所了解,才能更好备考。牛津大学研究生雅思成绩要求为大家分享,可供参考。牛津大学是世界著名公立研究型大学,也是很多考生想要继续深造的著名学校。留学英国不非易事,而是有一定条件限制的,如语言成绩要求。那么,考生知道牛津大学本科雅思成绩要求是多少吗 本文小编结合牛津官网信息为大家作简单介绍牛津大学研究生雅思成绩要求,希望给想要申请该学校的考生带来一些帮助。首先,我们来看牛津官网信息对雅思成绩要求是如何说明的。Score requirements:The University applies either a standard or a higher level of required ability in English depending on the course. The appropriate level is indicated on each course page.The University only accepts certain standardised tests, with results at or above the following scores:TestStandard level scoresHigher level scoresIELTS Academic7.0Minimum 6.5per component7.5Minimum 7.0per component从官网信息中,我们了解到申请牛津大学需要考生参加标准化测试,考试成绩在或高于所给出的分数要求,如Standard level scores总分为7.0,单项不低于6.5分;Higher level scores总分为7.5,单项不低于7.0分。建议考生在申请牛津大学时,不管什么专业,最好达到7.5分,小分不低于7.0的要求,申请成功的几率会更大一些


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