这是英国儿童文学柳林风声里面摘录的话然后因为提及了牛津大学,文明6里奇观牛津大学里也引用了这个然后就被诸多法师广泛传播了《The Song of Mr Toad》《蟾蜍先生之歌》‘The world has held great Heroes,世界已有英雄As history-books have showed;正如史书记载But never a name to go down to fame仍远远不如Compared with that of Toad!蟾蜍先生的威名‘The clever men at Oxford牛津的智者Know all that there is to be knowed.洞悉世间万物But they none of them know one half as much仍远远不如As intelligent Mr. Toad!蟾蜍先生的智慧‘The animals sat in the Ark and cried,生灵在方舟哭泣Their tears in torrents flowed.眼泪融入洪水Who was it said, “There’s land ahead ”谁指明前方的陆地Encouraging Mr. Toad!是蟾蜍先生!‘The army all saluted士兵们一齐敬礼As they marched along the road.目送那人的身影Was it the KingOr Kitchener 是国王还是大厨 No. It was Mr. Toad.是蟾蜍先生!‘The Queen and her Ladies-in-waiting女王和她的宫女Sat at the window and sewed.在窗边织补She cried, “Look! who’s that handsome man ”她忽地哭泣:「看啊!那英俊的人是谁 」They answered, “Mr. Toad.”「是蟾蜍先生!」她们说。