






Institute of Advanced Legal StudiesSchool of Advanced StudyAmerican InterContinental University - LondonBirkbeck, University of LondonBritish College of Osteopathic MedicineBritish School of OsteopathyBrunel UniversityThe Institute of Cancer ResearchCentral School of Speech and DramaCity UniversityInstitute of Classical StudiesInstitute of Commonwealth StudiesThe Conservatoire for Dance and DramaCourtauld Institute of ArtUniversity of East LondonInstitute of EducationInstitute of English StudiesInstitute of Germanic StudiesGoldsmiths College University of LondonUniversity of GreenwichHeythrop CollegeInstitute of Historical ResearchImperial College LondonKing's College LondonKingston UniversityInstitute of Latin American StudiesLondon Business SchoolLondon Metropolitan UniversityLondon School of Economics and Political ScienceLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineLondon South Bank UniversityUniversity of LondonMiddlesex UniversityOpen UniversitySchool of Oriental and African StudiesSchool of PharmacyQueen Mary, University of LondonRavensbourne College of Design and CommunicationRichmond - The American International University in LondonInstitute of Romance StudiesRoyal Academy of MusicRoyal College of ArtRoyal College of MusicRoyal College of Nursing (RCN) InstituteRoyal Veterinary CollegeSt George's Hospital Medical SchoolSt Mary's CollegeUniversity of Surrey RoehamptonThames Valley UniversityTrinity College of MusicInstitute of United States StudiesUCL (University College London)University of the Arts LondonWarburg InstituteUniversity of WestminsterWimbledon School of Art



伦敦大学(University of London)北伦敦大学(university of north london)伦敦艺术大学-University of the Arts London伦敦城市大学city university london伦敦大学学院university college london伦敦大都市大学london metropolitan university


更多 诺丁汉特伦特大学杜伦大学伦敦大学皇家豪勒威学院谢菲尔德大学布里斯托大学曼彻斯特大学纽卡斯尔大学圣安德鲁大学伦敦国王学院诺丁汉大学华威大学伦敦大学约克大学伦敦经济学院兰卡斯特大学拉夫堡大学


佩服2楼的 人家圣安德鲁在苏格兰呆的好好的 让他一句话 弄伦敦来了。。。。。


问的是伦敦的大学,布里斯托,曼大那些都说进来?晕。 只是伦敦城市里面的话,常规大学有: Imperial College London University College London London School of Economics School of Oriental and African Studies King's College London City University, London Royal Holloway, University of London Queen Mary, University of London Brunel University Goldsmiths College, University of London St Mary's University College, Twickenham Kingston University University of the Arts London University of Westminster Roehampton University Thames Valley University London South Bank University University of Greenwich University of East London Middlesex University London Metropolitan University 在大伦敦郡GREATER LONDON的,有: ALRA (The Academy of Live and Recorded Arts) American InterContinental University - London Barking College British College of Osteopathic Medicine Brooklands College Brunel University British School of Osteopathy Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College (Uxbridge College) Capel Manor College, Enfield, Middlesex CECOS London College of IT and Management Central School of Speech and Drama City University Courtauld Institute of Art (University of London) Croydon College University of Cumbria (Tower Hamlets) Ealing, Hammersmith and West London College East End Computing and Business College University of East London European Business School, London European School of Economics Gateway School of Recording Goldsmiths College (University of London) University of Greenwich Greenwich School of Management Havering College of Further and Higher Education (Thames Gateway College) University of Hertfordshire (Barnet College) Heythrop College (University of London) Holborn College Imperial College London (University of London) Islamic College for Advanced Studies Kensington College of Business King's College London (University of London) Kingston University London Metropolitan University London School of Business and Computing London School of Commerce London School of Science and Technology London School of Economics and Political Science (University of London) London South Bank University Middlesex University Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts Newham College of Further Education University of London Institute in Paris Queen Mary, University of London Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication Regents Business School London Richmond, The American International University in London Roehampton University Rose Bruford College Royal Academy of Dance Royal Veterinary College (University of London) SAE Institute School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London) The School of Pharmacy (University of London) St Martin's College, Lancaster; Ambleside; Carlisle; London (accredited college of Lancaster Univ) (Tower Hamlets) Southwark College St George's, University of London (formerly St George's Hospital Medical School) St Mary's College (now St Mary's University College, Twickenham) Thames Valley University University of the Arts London University College London (University of London) Uxbridge College University of Westminster Westminster Kingsway College West Thames College 另外还有主流的,跟一开始的有些重复的(含The Guardian ,The Times跟 The Sunday Times排名): University of the Arts London (60, 59, 67) Birkbeck, University of London (often not included in rankings as delivers part-time education) Brunel University ¹ (50, 51, 49) City University, London ¹ ² (28, 40, 50) University of East London (119, 99, 108) Goldsmiths, University of London (52, 52, 46) University of Greenwich (114, 109, 109) Imperial College London ¹ ³ (3, 3, 4) King's College London ³ (12, 10, 12) Kingston University ¹ (77, 80, 77) London Metropolitan University (refuses to participate in rankings) London School of Economics ³ (6, 4, 3) London South Bank University (105, 103, 111) Middlesex University¹ ² (120, 108, 117) Queen Mary, University of London ³ (42, 42, 34) Roehampton University (101, 71, 96) Royal Holloway, University of London (37, 24, 33) School of Oriental and African Studies ³ (11, 18, 24) St Mary's University College, Twickenham (72, not listed, 75) Thames Valley University (102, 111, 107) University College London ³ (5, 6, 5) University of Westminster (88, 91, 89) 也有些不大常规(只提供少数课程的大学): Central School of Speech and Drama (theatre) Conservatoire for Dance and Drama (dance and drama) - made up of a range of institutions, those in London are Central School of Ballet, The Circus Space, London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, London Contemporary Dance School, Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance, and Royal Academy of Dramatic Art Courtauld Institute of Art (history of art) Guildhall School of Music and Drama (music and drama) European Business School London (under-graduate & post-graduate business with languages) Heythrop College (theology) Regent's Business School (under-graduate business school) Institute of Cancer Research (medical research) Institute of Education (post-graduate teacher education) London Business School ¹ ² (post-graduate business school) London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (medical) Open University in London Royal Academy of Music (music) Royal College of Art (art and design) Royal College of Music (music) Royal College of Nursing (nursing) Royal Veterinary College (veterinary) St George's (medical) The School of Pharmacy, University of London (pharmacy) School of Advanced Studies (research-led post-graduate specialisms) Trinity Laban (music and dance)


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