







学校于1746年在新泽西州伊丽莎白镇创立,是美国殖民时期第四所成立的高等教育学院,当时名为“新泽西学院”,1747年迁至新泽西州,1756年迁至普林斯顿,并于1896年正式改名为普林斯顿大学。 普林斯顿大学是全美第五历史悠久的高等学府,(第一为哈佛大学,第二为威廉玛丽学院,第三为耶鲁大学,第四为宾夕法尼亚大学,第五为普林斯顿大学,这些都是美国的顶尖学府)学生情况普林斯顿大学录取学生并不仅仅依靠成绩,要看学生的能力与潜能,各种学术与非学术的兴趣,特殊技能与天资、经验、抱负和背景等因素都会纳入它的考察范围。学校评价优秀学生的指标有4项:头脑质量,包括智商、学习能力、创造力等;品格质量,包括责任感、价值观、判断力等;为学校作出贡献的能力;未来在本专业和社区起领导作用的潜力。学校的申请期限为每年的1月2日以前。教学资源普林斯顿校图书馆目前有一千一百万藏书。主要的馆址燧石图书馆(Firestone Library)拥有超过六百万册藏书。在燧石图书馆之外,许多独立的学科(包括建筑学、美术历史、东亚研究、工程、地质学、国际关系和公共政策,以及近东研究)也都有自己的图书馆。传统上,每个有历史的学科都在图书馆有自己单独的研究室,可供本系学生各自参考专业书籍和研究资料。校园环境普林斯顿地处纽约和费城之间,是一座别具特色的乡村都市。小城位于新泽西州西南的特拉华平原,面积约为7平方公里,东濒卡内基湖,西临特拉华河。普林斯顿的景色幽雅,四周绿树成荫、绿草丛丛,清澈的河水环绕着小城静静流淌;普林斯顿人口约为3万,大多市民生活富裕;小城交通方便,距离纽约和费城只需大约一小时车程,加上小城恬静而又安详的生活,浓浓的文化氛围笼罩下的贵族气息,使普林斯顿成为美国上层人士青睐的居住地。普林斯顿的校址方圆2.4平方公里,风景优美。校内有很多后哥特式的建筑,大多数都是19世纪末20世纪初修建的。Nassau Hall是校内的主管理楼,建于1756年,曾在1783年间短暂地被作为国会大厦使用。校园内一些现代的新建筑有一些是罗伯特·文图里、Hillier Group、德米特里·波菲里奥斯和弗兰克·格里设计的。校内还有很多雕塑,包括亨利·穆尔(例如“椭圆上的斑点”,被戏称为 “尼克松的鼻子”)、克莱门特·米德穆尔(暴发户 II)和亚历山大·考尔德(Five Disks: One Empty)的作品。校园的中间是自1830年左右修建的Delaware and Raritan 隧道和可以划船的卡内基湖。普林斯顿大学是全世界最富有的大学之一,迄今为止已经收到了将近一百亿美元,来自校友会的源源不断的捐款和一些投资专家的努力。普林斯顿将不少钱花到了为校艺术博物馆购买藏品上,包括莫奈、Andy Warhol以及其他名画家的作品。学校排名普林斯顿大学(Princeton University )在美国大学排名2012 为第1名。Princeton university, located in Princeton, New Jersey, is a famous private research university in the United States, eight is one of the ivy league. School founded in New Jersey in 1746, Elizabeth town, is formed in the colonial fourth in the United States institute of higher education, was called "the New Jersey institute", 1747 moved to New Jersey, 1756 moved to Princeton, and in 1896 officially changed its name to Princeton university. Princeton university is a long history of higher learning, the fifth (first to Harvard University, is the college of William and Mary, the third for Yale university, the fourth for the university of Pennsylvania, the fifth of Princeton university, these are the top universities in the United States)Students situation Admitted to Princeton university students do not just rely on, want to see the students' ability and potential, a variety of academic and non-academic interests, special skills and talents, experience, ambition and background factors will be included in the scope of its investigation. School evaluation index of outstanding students have four: mind quality, including IQ, learning ability, creativity, etc.; Character quality, including the sense of responsibility, values, judgment, etc.; Ability to contribute to the school; In the future in this professional and community leadership potential. School application deadline for January 2 each year ago.Teaching resources Princeton university library currently has eleven million books. Main erected flint Library (Mr. Firestone Library) has more than six million books. Outside of the library of flint, many independent discipline (including architecture, art history, east Asian studies, engineering, geology, international relations, and public policy, and near eastern studies) also has its own library. Traditionally, each has a history of subject in the library have their own research and reference for the department students in their respective professional books and study materials.Princeton campus is located in between New York and Philadelphia, is a unique country city. Town is located in New Jersey southwest of Delaware plain, the area is about 7 square kilometers, east lake Carnegie, Delaware river in the west. Princeton scenery elegant, yellowing around trees, green grass, the clear river water flowing around town; Princeton. It had about 30000 people, mostly wealthy citizens life; City traffic is convenient, about an hour's drive from New York and Philadelphia, simply, plus a small quiet and peaceful life, under cover of thick cultural atmosphere aristocratic, make Princeton glitterati favour to live in the United States. Princeton site area of 2.4 square kilometers, beautiful scenery. After school there are a lot of gothic architecture, most of them were built in the late 19th century early 20th century. Nassau Hall is the school's main administration building, built in 1756, in 1783 and a brief used as the houses of parliament. Some modern new buildings on campus are Robert wintour, Hillier Group, dmitry wave rios and frank in design. Campus there are a lot of sculptures, including Henry Moore (for example "oval spots", dubbed "Nixon's nose"), clement mead Moore (nouveau riche II) and Alexander Calder (Five Disks: One Empty). The center of the campus was built around 1830 Delaware and Raritan tunnel and can boating lake Carnegie. Princeton university is one of the world's richest university, has received almost $ten billion so far, a steady stream of donations from alumni association and some investment experts. Princeton will be a lot of money to buy school art museum, including monet, Andy Warhol and other artist's work.Schools rank at Princeton University (Princeton University) University ranked 2012 in the first place in the United States.



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