南加州大学本科GPA要求1.作为世界百强名校,南加州大学本科GPA平均成绩在3.7分左右,因此,申请者的成绩最好不要低于3.7分;2.托福成绩要求:100分;单项不能低于20分;雅思成绩不能低于7分3.SAT的平均为在2040-2260,所以,申请者SAT成绩最好不要低于2040分;从南加大官网,看南加州大学硕士GPA要求在南加州大学官网中,我们可以看到其对国际生的入学要求,有明确的分类流程说明:从前期准备申请,网申递交材料,到后续申请完毕都有一一解答。Our step-by-stepadmission guidelines are designed to help you easily navigate the application process and ensure that you complete your application in a timely and efficient manner. Please follow the steps below to submit your application and reduce possible delays in reviewing your application.申请之前的准备(BEFORE YOU APPLY)Read all instructions, as you will be unable to make too many edits to your application once you submit it.网申递交之前,一定要阅读所有申请事项,否则,一旦提交申请将不能修改;Application deadlines vary by program. Confirm your intended program’s deadline to ensure that you apply in a timely manner.留意各个专业申请截止日期,一定要在截止日期之前递交申请材料。Register for all tests, such as the GRE and GMAT, to ensure that USC receives them in time to review themwith your application.提交所有的硬实力成绩,比如GRE或GMAT,一定要确保南加大USC招生官能审核这些成绩材料;Check USC’s English-language proficiency requirements to determine if you need to schedule the TOEFL/IELTS or PTE.