











GRE要求请参考他们的网站,如果没有写,就不要求拉~~ 签证很好办的,只要准备好足够的钱就行.大概一年20w


Graduate ProgramsThe School of Computer Science offers graduate programs leading to the degree of Master of Mathematics (MMath) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The school also offers a qualifying and a non-degree program.Application ProceduresApplications for graduate studies in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo can be made online at:All inquiries regarding admission into the School of Computer Science should be directed by email to: csgrad@uwaterloo.ca Required Application DocumentsThe following required documents must be provided before an application is considered complete: academic transcripts from each post-secondary institution attended, upload copies on Quest three letters of reference completed electronically by your referees a supplementary information form, including a statement of interest, completed on Quest a résumé, upload a copy on Quest for students educated outside of Canada or the USA, GRE General test results, forwarded by ETS for students from non-English speaking countries, TOEFL test results, forwarded by ETS (see Note to International Students below) proof of immigration status for Permanant Residents of Canada Detailed document requirements, and instructions for submitting the documents, can be found in the University's instructions for applicants.Note to International StudentsNo special application procedures are required for international students. However, students are advised there is considerable competition for the relatively few spaces available for international students. The international students who are accepted usually have obtained high grades (an overall average of A (85%) or better) in an undergraduate/graduate program specializing in Computer Science.International applicants from non-English speaking countries must submit a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) showing an overall minimum internet-based score of 100, or computer-based score of 250 or paper-based score of 600 This English language proficiency certification is mandatory unless, at the time of application, the applicant has completed a minimum of three calendar years (36 months) of post-secondary education at an institution at which English was the language of instruction or has been employed in a position in an environment where English was the official language of business. Applicants educated outside of Canada or the USA must also submit GRE General test results. No minimum score is required. The GRE General test is a requirement of the School of Computer Science and can only be waived in exceptional circumstances. The University of Waterloo maintains an Admission Guide for International Applicants which includes additional, country-by-country guidelines for international applicants.Application DeadlinesWe accept applications to begin graduate study in the Fall term (September), the Winter term (January), and the Spring term (May). To be sure of full consideration for admission into a particular term, applicants must meet the following deadlines. TermApplication deadline Fall December 15Winter May 31 Spring September 30 Letter of AcceptanceIf an applicant is accepted to a graduate program in the School, a letter is sent to the applicant specifying conditions of admission, the name of a faculty member who will advise the student about research in his/her area of interest, as well as any financial arrangements. Generally, an offer of admission is conditional upon the completion of the applicant's current degree program. In such a case, a Letter of Acceptance will not be issued by the Graduate Studies Office until an official final transcript, has been received by the Graduate Studies Office. Students from China are required to submit a final transcript, graduation diploma and degree certificate. It is therefore important that accepted applicants submit these documents as soon as possible. Moreover, students intending to come to Canada on a Study Permit should note that such authorizations are issued by the Canadian immigration authorities only on the production of a Letter of Acceptance. Study Permit holders should not leave for Canada until they have received this letter. Academic Background RequiredApplicants for all degree programs are expected to have a formal background in the following areas of computer science: programming languages, data structures, operating systems, algorithms and computer architecture. Applicants lacking in background may be required to take remedial courses in addition to the regular program requirements or be admitted as probationary or transitional students. Categories of Admission to the MMath ProgramDepending upon the applicant's preparation, he/she is admitted as a regular, probationary, or transitional student. The applicant does not need to specify the category on the application. This will be decided by the Director of Graduate Studies when he/she reviews the application. Regular StudentAn applicant who has completed an Honours Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a closely related field with a standing of at least a B+ (78%), in a recognized four-year degree program in a Canadian University (or its equivalent), or who has satisfactorily completed the School's Qualifying Program, may, upon the recommendation of the School and approval by the Faculty, be admitted to the MMath program as a regular student. Closely related fields include: mathematics (with sufficient CS courses), computer engineering, and bioinformatics (or biology/medicine with sufficient CS courses). Probationary StudentAn applicant who has completed a program of studies as for a regular student above, but who has not attained the appropriate overall standing, may be admitted to a Master's program as a probationary student provided that at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:The applicant has substantial relevant occupational experience (normally three years) beyond the Bachelor's degree. The applicant's standing in the final year is substantially above the level of a full B (normally B+ to A-). The school will specify in writing at least the first two courses in the student's program when the student is recommended for admission. Upon completion of the specified courses, the student's status will be evaluated by the school. If the student has achieved an average of at least 78 in these courses, he/she may continue in the MMath program as a regular student. If the student's average on these courses falls below 78 but not below 73 his/her status will be reviewed by the Graduate committee. Normally a student will not continue on probationary status for more than two terms.Transitional StudentAn applicant who has completed a program of studies for a regular student as above, except that the major discipline or prior study is not directly applicable to the field of Computer Science such that the school feels that this constitutes a significant deficiency in the applicant's preparation, may be admitted to a Master's program as a transitional student.An applicant admitted to the MMath program as a transitional student is normally required to complete a program of at most five undergraduate or graduate one-term courses in addition to those required of regular students. The school will specify the additional requirements in writing when the student is recommended for admission. Upon completion of the required additional courses with at least a 78% average the student may continue in the MMath program as a regular student.Tuition FeesThe total tuition and incidental fees for full-time graduate students who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents are $2,396.64 per term ($7,190 per year) and $1,247.87 per term ($3,744 per year) for part-time.年硕士学费和生活费一共要花费多少学费:The total tuition and incidental fees for international students are $5,742.64 per term ($17,228 per year). In addition to tuition and incidental student fees, international students are required to purchase the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). The premium is based on the number of dependents.生活费看个人, 多轮多的开销肯定是必要大的 省点用不开车不回国 一年1万-1万5还有就是去加拿大的签证好办嘛? 有什么要求?加拿大申请硕士的基本条件:大学毕业,获得学士学位,大学成绩的平均绩点在3.0以上或主课平均分75分以上托福:580 以上(其中写作4.5分) 或雅思:6.5以上 好大学的理工科的学生需要具备GRE2000(笔试)或1400+作文5.5(机考);管理类学生需要具备 GMAT成绩600分以上但是很多公立的一般大学没有规定要GRE或GMAT的成绩 加拿大研究生录取竞争非常激烈,以上只是申请的基本条件,同时,理工科申请人能否被录取,还取决于指导导师的意见。 指导导师会根据学生的教育背景及相关领域的研究经历选择与其研究课题有助的学生。 研究生签证要求申请人的要求:提供成绩单,大学毕业证及学位证。经济担保要求:四十万以上存款,12个月以上的存款历史。加拿大研究生每年的费用学费:研究生每年学费通常在14500加元至35000加元;MBA每年学费18000加元至50000加元。生活费:根据地区不同,每年6000至10000加元 一年。医疗保险:根据地区不同,一年大约800加币以下。 去加拿大读研究生的几种选择:1. 研究生预科2. 研究生双录取学校3. 普通研究生录取加拿大滑铁卢大学基本的研究生申请条件:Graduation degree (BASc / B.Sc. / B.Eng. degree or equivalent) with at least 75% average over the last two years. International applicants are advised to refer to the specified minimum admission requirements, listed by country, at the International Admission Guide web-site. A candidate who has not fulfilled the minimum requirement of 75% average (B) standing may be admitted to the MEng Program as a probationary student* provided that he/she has either:at least 2 years of industrial or professional experience following graduation or has achieved at least 78% (B+) overall standing in the Final Year of the graduation.English Language SkillsApplicants will be required to provide certification of English language proficiency, if he or she has not:completed three or more years of post-secondary work at a Canadian institution or at an institution at which English was the primary language of instruction, orhave not been employed for a similar period of time in a position in which English was the primary language of businessA minimum score of 550 on the TOEFL (213 for computer based TOEFL) is required. For minimum requirements in other equivalent exams, information is available in the Graduate Studies Office web-site. 下面网址你可以看看 是官方网页。基本加拿大的研都比较难申请。所以成绩要非常好。 参考资料:




2、大学平均成绩:,85%;3、托福90分或雅思7.0分,有些专业要求更高(注:托福和雅思只考期中一门)。滑铁卢大学硕士开学日期春季:1 月 ;秋季:9 月滑铁卢大学硕士留学费用情况(加元)学费:14,620生活费:10,000总计:24,620要是还有其它疑问欢迎来中青留学这边咨询,老师会免费为你解答


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