






THES University Rankings (2005). Here is the Top100 ranking. 1 1 Harvard University2 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology3 6 Cambridge University4 5 Oxford University5 7 Stanford University6 2 University of California, Berkeley7 8 Yale University8 4 California Institute of Technology9 9 Princeton University10 27 Ecole Polytechnique11= 52 Duke University11= 11 London School of Economics13 14 Imperial College London14 23 Cornell University15 17 Beijing University16 12 Tokyo University17= 20 University of California, San Francisco17= 13 University of Chicago19 22 Melbourne University20 19 Columbia University21 10 ETH Zurich22 18 National University of Singapore23 16 Australian National University24= 30 Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris24= 21 McGill University26 15 University of Texas at Austin27 25 Johns Hopkins University28 34 University College London29 37 University of Toronto30 48 Edinburgh University31 29 Kyoto University32 28 Pennsylvania University33 33 Monash University34 32 Ecole Polytech Fédérale de Lausanne35 43 Manchester University & Umist36 31 University of Michigan37 26 University of California, Los Angeles38= 46 University of British Columbia38= 40 Sydney University40 36 University of New South Wales41 39 Hong Kong University42 24 University of California, San Diego43 42 Hong Kong University Sci & Technol44 38 Carnegie Mellon University45 47 Heidelberg University46 73 Northwestern University47 49 Queensland University48 50 Nanyang Technological University49 91 Bristol University50 41 Indian Institutes of Technology51 84 Chinese University of Hong Kong52 67 Auckland University53 78 Delft University of Technology54 75 Boston University55 99 Munich University56 79 New York University57 64 Erasmus University Rotterdam58= 109 Washington University, St Louis58= 98 Amsterdam University58= 35 University of Illinois61 59 Purdue University62= 129 Helsinki University62= 61 Tsing Hua University64 130 Pennsylvania State University65 94 Vienna University66 63 Copenhagen University67 68 Macquarie University68 45 Massachusetts University69 - IEP Sciences Po, Paris70 83 Eindhoven University of Technology71 61 Brown University72 195 Fudan University73= 96 King's College London73= 86 Rochester University73= 66 University Wisconsin-Madison76 - Brussels Free University (French)77= 93 Hebrew University of Jerusalem77= 80 Warwick University79 92 Lomonosov Moscow State University80= 96 University of Western Australia80= 56 Adelaide University82 55 RMIT University83 128 Durham University84 - Indian Institutes of Management85 - Zurich University86 77 Vienna Technical University87 113 University of Technology, Sydney88= - Geneva University88= 74 Washington University88= 57 Pierre and Marie Curie University88= - Catholic University of Leuven (French)92 - Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon93= 154 China University of Sci & Technology93= 118 Seoul National University95= - Catholic University of Leuven (Flemish)95= 195 National Autonomous Univ of Mexico97 170 Nottingham University98 142 La Trobe University99 51 Tokyo Institute of Technology100 58 Sussex University全球100名大学里面的澳洲大学有:19: MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY23: Australian National University33: Monash University38: Sydney University40: University of New South Wales47: Queensland University80: University of Western Australia82: RMIT University(这个有质疑...)87: University of Technology, Sydney反正这几所差不多是最有名的学校啦



澳洲大学是没有总体排名的,一般来说人们认为澳洲的"八大名校联盟(group of eight)"应该是澳洲最好的大学了




一. 总体概况:澳大利亚共有36所公立大学,澳大利亚境内没有一个公认的大学排行榜,比较权威的有三个:一是亚洲周刊每年评比的亚太地区大学50强,二是澳大利亚境内的The Good Universities Guides, 三是澳洲政府以拨款额对大学的分级。2000年亚洲周刊评比的亚洲最佳大学中的澳洲大学有10所:8.ANU 9.UNIMELB 10.UNSW 20.USYD 25.UWA 29.UQ 29.ADELAIDE 33.MONASH 54.UOW 67.MQ而1999年版的Good Universities Guides 对澳洲大学分级如下:5星级 Anu Unimelb Unsw Usyd Uwa Uq Adelaide Monash4星级 Uow Mq Gu Flinders Utas3星级 Uts Curtin Rmit Qut Latrobe Jcu Newcastle Une Murdoch2星级 Deakin Unisa Swin Cqu Canberra Uws Usq1星级 Acu Ballarat Csu Cowan Scu Vut Ntu1994年澳洲政府对各大学评审如下:Group 1: Unsw Anu Uq Adelaide Uwa UnimelbGroup 2: Monash Usyd UowGroup 3: Gu Flinders Latrobe Rmit UtasGroup 4: Deakin Mq Uts QutGroup 5: Curtin Unisa Newcastle Canberra Murdoch Csu Jcu Une Cqu ScuGroup 6: Acu Swin Cowan Ntu Ballarat Usq Uws Vut1995年澳洲Graduate Management Association 对MBA 的评比结果如下:1. Unsw 2. Mq 3. Unimelb 4. Usyd 5. Uts 6. Uq1999年澳洲Top Graduate Starting Salary Universities: UTS, UOW, ANU, MQ以上就是澳洲大学的总体评价,值得注意的是澳洲1999年8月人口才达到1900万,而大学就有38所,其中私立2所。 大学人数超过2万的就有17所,留学生人数超过2000的有20所,可见其教育事业的发达,绝对不可以用十年前的数据或者印象来小看澳洲大学。值得中国学生去留学的在我看来只有悉尼、布里斯班、佩斯三个城市的10所大学。以下就是本人的一些看法,由于我是计算机专业的研究生,澳洲现在又急需IT人才,故重点介绍计算机专业的情况。二:按州点评各大学强项:①New South Wales 州。位于澳洲东部,面积80万平方公里,人口650万。SYD 人口400万,Newcastle 50万,Wollongong 30万。失业率 5.8%。该州有名的大学有6所:Unsw/Usyd/Mq/Uts 在SYD, Anu 在Canberra, Uow 在Wollongong.悉尼人口400多万,是澳洲最大的城市,也是全国的经济、文化中心,交通发达,全年气候宜人,拥有世界上最大的天然良港,年平均日照时间6.7小时,全年温度8-30度,平均气温:春天17度,夏天22度,秋天18度,冬天13度。悉尼还曾被评为世界最佳商业/旅游/会议城市,2000年奥运会被称为最成功的奥运会。悉尼机场每周有50家国际航空公司的500个国际航班来往与世界100多个城市。1999年悉尼市的失业率为4.3%. 悉尼房价高昂,费用约为其他澳洲首府城市贵一倍。Newcastle位于悉尼东北168公里,人口50万,为澳洲第六大城市,淳朴的民风、优良的气候、便宜的物价、美丽的海岸线、休闲的生活使Newcastle 曾被评为最佳城市。卧龙岗位于悉尼西南83公里,人口30万,为澳洲第九大城市。卧龙岗距离太平洋海边仅15分钟车程,优美的海滩和刺激的水上活动吸引了不少的游客。冬天气温很少低于10度,夏天在26-30度之间,全年适宜游泳、划艇和冲浪。卧龙岗也是澳洲有名的IT城。1. ANU学生总数14000人,留学生人数1500人。 Top Graduate starting salary and graduate outcome and top international reputation.杰出课程:电脑。Only master by research, no master by coursework in Computer Science.Tuition: $13500*2 years点评:这是一所由澳大利亚政府资助的以科研为主的大学。招生上也是以研究生为主,本科生较少。所以学生的总体规模不大,学术气氛浓过校园生活气氛。如果你是一名理论研究者,想获得很高的学术成就,来这里无疑是对的。相反,你只是想学一门好找工作的专业,以便学成留在澳洲,澳大利亚国立大学就不是你的首选了。一方面国立大学的课程与就业市场联系并不密切,另外国立大学地处堪培拉,人口少,工作机会也不多。2. UOW卧龙岗大学1999年和2000年连续两年获得澳洲最佳年度大学奖,学生人数13000人,留学生人数2200人。Excellent Graduate Employment Record.杰出课程:电脑、通讯Starting Salary: 98年$33,000Unemployment rate (including casual and part-time): 7.5%Tuition: $14,200*1 year点评:打算读IT的朋友,你不妨来卧龙岗。因为这里是澳大利亚著名的IT城,许多有名的大公司都有总部设在这里。你将很容易获得交流、学习、实践和工作的机会,但是打工的机会少。如果你是想拿学位,这里非常适合,生活费便宜,房租35-80/周,伙食费20-30/周。笔者当年选择卧龙岗,一是其当年两获最佳大学奖,二是其associated Universities有加拿大Top 5中的UBC, Macmaster 和Alberta, 有美国的加州大学(包括UC-Berkley和UCLA), Indiana U, University of IL, UNC等世界名校。留澳的大部分学子曾经是留美的梦想者,对于上述大学早已是如雷贯耳。三是卧龙岗在留澳学生中是无人不知。2000年卧龙岗研究生Starting Salary: $60,260.3. UTSUTS 1999年学生人数27,000人,留学生2,700多人。杰出课程:计算机、工程、建筑Tuition: Master of CS by thesis: 15,000*2 yearsMaster of CS by course: 14,500*1.5 yearsPh.D. of CS: 15,000*3 yearsTotal Courses fees for local Australian resident:Master of Science in Computing: $14,400M. Sci in Internetworking: $18,000M. Sci in Interactive Multimedia: $18,000M. Business in IT management: $18,150M. Sci in Operational Research: $9,600本科生starting salary: $38,979(national $35,341)其中数学计算机专业:$44,993(female4万, male5万)本科生最好找工作的专业:工程、计算机、护士、法律研究生就业率最高的专业:计算机(4%失业率)研究生starting salary:$51,910(national 48,389)其中数学计算机专业:$54,620(female4.6万 male5.9万)点评:UTS位于悉尼市,虽然学校规模小、学业要求松、但是毕业后前途好,起薪高。有志有留在澳洲的广大学子,UTS是第一选择。The Faculty of Information Technology at UTS is renowned as one of the foremost, and most highly regarded providers of IT education in Australia.Graduates of our innovative courses in IT+Computing, Mathematics and Mathematics and Finance are sought after by industry and the professions, and enjoy high levels of employment both in Australia and overseas. In 1998 the GCCA Graduate Destinations Survey showed that over 90% of graduates from the Faculty were in full-time employment. This regard is also shown through the depth of industry involvement in our academic programs and in our research and consulting profile.The Faculty is the fastest growing faculty at UTS and comprises two disciplines, computing and mathematics, which form the basis of "enabling technologies" for applications in most other disciplines.The academic staffs of the Faculty are organized into four departments:Computer SystemsInformation SystemsMathematical SciencesSoftware EngineeringAll of the departments contribute to the teaching of the Faculty's courses, and our expert staff and strong links with industry and the professions ensure that our courses are current, relevant and consistently the premier programs of their kind.The Faculty has a commitment to cooperative education; both of the work experience "sandwich" form and the cooperative scholarship format and more recently, the Faculty has been instrumental in the development at UTS of courses that can be delivered in Work-Based Learning mode.The Faculty's successes in research are demonstrated through our many achievements such as being the home to one of the first Key Centers (in Advanced Computing), and our current active contributions to the national CRC for Enterprise Distributed Systems Technology and ac3 the Australian Center for Advanced computing and Communications at the Australian Technology Park. The Faculty is also a partner in the Key University Research Strength in Quantitative Finance, one of the leading centers for quantitative finance on the Pacific Rim.4. UNSW大学学生人数30,000, 留学生5,600人。杰出课程:工程、工商管理、法律、医科5. MQ大学学生人数:20,000 留学生:2,000人杰出课程:会计、金融、工商管理、精算、激光、英语点评:该校的计算机、工商管理和会计金融三个专业是最适合中国学生攻读的三个热门专业,特别是对于文科学子来说,该校是留澳的首选。以下是一些统计数字。Current Activity of Graduates: Graduate School of Management1. Working full-time 77.2%2. Working full-time, seeking a different job 12.5%3. Studying full-time 3.2%4. Employed part-time 3.4%5. Employed part-time, seeking full-time work 1.1%6. Unemployed, seeking full-time work 2.1%7. Unemployed, seeking part-time work 0.8%8. Unemployed, seeking any work 0.5%9. Unavailable for work or study 1.9%10. Unknown 0.5%Local PGCert & PGDip graduates:Median age: 36Average age: 37Median FT salary: $80,795Average FT salary: $70,000Local Masters graduates:Median age: 38Average age: 39Median FT salary: $90,500Average FT salary: $104,888Salary Analysis of Respondents: ComputingFor local undergraduates: 1999 1998The median age: 23 23The average age: 25 25The median FT salary: $36,500 $36,000The average FT salary: $39,233 $38,488For local postgraduates:The median age: 39 28The average age: 41 30The median FT salary: $58,000 $55,000The average FT salary: $71,500 $56,556其他大学包括悉尼大学不做推荐介绍。②Queensland 州。失业率 7.7%。面积170万平方公里,人口340万。位于澳洲东北部,。布里斯班人口170万,年平均日照时间7.5小时,日平均气温比悉尼高3度,是澳洲发展最快的城市,极适合人居住。房价便宜、生活费也不贵,是求学、工作、养老的好地方。1. UQ学生人数:30,000 留学生人数:2,300科研经费:$1.12亿杰出课程:计算机、工商管理Tuition: Master of CS by coursework: $14,500*1.5 yearsBy research: $15,000*2 years点评:该校为98年度澳洲最佳大学,学术水平无可质疑,乃澳洲超一流大学。2. GU学生人数:23,000 留学生人数:2,600杰出课程:计算机Tuition: $1300* 10 courses点评:AU$13000壹年读完MIT(澳洲学生也要1万澳元),便宜!而且首付$5474.00(含274医疗保险),不到3万人民币。我有一个朋友已经拿到澳洲移民签证了,用了不到半年的时间。其实,要看自己怎么想了。如果想读书为移民铺路的,Griffith得确实个不错的选择。3. QUT学生人数:30,000 留学生人数:2,500杰出课程:计算机、工程Tuition:QUT 2001 Course Fees for International Studentsfor Postgraduate Programs in ITGraduate Certificate in Information Technology: 1,500 *4 units inEnterprise Wide SoftwareInformation SecurityProjectSoftware EngineeringMaster of Information Technology: 6,750*3Master of Information Technology: 6,750*3Master of Information Technology (Professional): 1,500 per unit, modules (12 units) **Only available to those with a Bachelor degree in computing and only available in external and Internet mode. **Master of Information Technology (Research): 6,750*3PhD Information Technology: 7,500*6点评:该校也曾是澳洲最佳年度大学奖得主。值得一提的是,该校是澳洲第一个推出留学生毕业后就业情况网站的大学,包括留学生的国籍、就业国家、公司和职位。有兴趣的留学生可浏览以下网址:③West Australia 州。位于澳洲西部。面积250万平方公里,人口180万。失业率5.9%。首府Perth人口130万,面积5400平方公里,是世界上最孤独的城市,全年平均日照时间6.9小时,平均有120个晴天。年平均温度9—30度。1. UWA学生人数:14,000 留学生人数:1,500杰出课程:电脑、工程、医科、法律Tuition: 硕士生学费一律为$18,250/yearLiving Expenses: $170/week (official figure)2. Curtin学生人数:24,000 留学生人数:6,100杰出课程:电脑、工程Tuition: Master of CS by thesis and by coursework:$11,200*2 yearsPhD of CS: $17,000*4 years点评:相比西澳大学来说,该校的学费要便宜,关键是留学生可以预付得起。Curtin曾被Asiaweek评为澳洲第一、亚洲最好的理工大学之一。从它的留学生人数上看,它是多么的受留学生欢迎!悖 论其实很多科技大学都是综合大学,但是Asiaweek却没有将这些大学排列。他们的排列属于科技类别,比如QUT,UTS,CURTIN大学就属于科技类别的。你所说的Wolongong是IT城,这个有商榷。其实IT大公司都在悉尼的北面,就是North Sydney,距离Opera House很近。你看这里报纸关于IT的招聘广告就知道这里IT大公司在什么地方了,并不是所说的Wolongong小城镇。Melbourne大学的IT在澳大利亚是首屈一指的,应该是第一第二的。Melbourne IT属于上市公司,以Melbourne大学为科技依托。在悉尼读书的确比其他地方大学好找工作,这是不争的事实,即便别的地方大学声誉好。因为这里就业机会多。


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