











I am an ordinary graduate from Hangzhou No. 2 Middle School where I pursued my dream. 3 years ago, I entered this school with disturbed feelings, and so it is with HongKong University (HKU) today. Many people considered the inland high school students' three-year schooltime to be lack of community and social practices, ordinary, full of defects and examinations. I have learnt that predominance comes after ordinary, one should acknowledge others' shining points. Self-control, willpower, execution and tolerance constitute the greatest wealth my high school bestowed to me. 250 words are too few, I expect a face-to-face chance to show myself.I advocate HongKong's inherent Chinese and Western culture, anticipating but feeling uneasily to touch the culture that may be exposed. I long for a difference, all differences in the world cannot stuff one 18-year- old boy's dream, and an identity of blood and culture after HongKong returned. I always dream that HKU could become a bridge between me and the world.I am upholding my ideal and willing to enrich myself in the common life. Now it is time for changing: from ordinary to predominance.I hope the HKU can witness it with her knowledge and culture. One or two decades ago, many people cried: "Studying for the motherland's rise." Unfortunately, this sound gradually faded away. Apart from my interest and advantage in the mathematical aspects as a liberal arts student, I want to study the Earth Space Science (GIS) to meet the nation's needs to a large extent. It may sound unrealistic. But no matter which major is the final determination (like psychology, literature, or minority languages) I firmly believe that human values and happiness lie not in their own money and power, but in benefiting more people by using knowledges. I think the future is always changing, especially youth. No matter what the future is, I hope to spend my best youthful time in HKU.


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