吉祥物:UCSC的吉祥物香蕉蛞蝓(Banana Slug).在圣克鲁兹,任何圣诞礼物都不如香蕉蛞蝓,它非常受欢迎。在这座城市的大多数店里,都可以买到带有香蕉蛞蝓图案的帽子、杯子、T恤和和其他商品。 学校颜色:学校的传统色是蓝色和金色。体育活动:全校大约25%的学生参加校内体育运动。在UCSC有十四种不同的传统项目,包括男女篮球,足球,水球,排球,游泳和跳水,女子高尔夫等。其中网球,足球,男子排球,水球和游泳方面有全国的比赛中,均有很好的排名。在赢得2007全国男子网球锦标赛后,UCSC已经赢得了六个男子网球冠军,并且在过去的三年里打败了冠军。在2006赛季,男子水球队赢得了第三部门冠军,在全国排名第十九。除了NCAA的运动,UCSC还包括很多成功的俱乐部包括女子橄榄球队,它在05-06赛季赢得了全国学院锦标赛的冠军。UCSC还有一个成功的男子长曲棍球队。图书馆UCSC有多个图书馆,最大的图书馆为“麦克亨利(McHenry Library)“图书馆,是由John Carl Warnecke设计、在2008年“麦克亨利”图书馆完成重新设计升级。在升级后的“麦克亨利”图书馆总面积为二十二万平方英尺,收藏有大量珍稀图书包罗万象,收集了近50万的藏书,如Robert A. Heinlein的Anaïs Nin;Kenneth Patchen的大量珍稀书画;Edward Weston的艺术摄影作品;甚至包括16世纪Hayden White的拉美艺术作品等等。同样“麦克亨利”图书馆内设有网络学习室和“全球村”咖啡厅。此外,UCSC还建有科学工程图书馆,甚至各个学院都设置了小型图书馆,为学生提供安静学习的地方。体育设施健身中心提供支持和扩展学生,工作人员和教师的身体,情感,社会,文化和智力发展的的项目和服务。 With two floors of state-of-the-art equipment including over 40 pieces of cardio equipment, free-weights, selectorized weight machines, exercise balls, and other balance equipment, the Wellness Center has something for you!两层国家最先进的设备,包括40件心肺设备,健身球,跑步机和其他的先进的体育设备,健身中心为你提供优秀的健身场所。 Whether you are a new exerciser or seasoned athlete, we offer a variety of classes and programs to help you reach your health and fitness goals. Be sure to stop by and check out our facility overlooking the beautiful Monterey Bay!无论你是一个新的运动或经验丰富的运动员,我们提供各种各样的课程和计划,以帮助您实现健身的目标。West Field House西运动场是男女篮球队和男女排球队的场馆The West Field House is the home of the Men's and Women's Basketball Teams and the Men's and Women's Volleyball teams.。 During the 2007-08 season, all four team's practiced and played their games on the road and at other facilities, as the Field House was being renovated.在2007-08赛季,四个球队在这里训练和比赛。西运动场正在装修。With it's new floor, new scoreboards, new locker rooms, and overall new look, the Slugs are anticipating the return to their newly made over facility.它有了新楼,新的记分牌,新的更衣室,整体面貌焕然一新。正期待的所有的运动员重新返回并在此取得新的战绩。医疗服务加利福尼亚大学会为所有学生都办理健康保险计划。 All undergraduate students and all full-time graduate students are automatically enrolled in the university sponsored Undergraduate Student Health Insurance Plan (USHIP) or Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP) unless they choose to submit an insurance waiver with proof of comparable coverage.所有本科生和所有全日制研究生会自动进入大学主办的本科生健康保险计划( USHIP )或研究生的学生健康保险( GSHIP ) ,除非他们选择放弃提交保险证明。USHIP或GSHIP是一个针对有医疗保健的需求UCSC学生负担得起的医疗保险计划。It features year-round, world-wide coverage using the Blue Cross network, and includes prepaid access to care at the UCSC Student Health Center for illness or injury.它具有全年性,覆盖面广。其中包括UCSC学生在健康中心生病或受伤医疗费会获得预付。This means students can receive convenient, high quality on-campus care when they are sick or injured without having to be concerned about cost or availability of the care they need.这意味着学生可以得到方便,优质照顾。而不必担心费用问题。The USHIP plan provides optimal coverage for services on campus and in the Santa Cruz community, and peace of mind for both parents and students.该医疗服务计划提供了最佳的服务覆盖面,使学生和家长能够安心。学生健康中心,Our primary mission at UCSC Student Health Services is to provide quality health care focused on the particular needs of students.为UCSC学生提供高质量的医疗服务并根据学生的特殊需要提供相应的服务。努力营造一个关怀和温暖的环境,以协助学生在保持其身体健康的同时感到精神的安适。