









凯斯西储的硕士专业有个物流相关专业,是Operations Research and Supply Chain Management Management,课程中有:供应链财务管理、市场空间管理、优化建模、概率论,统计学与预测运筹学与运营管理综合解决方案、运筹学运营管理、供应链物流学、战略采购、供应链企业资源规划这些课程。非常不错的。申请的话TOEFL要求90+,最好能上100,GMAT最好能上700;GPA最好能上3.5。院校推荐的话,建议LZ参考一下留学查一查公众号,输入申请学历、申请国家、申请专业(选择经济、管理、金融下的物流、供应链、价值链管理),就能查询出申请了你目标专业的同学都申请了哪些院校,并且可以看到他们的个人背景(T\G都多少分、学校背景如何、什么专业、GPA多少等)的学生申请了,从而对比自身情况,有个参考。


美国凯斯西储大学的申请条件如下:完全以英语方式回答问题Apply to CWRU Case Western Reserve University is an internationally recognized research university that attracts bright, ambitious students from around the world. Our more than 4,200 undergraduates represent more than 90 countries and each of the 50 U.S. states.The Times Higher Education Supplement rates Case Western Reserve among the top 100 universities in the world. There are many standouts among our 85 academic programs, including a biomedical engineering program ranked No. 8 in the U.S. and a management program in the top 30.Case Western Reserve applicants can take one of the following paths when they apply.Early Action: Apply earlier and get an admission decision and financial aid package (if applicable) sooner, without being committed to enrolling at Case Western Reserve.Early Decision (I and II): Perfect for those for whom Case Western Reserve is their clear top-choice college, Early Decision is a contract between you and the university wherein applicants agree that if Case Western Reserve accepts them, they'll withdraw all other college applications and enroll at CWRU.Pre-Professional Scholars Program: Be considered for conditional admission to graduate programs in medicine, dental medicine, law or social work at Case Western Reserve before you even begin undergraduate work.Regular Decision: No additional application materials or earlier deadline considerations needed.First-Year Admission DeadlinesEarly ActionEarly Decision IPPSPEarly Decision IIRegular DecisionDeadline to ApplyNov. 1Nov. 1Dec. 1Jan. 15Jan. 15Notification ByDec. 15Dec. 15Finalists Feb. 1;All others March 20Feb. 1March 20Deadline to EnrollMay 1Jan. 1May 1Feb. 15May 1Required Materials for International ApplicantsCommon Application. Once you begin your application, add Case Western Reserve to your list of My Colleges and click "save." CWRU's member questions will then appear in the My Colleges tab.Official academic records and transcripts in the native language (also provide English translation, if applicable).SAT or ACT with writing score (submitted to CWRU via the respective testing agency).SAT code: 1105ACT code: 3244English language exam score (submitted to Case Western Reserve via the testing agency). Case Western Reserve accepts the following language exams and scores.This requirement may be waived for students who have been educated for two years prior to high school graduation in schools where the primary language of instruction is in English.SAT critical reading section: 550ACT English section: 23International English Language Testing System: 6.5TOEFL: 90 IBT; 223 CBT; 577 PBTPTE Academic: 61Two teacher and/or counselor recommendations in the native language (also provide English translation, if applicable).Students who wish to major in music must also audition with Case Western Reserve's Department of Music. Information about scheduling an audition can be found here.Most application documents can be submitted electronically. Those that are not should be mailed to:Case Western Reserve University Undergraduate Admission Application Receiving P.O. Box 575 Chesterton, IN 46304 U.S.A.申请到凯斯西储大学凯斯西储大学是一所国际公认的研究大学吸引了来自世界各地的聪明,有抱负的学生。我们的在读学生超过4200名来自90多个国家和每一个的美国的50个州。泰晤士报高等教育副刊率凯斯西储大学在世界100强大学之一。有在我们的许多佼佼者85的学术课程,包括生物医学工程专业排名8美国前30的管理程序。凯斯西储大学申请人可以采取以下一个路径时,应用。早行动:申请并获得录取决定之前金融援助计划(如适用)更快,而不致力于招收在凯斯西储大学。早期决定:适合那些案例西方储备是其明确的首选学校,早期的决策是一个合同你的大学申请者同意,如果其中西之间准备接受他们,他们会撤消所有的大学申请和录取在凯斯西储大学。学前教育专业学者:被视为有条件入学在医学上,口腔医学研究生课程,在法律或社会工作西方储备之前就开始本科工作。常规的决定:没有附加申请材料或最早期限需要考虑。第一年入学的最后期限早行动早期的决定我PPSP早期的决策II常规决策申请截止日期十一月一日十一月一日十二月一日一月十五日一月十五日通知十二月十五日十二月十五日入围二月一日;所有其他的三月二十日二月一日三月二十日截止报名五月一日一月一日五月一日二月十五日五月一日国际学生申请所需材料常见的应用。一旦你开始你的申请,添加凯斯西储大学你我所点击列表“保存”。凯斯西储大学的成员的问题将出现在我的大学的标签。在母语正式学历和成绩单(也提供英文翻译,如果适用的话)。SAT或ACT写作评分(提交凯斯西储大学通过各自的测试代理)。美国高考代码:1105美国大学测验代码:3244英语语言考试成绩(提交凯斯西储大学通过测试机构)。凯斯西部保留地接受下列语言考试分数。可豁免此要求学生受过教育的前两年高中毕业学校在主要的教学语言是英语。SAT阅读:550ACT英语部分:23国际英语语言测试系统:6.5托福:IBT 90;223 577 PBT CBT;PTE学术英语考试:61在母语两老师或辅导员的建议(也提供英文翻译,如果适用的话)。学生希望主修音乐也必须试听与凯斯西储大学音乐的部门。咨询台关于调度面试可以在这里找到。大多数应用程序文件可以电子方式提交。那些不应该被邮寄到:凯斯西储大学本科入学申请接收邮政信箱575切斯特顿,46304美国如果还有什么疑问请告诉我!


1. 大学4年全日制本科文凭;2. 托福或者雅思(申请美国建议考托福,申请英联邦的国家建议考雅思);3. GRE(教育,理工科),GMAT(会计,金融,MBA等商科);4. 能够提供大学4年GPA(期末考试成绩),能够让招生官直观了解到你大学期间学习能力;5. 文书:简历,个人陈述PS,ESSAY,推荐信(2封);6.能够提供大学期间参加的时间活动,实习经验证明或者是发表的学术书刊等推荐你看看尚友学院街,里面有很多关于大学排名,校园攻略的帖子,还有很多热门校园,热门话题,希望对你有用~~~


1.大学4年全日制本科文凭;2. 托福或者雅思(申请美国建议考托福,申请英联邦的国家建议考雅思);3. GRE(教育,理工科),GMAT(会计,金融,MBA等商科);4. 能够提供大学4年GPA(期末考试成绩),能够让招生官直观了解到你大学期间学习能力;5. 文书:简历,个人陈述PS,ESSAY,推荐信(2封);6.能够提供大学期间参加的时间活动,实习经验证明或者是发表的学术书刊等。


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