A Master's CourseApplicants who have graduated or expect to graduate from a university in March 2014 (refers to university as stipulated in Article 83 of the School Education Act (1947 Law No. 26. The same applies hereafter)Applicants who hold or expect to hold Bachelors Degree as stipulated by the School Education Act, Article 104, Clause 4 by March 2014Applicants who have completed or expect to complete a 16-year course of study overseas by March 2014Applicants who have completed or expect to complete a 16-year course of study given by an overseas school through correspondence study in Japan by March 2014Applicants who hold overseas university education certification (the applicant must have completed the 16-year course of study in said overseas country) and have completed or expect to complete the designated course specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the said course of study by March 2014Applicants who have completed the specialized course designated by Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in a special training school (course must be 4 years or longer and fulfill the criteria set forth by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) after the date designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Science and TechnologyApplicants designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (1953 The Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Notification No. 5)Applicants entering graduate school under the School Education Act, Article 102, Clause 2 and recognized as possessing adequate academic ability to receive education in the University's graduate school programApplicants fulfilling one of the points below by March 2014 and recognized as acquiring the units required by the graduate school with outstanding gradesStudied in university for 3 years or longerCompleted 15-year course of study in a school education system overseasCompleted 15-year course of study in a school education system overseas through correspondence course in JapanCompleted a course of study in overseas university education institutes in Japan (the applicant must have completed the 15-year course of study in said overseas school) and be designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and TechnologyApplicants who have graduated or completed junior college, technical school or other educational institutions related to nursing, and who are recognized by Chiba University Graduate School as having scholastics ability equivalent to a university graduate or higher with the scholastic achievement test and who will have reached twenty-two years of age by March 2014A硕士课程:- 已经大学毕业,或者在2014年3月份之前将会大学毕业(指学校教育法第83条指定大学(1947法案第26号,这同样适用于后文));- 在2014年3月份之前,获得或者将会获得学校教育法中第104条第4条规定下的学士学位;- 在2014年3月份之前,已经完成或者将要完成16年的海外学习课程;- 在2014年3月份之前,通过在日本的相应学习,完成或者将要完成海外学校提供的16年制学习;- 获得海外大学教育证书(申请者必须是在指定海外国家完成了16年的课程学习),并且在2014年3月份之前,已经完成或者将要完成日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门特别指定的课程;- 在日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门规定日期之后,在专门训练学校(课程学期时间必须是4年或者更长时间,并且必须满足日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门单独设立的标准)完成日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门指定特殊课程学习;- 日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门指定的申请者;- 在学校教育法第102章第二条下进入研究生学院的申请者,并且经过评估,被认为是具备接受大学的研究生学院专业学习的足够的学术能力;- 在2014年3月份之前,满足以下其中一条,并且公认为获得了研究生学院所需学习单元,且成绩优秀:在大学学习3年或者更长时间;在海外学校教育系统下完成15年的课程学习;通过在日本的相应课程学习,完成了海外学校教育系统下完成15年的课程学习;在位于日本的海外大学教育机构完成了课程学习(申请者必须在所述海外学校完成15年的课程学习),并且属于日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门指定的申请者。
已经专科、技术院校、或者有关护理学的其他教育学校毕业或者完成学习的申请者,以及通过学业成就测验,获得千叶大学研究生学院认可,具备同等或者更高大学毕业生的学术能力的学生,以及在2014年3月份之前达到22岁的学生。B Master's ProgramApplicants who have graduated or expect to graduate from a university in March 2014 (refers to university as stipulated in Article 83, Clause 1 of the School Education Act. The same applies hereafter)Applicants who hold or expect to hold Bachelors Degree as stipulated by the School Education Act, Article 104, Clause 4 by March 2014Applicants who have completed or expect to complete a 16-year course of study overseas by March 2014Applicants who have completed or expect to complete 16-year course of study conducted by an overseas school through correspondence study in Japan by March 2014Applicants who hold overseas university education certification (the applicant must have completed the 16-years course of study in said overseas country) and have completed or expect to complete the designated course specified by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in the said course of study by March 2014Applicants who have completed the specialized course designated by Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology at a special training school (course must be 4 years or longer and fulfill the criteria set forth by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) after the date designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports Science and TechnologyApplicants designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (1953 The Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Notification No. 5)Applicants who studied at a university for 3 years or longer by March 2014 and who are recognized as acquiring the units required by the graduate school with outstanding gradesApplicants who completed the course of study for overseas-managed university education institutes in Japan (the applicant must have completed the 15-year course of study in said overseas country) and designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology by March 2014 and recognized as having acquired the units required by the graduate school with outstanding gradesApplicants recognized by Chiba University Graduate School as having scholastic ability equivalent to a university graduate or higher with the individual scholastic achievement test and who will have reached twenty-two years of age by March 2014.B硕士专业:- 已经大学毕业,或者在2014年3月份之前将会大学毕业(指学校教育法第83条指定大学(1947法案第26号,这同样适用于后文));- 在2014年3月份之前,获得或者将会获得学校教育法中第104条第4条规定下的学士学位;- 在2014年3月份之前,已经完成或者将要完成16年的海外学习课程;- 在2014年3月份之前,通过在日本的相应学习,完成或者将要完成海外学校提供的16年制学习;- 获得海外大学教育证书(申请者必须是在指定海外国家完成了16年的课程学习),并且在2014年3月份之前,已经完成或者将要完成日本教育、文化、体育、科学和技术部门特别指定的课程;- 在日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门规定日期之后,在专门训练学校(课程学期时间必须是4年或者更长时间,并且必须满足日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门单独设立的标准)完成日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门指定特殊课程学习;- 日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门指定的申请者;- 在2014年之前,在一所大学已经学习了3年或者更长时间,并且凭借优秀的成绩被认为是获得了研究生学院要求的学习单元的学生;- 在2014年3月份之前,在位于日本的海外管理的大学教育学校完成课程学习(申请者必须在所述海外国家中完成15年课程学习),并且是日本教育、文化、体育、科学以及技术部门指定申请者,凭借优秀的成绩被认为是获得了研究生学院要求的学习单元的学生;- 通过学业成就测验,获得千叶大学研究生学院认可,具备同等或者更高大学毕业生的学术能力的学生,以及在2014年3月份之前达到22岁的学生。