






2013 U.S.News National University Rankings 第82名《美国新闻与世界报道》国立大学排名2010 第82名美国大学表现评估公立大学排名 第33名《华盛顿月刊》美国大学排名 第86名 《美国新闻与世界报道》水产与渔业专业研究生院排名 第1名《美国新闻与世界报道》兽医专业研究生院排名 第15名《美国新闻与世界报道》药剂学专业研究生院排名 第24名《美国新闻与世界报道》工业工程专业研究生院排名 第27名《美国新闻与世界报道》电气工程专业研究生院排名 第44名《美国新闻与世界报道》教育学专业研究生院排名 第71名《美国新闻与世界报道》公共事务专业研究生院排名 第57名《美国新闻与世界报道》心理学专业研究生院排名 第103名韦伯麦特里克斯网(Webometrics)世界大学排名第154名全球商学院(MBA)排名全球教育商学院排名网国家商学院排名 第132名韦伯麦特里克斯网(Webometrics)全球商学院排名 第198名奥本大学的其他各项排名2008年研究生院的“公共关系”被USNews排名全美222007年商学院被USNews排名全美312007年工程学院被USNews排名全美352007年被USNews排名全美公立大学392007年商学院的本科被USNews排名全美512014年MBA项目被Financial Engineering杂志排名全美562007年科学和数学院的“化学博士项目”被USNews排名全美922006年工程学院的“电气工程”被USNews排名全美492006年工程学院的“研究生项目”被USNews排名全美512006年商学院的“MBA”被USNews排名全美692006年学校农学院的渔业硕士项目被美国农业部命名为全美第12005年商学院的“物流专业”被“供应链管理评论“杂志评为全美112005年药学院的“医药学”被USNews排名全美252005年商学院的“MBA”被福布斯排名全美262005年工程学院的“土木工程硕士项目”被USNews排名全美482004年工程学院的“工业和系统工程硕士项目”被USNews排名全美22 Ranking School or Department1stDepartment of Fisheries (College of Agriculture) named the top fisheries graduate program in the U.S. by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, CSREES, June 20062ndSchool of Architecture (College of Architecture, Design and Construction) ranks in DesignIntelligence Magazine, 2007 as second most-admired program in the nation, according to other university deans and department3rdDepartment of Industrial Design (College of Architecture, Design and Construction) graduate program national ranking by DesignIntelligence Magazine, 20074thDepartment of Poultry Science (College of Agriculture) 2004 ranking for programs specializing in poultry processing4thPhysicians Executive M.B.A. program (College of Business) ranking among top M.B.A. programs for physician executives, Modern Physician, 20064thThe Interior Design program, in the Department of Consumer Affairs, in the College of Human Sciences ranked #4 by DesignIntelligence magazine, 20085thCollege of Agriculture Native-Americans rankings for the top 100 Undergraduate Degree Producers by Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 20075thDepartment of Landscape Architecture (College of Architecture, Design and Construction) Southeast Region ranking by DesignIntelligence Magazine, 20076thSchool of Architecture (College of Architecture, Design and Construction) ranking for best programs in architecture nationally in DesignIntelligence Magazine, 20076thDepartment of Industrial Design (College of Architecture, Design and Construction) undergraduate program ranking for best programs in industrial design nationally by DesignIntelligence Magazine, 20077thForestry research (School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences) national ranking based on citations/publications as reported in the Journal of Forestry, 20067thDepartment of Interior Design (College of Human Sciences) national ranking by DesignIntelligence Magazine, 20077thDepartment of Interior Architecture (College of Architecture, Design and Construction) national ranking by DesignIntelligence Magazine, 20079thPhysicians Executive M.B.A. (College of Business) ranking among top business schools for physician executives, Modern Physician, 200610thDepartment of Agricultural Economics (College of Agriculture) national ranking by the 2005 Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index, as reported in the Chronicle of Higher Education10thAnimal Sciences and Poultry Science departments (College of Agriculture) national ranking service to the industry by Meat & Poultry 2004 (business journal of the North American meat and poultry industry)11thLogistics program (College of Business) ranking among the nation’s logistics and transportation programs with an undergraduate logistics major, Supply Chain Management Review, 200515thThe Auburn University Libraries ranking in the 2007 Princeton Review survey among 361 colleges and universities.16thCommunity Planning Program (College of Architecture, Design and Construction) ranking in terms of faculty publication productivity, Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2004 AU Academic Rankings since 200217thDepartment of Rehabilitation and Special Education (College of Education) ranking nationally in Health Disciplines/Rehabilitation Counseling by U.S. News & World Report (current ranking-2007)20thLogistics program (College of Business) ranking among the nation’s logistics and transportation programs, Supply Chain Management Review, 200522ndCollege of Engineering African-Americans rankings for the top 100 Undergraduate Degree Producers by Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 200722ndDepartment of Industrial and Systems Engineering (College of Engineering) graduate program ranking in U.S. News & World Report, 200425thHarrison School of Pharmacy U.S. pharmacy programs ranking in U.S. News & World Report, 200526thM.B.A. program (College of Business) ranking among nation’s top public business schools, Forbes, 200528thDepartment of Health and Human Performance (College of Education) national ranking by the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education (AAKPE) for doctoral programs, 200631stCollege of Business national rankings among public institutions by U.S. News & World Report, 200734thCollege of Agriculture African-Americans rankings for the top 100 Undergraduate Degree Producers by Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 200734thCollege of Science and Mathematics African-Americans rankings for the top 100 Undergraduate Degree Producers by Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 200735thCollege of Engineering ranking among public universities offering doctoral programs in engineering by 2007 U.S. News & World Report39thM.B.A. program (College of Business) ranking among the nation’s public graduate programs in business, U.S. News & World Report, 200639thAuburn University best public institution by 2007 U.S. News & World Report44thDepartment of Audiology (College of Liberal Arts) graduate program within the Department of Communication Disorders national ranking by U.S. News & World Report, 200446thCollege of Education graduate program ranking in the 2007 U.S. News & World Report “Best Graduate Schools” among public institutions48thDepartment of Civil Engineering (College of Engineering) graduate program ranking by U.S. News & World Report, 200548thAUM College of Physical Sciences African-Americans rankings for the top 100 Undergraduate Degree Producers by Diverse Issues in Higher Education, 200749thDepartment of Electrical Engineering (College of Engineering) ranking by U.S. News & World Report, 200650thDepartment of Speech Pathology (College of Liberal Arts) graduate program within the Department of Communication Disorders national ranking by U.S. News & World Report, 200451stCollege of Business ranked among the nation’s best undergraduate business programs in the U.S. News & World Report 200751stDepartment of Chemical Engineering (College of Engineering) graduate program ranking by U.S. News & World Report, 200653rdM.B.A. program (College of Business) ranking among nation’s top business schools, Forbes, 200557thPublic Affairs (Graduate School) national ranking by U.S. News & World Report, 200860thCollege of Engineering ranking by 2007 U.S. News & World Report62ndDepartment of Mechanical Engineering (College of Engineering) national ranking by U.S. News & World Report, 200669thM.B.A. program (College of Business) ranking among the nation’s graduate programs in business, U.S. News & World Report, 200676thMaster of Public Administration (College of Liberal Arts) ranking in the nation in the U.S. News and World Report survey, 200492ndChemistry Department's Ph.D. program (College of Sciences and Mathematics) 2007 ranking according to U.S. News and World Report100thThe Auburn University Libraries ranking in the Association of Research Libraries among the 114 elite libraries in North America, 2005



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