
申请新西兰奥克兰大学本科留学 需要什么条件



申请新西兰奥克兰大学本科留学 需要什么条件,麻烦给回复



[新西兰] 奥克兰大学University of Auckland 建校年代:1883年 所在省州:奥克兰区 所在城市:Auckland 学生人数:37924人 中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 入学要求: Entry requirements for 2011Undergraduate degree Score* Additional requirements* Bachelor of Architectural Studies1825 [Ref. 7]Portfolio of drawing. Interview may be required.Bachelor of Arts1725 Bachelor of Business and Information Management1750 Bachelor of Commerce1750 Bachelor of Education (Teaching)1725Separate application to Education, Interview, IELTS 7.5 no band below 7.5.Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)1900 [Ref. 3]Selection, IELTS 6.5, no band below 6.0.Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) conjoints1950 [Ref. 3]Selection, IELTS 6.5, no band below 6.0.Bachelor of Fine Arts1725 [Ref. 7]Portfolio, interview.Bachelor of Health Sciences1750 [Ref. 3]Selection.Bachelor of Human ServicesApplications to be assessed on case-by-case basis. Contact the Faculty of Education for more information.Bachelor of Laws - Part IAcceptance into LLB Part I is available to any student who meets the entry requirments to any other bachelor's degree programme [REF. 4]Entry into Part II is restricted, based on achievement.Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB)Graduate in relevant bachelors degree [Ref. 5 and Ref. 7]Interview, IELTS 7.5, no band below 7.0.Bachelor of Music1725 [Ref. 7]Selection for Jazz, Performance and Popular Music majors (audition tapes/videos).Bachelor of Nursing1725 [Ref. 7]Interview , IELTS 6.5, no band below 6.0.Bachelor of OptometryPrerequisites from Stage 1 of BSC, BHSc or equivalent [Ref. 7]Bachelor of Dance Studies1725 [Ref. 7]Selection (audition).Bachelor of Physical EducationApplications to be assessed on case-by-case basis. Contact the Faculty of Education for more information.Bachelor of Planning1750Selection.Bachelor of Property1750 Bachelor of Science - Biomedical Science specialisation1750 [Ref. 3] Bachelor of Science - Computer Science major1750 [Ref. 3] Bachelor of Science -Sport and Exercise Science major1750 [Ref. 3] Bachelor of Science - other majors1725 [Ref. 3] Bachelor of Social WorkApplications to be assessed on case-by-case basis. Contact the Faculty of Education for more information.Bachelor of Technology (BioTech, MPIT, OPTOE)1750 Bachelor of Visual ArtsThis programme is suspended for 2011. This programme is suspended for 2011.Conjoint Degrees (without Engineering)1800 [Ref. 7} Conjoint Degrees (with Engineering)1950 [Ref. 7]* Minimum SAT requirements are based on the Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. To be considered for entry, applicants must submit a SAT result and a High School Diploma with transcripts from a United States accredited high school with above average grades.参考资料:

申请新西兰奥克兰大学本科留学 需要什么条件




二、本科:在中国学完大学一年级,成绩75分以上或通过新西兰高级中学的毕业考试。雅思6.0分,每门不低于5.5分高中生申请奥克兰大学本科要求中可以看到,新西兰奥克兰大学的留学生需要就读一段时间的预科课程才能升入本科学位课程的学习。如果学生在国内完成了大学一年级,就可以直接申请奥克兰大学本科课程了。学校基本信息:学校名称:新西兰奥克兰大学 University of Auckland所在位置:新西兰,Auckland学校设置类型:综合性大学创建时间:1883年学历:语言 专科 本科 研究生 网络课程 学校性质:公立


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