






英语授课,我给你复制了都理有关计算机的研究生课程,两门since baidu can not allow me to write websiteyou can go and checkpolito 。it_________________________________________________________Master of Science in Communication Engineering1° annoPeriodoCodiceLinguaInsegnamentoCreditiVincoliDocenteNote101JEVBP Information theory and codes 101KRPBP Radiofrequency issues in wireless systems201JEYBP Object oriented programming 301LQABP Coding301GSUBP Statistical signal analysis301JGPBP Video communication401JEQBP Computer-aided design of wireless communication systems 401GTKBP Traffic theory 1 1 course to choose from 101JEZBP Operating systems 101KRRBP Stochastic processes 201MQPBP Distributed programming I 201LPZBP Radio planning and electromagnetic compatibility 201MBZBP Technology, strategy and innovation401GQCBP Integrated systems architecture 401KRTBP Local and metropolitan area network design1 course to choose from 2° annoPeriodoCodiceLinguaInsegnamentoCreditiVincoliDocenteNote101KSBBP Photonic transmission systems1,402KJPBP Languages201LPYBP Cryptography201LPXBP Satellite navigation systems 1 1 course to choose from101GOHBP Antennas102JSSBP Internet Applications 201LQBBP IP Applications1 1 course to choose from 101KRKBP Embedded Systems 101LQCBP Transmission of multimedia signals over wireless networks2 1 course to choose from 201LRLBP Ad hoc and sensor networks 201KRXBP Optical networks 3,4 Final project workMaster of Science in Communication System Engineering1° annoPeriodoCodiceLinguaInsegnamentoCreditiVincoliDocenteNote101JEVBP Information theory and codes 101KRPBP Radiofrequency issues in wireless systems 202JPYBP Entrepreneurship 201JEYBP Object oriented programming2,402KRJBP French2,401KRJBP French301LQABP Coding301GSUBP Statistical signal analysis 401JEQBP Computer-aided design of wireless communication systems 401GTKBP Traffic theory101JEZBP Operating systems 201MQPBP Distributed programming I201LPZBP Radio planning and electromagnetic compatibility401GQCBP Integrated systems architecture 2° annoPeriodoCodiceLinguaInsegnamento101KSIBP Computer networks101KSGBP Optical fiber communication systems 101KSKBP Project management and quality 101KSLBP Wireless networks 201KSHBP Architecture of integrated radio systems201MGMBP Lab radiofrequency project 201KSMBP Network project 202KSMBP Network project 201KSJBP Numerical transmission systemsMaster of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (TOP-UIC)1° annoPeriodoCodiceLinguaInsegnamentoCreditiVincoliDocenteNote101JEVBP Information theory and codes 101KRPBP Radiofrequency issues in wireless systems201KRQBP Computer system security201JEYBP Object oriented programming 3,401JLHBP Special Topics 301LQABP Coding301GSUBP Statistical signal analysis301JGPBP Video communication 401JEQBP Computer-aided design of wireless communication systems401GTKBP Traffic theory 101JEZBP Operating systems 201MQPBP Distributed programming I201LPZBP Radio planning and electromagnetic compatibility401KRTBP Local and metropolitan area network design2° annoPeriodoCodiceLinguaInsegnamento101KSBBP Photonic transmission systems 1,402KJPBP Languages201LPYBP Cryptography 201LPXBP Satellite navigation systems 1 1 course to choose from 101GOHBP Antennas 102JSSBP Internet Applications201LQBBP IP Applications1 1 course to choose from101KRKBP Embedded Systems101LQCBP Transmission of multimedia signals over wireless networks2 1 course to choose from201LRLBP Ad hoc and sensor networks 201KRXBP Optical networks 有疑问可以继续追问



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