









牛津大学专业:MLitt in Music音乐硕士(研究型)研究方向:Music theory and analysis 音乐理论和分析Composition 作曲thnomusicology 民族音乐学Psychology of music音乐心理学Performance studies 现场演奏Aesthetics of music音乐美学Popular music 流行音乐Film music 电影音乐Critical and empirical musicology 批评和实践音乐 入学要求:雅思7.0,其余四项不低于6.5; 官网没有具体分数要求,一般建议211大学均分85,非211大学90分,有较好作品可以酌情考虑申请时间:Applications deadline:MPhil and MSt courses are 24 January 2014 and 14 March 2014. For applicants in 2014.申请需要提供的材料:he standard set of materials you should send with any application to a research course comprises:1.A research proposal,一篇研究报告ésumé,个人简历3.Three (3) academic references,三篇教授推荐信4.Official transcripts detailing your university-level qualifications and marks to date. 官方开具的成绩单5.In addition to the standard documents above, applicants to the DPhil in Music should provide two (2) relevant academic essays or other writing samples from their most recent qualification of 2,000 words each, or 2,000-word extracts of longer work.申请博士的学生,需要额外提交2篇专业论文,字数在2000字以上6. Composers should also submit at least two (2) compositions, supported by recordings作曲方向申请者需要递交至少两个作曲作品,需要有演奏记录。具体细分专业额外要求 MSt and MPhil Music (Musicology)Applicants to the MSt or MPhil in Music (Musicology) should provide two (2) relevant academic essays or other writing samples from their most recent qualification of 2,000 words each, or 2,000-word extracts of longer work. 音乐学硕士,需要额外提供2篇学术论文,或者提供他们最新的2000字以上的学术研究MSt and MPhil Music (Composition) Applicants to the MSt or MPhil in Music (Composition) should provide both:one (1) relevant academic essay or other writing sample from their most recent qualification of up to 3,000 words, or a 3,000-word extract of longer work, and two or three (2-3) pieces of composition, with a combined duration of 30 minutes.The scores of the composition should be uploaded to the application as written work. Applicants are also encouraged to send mp3 or mp4 recordings of these compositions to Graduate Admissions via the online query form .作曲硕士:需提供一篇3000字的学术论文,2-3篇至少30分钟的谱曲作品,建议学生刻录成MP3,MP4MSt and MPhil Music (Performance) Applicants to an MSt or MPhil in Performance should provide both:two (2) relevant academic essays or other writing samples from their most recent qualification, or extracts of longer work, of no more than 5,000 words in total, and a recorded recital, showing contrasting styles of performance, with a combined duration of 15 minutes Recordings should be sent to Graduate Admissions via the online query form by the deadline you are applying to.cordings.音乐表演专业:需提供2篇至少5000字以上的学术论文,至少15分钟的音乐表演记录.


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