









如果你是中国重点大学毕业的话,要求平均分90以上。如果是普通一本,90以上还是可以尝试一下,但机会可能比较渺茫了。如果你是在英国读大学的话,要求1st class(虽然有些科目说是2:1,但对其他大学来讲,基本还是要1st的)。如果你是在美国读大学的话,要求GPA在3.5或3.7以上(看哪些科目)。另外,雅思的话,是雅思7分,每个不低于7就可以了。以上都是申请条件,符合了就可以申请了,其实录取的条件也是这些,但不是说符合这些条件的都能申请得上。


剑桥大学研究生申请条件:学校名称:英国剑桥大学 University of Cambridge所在位置:英国,Cambridge学校设置类型:综合性大学创建时间:1209年学历:语言 预科 本科 研究生 网络课程 学校性质:公立学生人数:18396人院校地址:Cambridge Admissions OfficeFitzwilliam House32 Trumpington StreetCambridgeCB2 1QY,United Kingdom学校中文网址:建立于1209年的剑桥大学是一所位于英国英格兰剑桥市的研究型大学。该大学是英语世界里的第二古老大学,被誉为英国及全世界最顶尖的大学之一。能留学于此是无数学子的梦想。那么想要去剑桥大学读研,该具备什么样的条件呢 接下来出国留学网将为大家详细介绍剑桥大学研究生申请条件,供大家参考!剑桥大学官网:【原文】The University minimum entrance requirement for graduate study for applicants from China is a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised and competitive University with an overall grade of between 85% and 95%. Where the higher entrance requirement of a UK First Class Degree or equivalent is required, we would expect applicants to hold a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised and competitive University with an overall grade of between 90% and 95%.【翻译】研究生申请的中国学生的最低入学要求是在有竞争力认可的大学取得学士学位,且总平均分达到85%-95%。更高的入学要求是获得英国一等学位或等同资格证明,我们期望申请者在有竞争力认可的大学取得学士学位获得90%-95%的总平均分。【原文】Please note, the information given here is a guideline of the University’s minimum academic requirements. Please refer to the Qualifications Directory for the academic requirements for your specific course, as these may be higher than the University minimum academic requirements.【翻译】请注意,给出的信息是大学的最低学术要求指南。请参考资格证明指导说明(【原文】Applicants should be aware that meeting the University’s or Department’s minimum academic requirements does not guarantee entry; it is only one of the factors taken into account when selectors make their decision. Many other factors are also important, such as: suitability for the course, proficiency in English, relevant experience, references, availability of a suitable supervisor, and the ratio of available places.【翻译】申请者应该知道即使达到了大学或学院部门的最低学术要求也不能保证能进入大学学习,这只是选拔人做出决定的其中一个因素。其他许多因素也十分重要,比如:课程的符合性、英语的熟练程度、相关经验、推荐信、有适合的监督人以及提供的名额比例。【原文】Accepted English Language TestsThe Board of Graduate Studies accepts the following Language Tests:IELTS Academic:You should upload a copy of the score report or test certificate via your self service, we can use this to verify your scores online. We no longer process test certificates sent to us on paper directly from the test centre.【翻译】接受的英语语言测试研究生学习董事会接受以下的语言测试:雅思(学术版):大家应该通过自助服务上传成绩报告或测试证书的复印件,我们可以因此在线确认你的成绩。我们不再处理直接从测试中心发送给我们的测试证书。【原文】CAE:The CAE (Certificate of Advanced English) is accepted with a grade A in the first instance, however applicants must also be assessed by the University Language Centre before admission can be confirmed.【翻译】CAE考试:高阶英语证书目前接受A级的水平,但是在确认入学前,申请者必须还要由大学语言中心进行评估。【原文】CPE:The CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) is accepted with a grade A or B only if the certificate is awarded no more than two years before the start of the course.【翻译】CPE考试:英语熟练水平证书接受A或B等级的水平,如果在课程开始前证书获得没有超过两年。【原文】Minimum required scoreThe tests and levels accepted for admission vary by course, and are listed in the specific course entry in the Qualifications Directory under 'English Language Requirement'.· Courses by Title and SubjectYou should always upload your most recent test certificate regardless of the level you have achieved, so that the Graduate Admissions Office can assess your language level.【翻译】最低要求分数不同课程对接受的入学测试和水平程度也不同,在“英语语言要求”下面的资格证明指导说明的特定课程进入部分列出了各自的要求。


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