But we are UT,we are Rotman,ivy and schulich should not be mentioned along with rotman. Once u join rotman,there would be no more doubt
多伦多大学商学院本科ROTMAN COMMERCE好不好,麻烦给回复
But we are UT,we are Rotman,ivy and schulich should not be mentioned along with rotman. Once u join rotman,there would be no more doubt
又看到你了.... Rotman Commerce真心不好.1.第一年有很大几率被唰掉.2.太累....3. 据说Rotman的分给的都很低(不知道和学生有关系没).4.就业不好....和Queen's Ivey Schulich没法比.5.质量和MBA差太多...这个很多人都说过...说UofT不在乎本科(本来就是Grad出名的学校...)不是经常有从community college到 Ivy League的么....GPA肯定比学校重要.