





各位网友大家好,我们今天请来了吴同学,同时也请她作为新东方系列访谈的开始。从现在开始我们新东方将定期或不定期地推出一系列的访谈,访谈对象主要是从新东方走出去的被美国名校录取的学生。今天我们请到了吴同学,她刚刚拿到了哈佛大学的录取。同时她还拿到了美国其他名校,包括威廉姆斯学院、伯克利、杜克三所名校的录取。她事实上是新东方四年以来我们包括的学员中拿到哈佛录取的第五个人。在此之前,我们从2006年开始就陆续开始帮助同学进入哈佛大学。今年是硕果累累的一年,已经有三位同学拿到了哈佛大学的录取,其他的还有耶鲁,西北、普林斯顿这样的学校,芝加哥我们也有所斩获。以后我们会找相应的机会让他们跟大家见面。我们请出今天的主角吴同学。吴同学你能跟我们描述一下你刚刚拿到哈佛录取的时候心情怎么样 吴同学:这个很难描述,因为在拿到哈佛录取之前也一直在等待的非常焦急,也稍微有一些失望,因为毕竟不是所有学校都被录取。我当时正在参加英国考试,然后知道的时候已经是中午,因为我们最早出来是早上六点钟,觉得看不看结果都一样的,考完试就再看吧。考完给妈妈发了短息,了解这样的情况。因为当时整个考试就是很兴奋,一种很快乐的心情,但也很难描述。主持人李虹桥:当你递交完哈佛大学申请之后,你心里面有一个坚定的信念,一定被它所录取。你这个坚定的信念中间曾经是否动摇过 吴同学:当然动摇过。从初一开始dream school一直就是哈佛,但是在录取过程中,尤其是在12月份也收到其他学校没有录取这样一个好的结果,在4月1号之前一些文理学院有一些军训什么的,让我很动摇,而且北京申请者当中能力非常强的也占很多,很难区别一个人他一定被哈佛录取,我相信没有一个人会自信到如此程度。所以也是在焦急的等待,最后拿到结果是非常高兴得。主持人李虹桥:你刚才提到你初一的时候哈佛就是你的dream university。吴同学:有一部分是因为哈佛确实是世界上最著名的大学,最开始是对哈佛那个网站它的红色一种最初的喜爱。主持人李虹桥:但是我相信你在初一的时候对哈佛大学的了解,远远没有现在了解的多,你怎样一步一步了解哈佛大学的 吴同学:这个有一定的机缘巧合。因为自己在高一上学期之前没有想过出国这条路。在高一下学期刚开始的时候,我的上一学界的学姐他们当时在准备出国,由此了解到还有出国留学这条路。在出国过程中首先回想到自己虽然不算是儿时吧,初一曾经有过这样的梦想,就开始一步一步去了解,当然在了解过程中越来越喜爱哈佛大学。主持人李虹桥:我之前和你接触过几次,我也听我的同事在谈论到你,你是一个有思想,而且比较独立的女孩,你觉得你的一种独立性思想怎么和哈佛大学连接在一起的 吴同学:美国顶尖大学虽然有很多共性,但也有他们不同的地方。哈佛第一感觉就是非常热情,它的学术气氛可能不像普林斯顿那么浓,但是哈佛大学生大体上都有一个共性,他们有自己的激情,有自己的好奇心,当然有他们的责任感,还有就是创造性。我觉得我自己本身是比较喜欢热情、激情和创造性的。因为这个也是在自己成长过程中逐渐感受到的,尤其是自己在高中参加一些活动当中,体会到自己对某些活动特有的热情,而且愿意付出创造出一些比较创新的活动。主持人李虹桥:是这样的,我平时跟你接触过程中,我能够感觉到吴同学身上的那种活力和感染力。你能告诉我们你在日常生活当中是如何尝试影响你的同学以及你身边的人 吴同学:非常好的问题,因为毕竟我们在高中阶段可能正在形成自己的特点,也在塑造自己。在这个过程中更多的和别人这样的沟通,甚至是在影响别人过程中发现自己。我更多的影响其他人的地方还是在活动这方面。我先后参加了很多我们学校的很多分公司,也是在这个过程中,我其实有时候启发我的同伴,在策划之前我们不敢想,但是在策划之后我们敢想敢做才会发生。在鼓励的过程中我们互相影响,我也或许给下一届同学带来一些启发,因为毕竟担任社团的一些领导职务。主持人李虹桥:我们现在谈一下你的过去,你的高中代表了什么 你的高中母校给你带来什么影响 吴同学:高中这个阶段本身非常重要。因为大部分初中孩子不知道自己在哪些方面有兴趣,当然学习也没有那么强的自主性,在高中阶段会发现自己兴趣所在,会有强烈的梦想和追求。我在我们学校更多发现的是学校对我们的支持,当自己在学校课内学习已经达到前五的时候,想拓展一下自然的能力,也是很好奇,学校在整个过程中也给了我很大的努力。我觉得更多的是自己去努力尝试,当然也会有失败,也会有不同的学习,在这个过程中其实是发现了我自己比较喜欢的一个专业,当然也培养了各种各样的能力,这也是为什么哈佛最终选择我的原因。主持人李虹桥:你发现你喜欢上什么专业 吴同学:目前决定将来从事商业这一方面,但是我大学学习,大家可能也听说过PPE,就是哲学、政治还有经济,我觉得这三科,虽然说我父母搞科研的,但是我自己感觉是在人文学科方面,对社会学研究还是非常有好奇心。主持人李虹桥:你刚才说了高中带来的影响,实际上你从整个决定出国,一直到考试,以及提高你的英语,据我所知你的英语本身很不错,后来你来到了新东方,一直到你的申请,一直到申请之后等待结果。你觉得新东方带来了你什么东西 Each netizen everybody is good, today we invited Wu, also asked her to New Oriental as a series of interviews. From now on we New Oriental will regularly or irregularly to launch a series of interviews, interviews object is mainly from the east to go by America schools admitted students. Today we invited Wu, she just got the admission of Harvard University. At the same time, she also got the other schools, including Williams, Berkeley, Du Kesan admitted to the elite. She was in fact fifth people get to Harvard four years since we include new Oriental students. Prior to this, we began to help students in Harvard University in 2006. This year was a fruitful year, there have been three students got the admission of Harvard University, there are other Yale, Northwestern Chicago, Princeton such a school, we will benefit. We will find the appropriate opportunities for them to meet with you later.We have today's hero Wu Tongxue. Wu classmate Hello, can you tell us about when you just got accepted to Harvard's mood Wu Tongxue: This is hard to describe, because before Harvard have been waiting anxiously, also there are some slightly disappointed, because after all, not all schools have been admitted. I was in the examination at the time, then know when it was noon, because we are the earliest it is six o'clock in the morning, feel do not see results are the same, the exam will wait and see. The exam made a short message to my mother, understand the situation. Because the exam is very excited, a very happy, but also very difficult to describe.Li Hongqiao Moderator: when you submit the application after the Harvard University, your heart has a firm belief, it must be admitted. Your firm belief among ever shake Wu Tongxue: of course shake. Starting from the first day of dream school has been at Harvard, but in the admissions process, especially from other schools in December did not admit such a good result, before April 1st, some liberal arts colleges have some military training or something, so I am very moved, and Beijing applicants ability is very strong also accounted for a lot of very difficult. The difference between a person who was admitted to Harvard, I believe that no one can be confident to such an extent. So also in waiting, finally got the result is very happy.Li Hongqiao Moderator: you just mentioned the first time you Harvard is your dream university.Wu Tongxue: in part because Harvard is the world's most famous university, the beginning of the website it is Harvard red a first love.Li Hongqiao Moderator: but I believe you in the first time understanding of Harvard University, is far from understood now, how do you step by step to understand the Harvard University Wu Tongxue: this has some chance. Because he did not want to go abroad this road before high school semester. In the second semester started, my last academic and they were ready to go abroad, so to understand and study abroad this road. In the process of going abroad at first, although he is not back to childhood, the first ever had such a dream, began to step by step to understand, of course is becoming more and more popular in the understanding of the process of Harvard University.Li Hongqiao Moderator: before I contact with you a few times, I would listen to my colleagues that you are talking about, you are a thoughtful, and relatively independent girl, do you think a thought of how your independence and Harvard University together Wu Tongxue: America's top university, although there are many similarities, but also have their different places. Harvard first feeling is very warm, it may not be so strong academic atmosphere of Princeton, but Harvard students generally have one thing in common, they have their own passion, have their own curiosity, of course, have the sense of responsibility, there is the creative. I think myself is more like enthusiasm, passion and creativity. Because this is in their growth process gradually feel themselves to participate in some activities, especially in the high school, realize oneself to some activities enthusiasm, and are willing to pay to create some of the more innovative activities.Moderator Li Hongqiao: Yes, I usually talk to you in the process of contact, I can feel the Wu on the kind of vitality and appeal. Can you tell us how you try to influence your classmates and people around you in your daily life Wu Tongxue: a very good question, because after all, we are likely to form their own characteristics in the high school stage, also in shaping their own. In this process, and more people this communication, and even find themselves in the process of influencing others. I have more influence on others or on the activities in this regard. I have participated in a lot of our school a lot of branches, and in this process, I sometimes want to inspire my companion, we dare not in the planning, but planning we dare to do occur. To encourage the process we influence each other, I also may give the students the next to bring some inspiration, because after all as community leadership positions.Li Hongqiao Moderator: we are talking about your past, what your high school on behalf of your high schoolWhat impact you Wu Tongxue high school in this order:


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