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常见问题 2003/03/06 18:15剑桥大学考试委员会 以下是关于剑桥考试的十个常见问题及答案。

如有疑问或想了解更多详情,请垂电: 86-10-62514012。Here are answers to the ten most frequently asked questions about Cambridge ESOL exams. Please contact us at 86-10-62514012, if you have any other questions or if you would like more detailed answers. 为什么需要考剑桥证书?每年有超过百万人参加剑桥语言考试。考生努力考取一个国际承认的资格来证明其语言能力并帮助他的学习和工作。剑桥考试被众多教育机构及各类公司所接受。拥有了剑桥证书您将加大个人简历的优势,并将提高您有效运用英语能力的自信--你的语言水平将被世界最著名最权威的考试机构所证明。Why get a Cambridge certificate Every year more than one million people take Cambridge examinations in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). They do this to gain an internationally recognised qualification which will validate their level of language ability and help them with their studies or their work. Cambridge exams are accepted by a great number of educational institutions and companies of all types.With a Cambridge certificate you will strengthen your CV and be more confident in your ability to use English effectively-your language level will have been certified one of the famous and prestigious exam board in the world. 有多少种不同的证书?考试分为五个难度水平,从初级到高级。这些级别由欧洲委员会根据欧共体语言教学大纲所制定的。此页将提供我们所有考试的详细资料。你可以参加普通英语考试或商务英语考试。IELTS(雅思)考试是为计划在英语国家居住、工作和学习的人设计的。而BULATS(商务语言测试服务)则是为公司或教育机构设计的一种商务英语测试。(详情请查阅IELTS(雅思)考试和BULATS(商务语言测试服务)的网页。What different certificates are available The examinations exist at five levels of difficulty, from elementary to advanced, and these levels are exactly and fully defined by the Council of Europe in its Common European Framework of Reference for Languages which you can refer to here.You will find details of all our exams on this website.You can sit exams in general English or Business English. Tests are also available for general and business English.These are called IELTS (International English Language Testing System), designed for those intending to live, work or study in an English-speaking country, and BULATS (Business Language Testing Service), a business English test used by many companies and educational institutions. Please refer to the IELTS and BULATS pages for more details.我应参加哪种考试?首先你要确定你获取语言证书的目的。是为了去英语国家学习吗?是为了得到更好的工作吗?还是为了个人兴趣及自我价值体现?无论你的理由是什么,我们都将有一套适合你的考试。请在本页查阅不同的考试并挑选出最适合你的考试。为了找到最适合你的考试,请你: -咨询你的老师或培训员-查阅本网站上的考试题来决定难易程度-做个快速测验,例如牛津大学出版社出版的QUICK PLACEMENT TEST(快速编班测试)。我们不了解你和你的语言水平,所以我们无法准确地建议你最适合参加哪种考试。另外,因为每个考生都使用同样的考题,所以你不用选择考题。考试结果将告诉你你的语言水平。How do I know which exam to take You must first decide your aim in getting a language qualification. Is it perhaps to go to university in an English-speaking countryIs it to get a better jobIs it just for your personal interest and satisfactionWhatever your reason, we have a suitable exam or test for you. Look at the different exams on this website and choose the one that suits you best.To find out which exam would be the most appropriate for your, you should:- ask your teacher or trainer if you have one- look at typical exam questions (available on this site) and see if they are too easy/too difficult/more or less right- do a quick test, such as the Quick Placement Test produced by Oxford University PressWe don't know you or your language level and we cannot really advise you which exam is best!With tests, on the other hand, you don't have to choose because every candidate does the same paper. The test tells you what level you are at!任何人都可以参加考试吗?是的,任何人都可以参加考试。我们为小学的儿童、中学生以及大学生和工作人员设计了不同的考试。除了剑桥少儿英语考试以外其他考试没有年龄限制。你也可以不通过初级考试而直接进入高级水平考试。Can anyone take them Yes, anyone can take them. We have tests and exams for young children at primary school, for middle-school students, for university students and working people. There is no age limit, upper or lower, except for Young Learners English Tests.You can do an advanced exam withoutshavingstaken an elementary one.我在哪里参加考试?在中国有六十九个考点,考生可以在这些考点参加我们的考试。。在此你可以找到考点信息。你可以致电、传真或写信给各考点索取更多信息。有些考点为考生多的学校或公司举办讲座,你可以向考点询问有关的信息。Where can I take an exam There are 69 Centres in Chinaswheresyou can take our exams. You can find all the details here.You can phone, fax, send a letter and they will tell you the details.Some centres organise sessions of the exam in schools, universities and companies if there are many candidates. You can ask the centre about this.我什么时间参加考试?考试在固定日期举行。这些日期在全世界都相同。如果你要参加KET,PET和BEC的考试,每年在全球有六次考试。FCE的考试有五次。CAE和CPE的考试有两次。在中国KET, PET, FCE和YLE每年考试二次。BULATS考试没有固定日期。学校及公司可与考试中心安排合适的日期。When can I take an exam Examinations have fixed dates. These are the same the world over. There are six possible dates a year when you can take KET, PET, FCE and BEC, five for FCE and two for CAE and CPE. In China, there are two sessions for BEC, KET, PET, FCE and CAE, and YLE.You can find the exact dates and also the deadline date for enrolling here. BULATS has no fixed dates. Schools or companies arrange a convenient date with the centre.考试费用是多少?每个考试的费用不同。请与你最近的考点联系询问确切的考试费用。目前商务英语的考试费用如下:BEC初级: 289.4元BEC中级: 372.6元BEC高级: 488.9元剑桥英语五级考试:KET 224.6元PET 271.2元FCE 432.4元剑桥ESOL(英语作为外语)考试中心是纯教育团体,而非商业机构。所以我们将尽力减少取得证书所需的费用。但是相关的管理费尤其是口试以及其他费用是必不可少的。How much does it cost Every exam and test has a different price. So you need to contact the centre nearest you to find out the exact enrolment fee.Currently the prices for BEC series are:BEC Preliminary: 289.4 yuanBEC Vantage: 372.6 yuanBEC Higher: 488.9 yuanPrices for LMS are:KET 224.6 yuanPET 271.2 yuanFCE 432.4 yuanCambridge ESOL Examinations is not a commercial enterprise, but a purely educational body. We therefore do our best to limit the costs involved in obtaining a certificate. But of course there are costs attached to the administration of the exams, especially the oral tests, and some charges are inevitable.考试结果是什么样的?每个考生都将得到一张考试结果通知单,通知单将告知你的成绩以及你是否通过了考试。然后,通过考试的考生将收到考试证书。你收到的考试结果非常详细,它会告诉你考试的哪部分成绩最好,哪部分还需要改进。例如考试结果可能告诉你口试部分成绩很好,但是阅读部分弱。我们的考试与欧洲教学大纲紧密结合。这就是说,不管你通过了哪一项考试,你都可以鉴定自己的英语水平,从初级到高级达到哪一级。比如说,如果你通过了FCE(第一英语证书考试),那你就是达到了欧共体语言教学大纲的B2水平。关于欧共体语言教学大纲的语言水平的详细解释可在此网站查询。欧共体语言教学大纲的语言水平现在越来越多地被各国政府、国家教育系统和公司所使用及接受。What are the results like Every candidate gets a result slip which gives an exact grade gained and tells you if you have passed or failed. Later, successful candidates receive a fine certificate.Your result will be detailed and you will be able to see which parts of the test you did best and which areas you might need to work on. For example, it might tell you that you have done very well in the oral but were rather weaker on the reading exercises.All our exams give a result which is linked closely to the Common European Framework. This means that whichever exam you pass, you will be able to see which CEF level you have achieved, from A1 to C2. So, for example, if you have passed FCE you know you have reached CEF level B2. Detailed explanations of these CEF levels are available in printed form and on this website.These CEF levels are increasingly used and accepted as the standard by governments, national education systems and companies.考试需要很多准备吗?如果你一直在上课学习,那么水平较低的考试当然就不需要太多的特殊准备。象剑桥少儿英语、英语入门考试(KET)和初级英语考试(PET)的内容都很紧密地反映了语言教学环境的现状以及许多出版发行的复习材料的内容与风格。但是,考试水平越高需要做的准备则越多。即使你的英文很好,但是在没有任何准备的情况下去参加象高级商务英语的考试都会是轻率的。也许你不太熟悉英国考试的形式,所以即使是参加水平较低的考试也最好在考试之前先做一些测试练习。我们的调查显示大部分考生在考试前做过不同程度的准备工作。我们的考试并没有具体的教学大纲,所以你并不需要去读特定的书。如果是测试而不是正式考试,我们并不建议做准备。测试的目的是为了及时简要地反映你的现有水平,而非学习中的成绩。当然,为了熟悉考试形式你也可以做一些测试练习。(PRACTICE TEST)测试和练习考试辅助资料(书、磁带和光盘)在大的书店都有售。如果你在当地找不到这些材料请与当地出版商直接联系(剑桥大学出版社、牛津大学出版社或朗文出版社)。教师们可以从我们的网站上获取帮助和建议,免费下载含有样题及帮助准备的手册。Does it take a lot of preparation Certainly the tests and exams at lower levels do not require a lot of special preparation if you follow a course of study. The content of exams like Young Learners English, KET and PET reflects closely what happens in the language teaching environment and the content and style of many published materials.The higher the level, however, the more need there is to do preparation. It would be rash to try an exam like BEC Higher withoutshavingsdone any preparation at all, even if your English is very good.You may not be familiar with the format of a British examination, so it would be wise at the very least to attempt some practice tests before the day of the exam, even for a lower level exam.Our research shows that a high proportion of candidates for our exams have done some kind of course of preparation.There is no specific syllabus, however. You don't have to read any special books, for example.For tests, rather than exams, we do not advise preparation. The idea of a test is to give a snapshot of your current level, not to reflect progress in a course of study. Here again, of course, you can always try some practice tests to familiarise yourself with the format.Practice tests and exam support materials (books, cassettes and CD-ROMs) are available from good specialist bookshops. If you have any difficult in obtaining these from your bookshop, please contact the local publishers directly.就有这些知识,这本书真好,英语真好



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