







其实钻井技术、液体流研究和氢氧化合物流研究这三个方向的学习是由学校和来自8个国家的著名的石油公司所联合支撑的,所以学生既可以学到有关的理论知识,也可以有机会将这些理论知识应用于实际,而且碰到一些实际的难题也可以请教这些石油公司里面的专家。 塔尔萨大学对于申请人的背景还是有一定要求的,虽然申请人本科可以不是石油工程专业毕业的,但是必须要有相关的学习背景,例如有化学的背景。对于申请塔尔萨大学石油工程的同学如果没有相关背景的话,进入学校之后必须要完成一些先行课,例如储存工程,钻井工程和生产工程等。TOEFL最好能达到90+,GPA3.0+,GRE300+,这算是最基本的条件了。虽然这所学校综合排名不算高,也就八十几位,但是专业这个专业还是相当不错的,要想申请成功,分数和个人软实力当然是越强越好。





Master of Engineering in Petroleum Engineering

The objective of the master’s program is to educate the student in both professional engineering and research.


Applicants must satisfy The University of Tulsa's general admission requirements. For detailed information, refer to theGraduate Bulletin and contact the Graduate School.

It is emphasized that these requirements are minimum requirements. The qualifications of students entering the program are expected to substantially exceed the minimum requirements. A student who meets only the minimum requirements in each of the above areas will normally be denied admission. Applicants are selected for admission throughout the year. The total number of students pursuing graduate degrees will be limited. Applicants must designate their major fields of research interest. The non-thesis master’s program will be required if a thesis advisor is not available.

General Master’s Degree Requirements

A 3.0 grade point average is the minimum for the master’s degree program. A student must maintain a 3.0 overall grade point average and at least a 3.0 average in his major field of study.

Not more than six hours of C grades in course work are acceptable in the master’s program. Thesis grades are recorded on a pass-fail basis and are not computed in grade point averages. A passing grade in thesis hours is required.

All non-thesis master’s program students are initially advised by the graduate program advisor appointed by the chair of the department.

All courses taken for graduate credit in other programs shall be selected from those listed in this Bulletin and the choices are subject to the approval of the advisor. No more than six credit hours of approved courses can be transferred.

Curriculum Requirements

Non-Thesis Option Leading to Master of Engineering Degree Credit HoursMinimum credit hours outside major department3Credit hours of Master's Project (PE 7913) Optional3Minimum credit hours of at least 7000-level courses, excluding Master's Project24Minimum credit hours in major department including core courses PE 7013, 7023 and 7063, excluding Master's Project18Maximum credit hours of approved 6000-level courses6Maximum credit hours of independent study3Minimum Total Credit Hours33



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