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coals to Newcastle是什么意思,麻烦给回复
coals to Newcastle做徒劳多余的事send coals to Newcastle徒劳无益brought coals to newcastle白费力气
coals to Newcastle 通常用于短语 carry coals to Newcastle;bring coals to Newcastle.多此一举双语例句 1.It would be like carrying coals to Newcastle if another bank opened in this street ; there are three here now .如果再在这条街上开一家银行,那可真是多此一举,因为这条街目前已经有三家银行了。2.Mary sent chocolate to her aunt in Switzerland. I told her that it was like bringing coals to Newcastle.玛丽给她住在瑞士的姨母寄送巧克力,我告诉她这是多此一举。
Coals to Newcastle 做徒劳多余的事,把煤送到纽卡斯尔,多此一举 ;Don't carry coals to Newcastle.别往纽卡斯尔(英煤都)运煤。 / 多此一举,徒劳无益。