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阿希尔贾科莫castiglioni ( 1918年-2 002年) 阿希尔贾科莫castiglioni出生于米兰,早在1940年,他一直投身于改革试点批量生产的文物,与他的建筑师兄弟利维奥( 1911至1979年)和码头贾科莫( 1913至1968年) 。经过阿希尔收到他的程度,在建筑,在1944年,他和码头贾科莫发起的,他们设计职业生涯;诗意的,是完全基于对小说形式,技巧和"新"的材料。其目的是要达到一个"整体"的设计过程。创始国之一的工业设计协会,他主演了无数米兰triennale表演。它的结果是在1979年"新triennale " ,如他是其中的十二名意大利人在设计收藏。 castiglioni的部分,在创造一些聪明的现代设计对象已尤为重要。属于不同的类型,他们取得了极大的成功在国际上的。此外,他还创造了大量的设施,包括为triennale本身和对展览的扎诺塔的收集,在林茨的1980年论坛的设计。他的生产是描绘在杂文意大利设计,并在记录中的compasso -破产管理署(其中他赢得了好几次) 。同时,可以发现在主要的设计博物馆。在1980年的档案实践民办阿希尔及码头贾科莫获得由研究中心和通讯档案,在帕尔马大学。在1984年,他一人前往展览于博物馆f黵angewandte艺术在维也纳举行。之后,它发挥了在柏林学院f黵bildende kunste ,米兰的triennale , kunstgewerbe博物馆在苏黎世,海牙的gemeentemuseum ,马德里circulo万bellas Artes公司和该中心蓬皮杜-b eaubourg在巴黎举行。在1986年rohsska konstslöjdmuseet在哥德堡举办一个展览他的作品创造了扎诺塔和野。此外他的设计和批评( stile产业在20世纪50年代) ,自1969年以来,他曾任教过。自1981年以来,他一直在教授的装饰和工业设计,在建筑学院的米兰理工。阿希尔castiglioni一直在努力扎诺塔自1964年以来。 ----- 码头贾科莫castiglioni ( 1913至1968年) 意大利的设计师和建筑师码头贾科莫castiglioni已是第二次, 3个castiglioni兄弟。就像他的兄弟们,码头贾科莫castiglioni研究建筑在米兰理工学院,以他的程度在1937年。 1938年码头贾科莫castiglioni和他的哥哥,利维奥,创立了有实践,在米兰,其中年龄最小的弟弟,阿希尔,参加了1944年。所有这三个castiglioni兄弟两人均感兴趣的技术与艺术。利维奥左联合作业,在1952年到他自己的方式。码头贾科莫castiglioni被看作是智力平等的,他的弟弟阿希尔。直到他过早去世于1968年,码头贾科莫勾结阿希尔无数设计师物体。 在1957年展览" colori e形式的理解之家-o ggi" (色彩和形式,在今天的主页) ,是安装在别墅马德里在C omo,那里阿希尔及码头贾科莫c astiglioni恼火专家,他们的视野的现代生活方式,因为他们发现是一个五彩缤纷的庞杂风格收编旧的和新装修的,而是一致风格的内饰。阿希尔及码头贾科莫castiglioni表明,他们的许多设计,其中包括为第一次的" readymades " 。 " mezzadro " ,这是一个凳子,其中一台拖拉机座椅安装在一个子和"鞍" ,这是一个电话凳子与自行车鞍座作为一个座位,不是直到多年后,由扎诺塔。两兄弟被特别成功与照明设计为arredoluce ,辛夷,并和Artemide 。他们playfully探索新的可能性,为中,连接技术创新和最低限度的经济手段,以生产高功能的物体,只是作为美仑美奂的满足,因为他们实际的。在1955年castiglionis设计的" luminator " arredoluce ;他们的"蒲公英"挂灯的日期从1960年。另一castiglioni设计野是1962年死灯" ,有古" ,连接着素质地上悬灯。该castiglioni兄弟不仅施加强大影响,对年轻一代的意大利设计师。 码头贾科莫castiglioni教设计,在米兰理工学院,从1946年直到他去世。阿希尔castiglioni还教室内装饰和工业设计,有从1982年至1986年,是一位教授,工业设计在都灵理工学院从1970年直到1980年。纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏,拥有许多作品阿希尔及码头贾科莫castiglioni 。 ----- 奖项的阿希尔及码头贾科莫castiglioni : 金牌米亚国际展览1968年首奖五stelle tecnhotel选择compasso -破产管理署1 981,1987,1991


Achille Giacomo Castiglioni (1918 - 2002)Achille Giacomo Castiglioni was born in Milan and, as early as 1940, he devoted himself to experimenting with mass-produced artifacts, with his architect brothers Livio (1911-1979) and Pier Giacomo (1913-1968). After Achille received his degree in architecture in 1944, he and Pier Giacomo initiated their designing career; the poetic was entirely based on novel forms, techniques and "new" materials. The aim was to attain an "integral" design process. One of the founders of the Industrial Design Association, he has starred in numerous Milan Triennale shows. It culminated in the 1979 "New Triennale," where he was one of the twelve Italians in the Design Collection. Castiglioni's part in creating some of the cleverest modern design objects has been particularly important. Belonging to a variety of types, they have been a big success internationally. In addition, he has created a host of installations, including those for the Triennale itself and for the exhibition of Zanotta's collection at Linz's 1980 Forum Design. His production is portrayed in the essays on Italian design and in the records of the Compasso d'Oro (which he has won several times). Also, it can be found in the major design museums. In 1980 the archives of the practice run by Achille and Pier Giacomo were acquired by the Study Center and Communication Archives at the University of Parma. In 1984 his one-man traveling show opened at the Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna. Later, it played at the Berlin Hochschule für Bildende Kunste, Milan's Triennale, the Kunstgewerbe Museum in Zurich, the Hague's Gemeentemuseum, the Madrid Circulo des Bellas Artes and the Centre Georges Pompidou - Beaubourg in Paris. In 1986 the Rohsska Konstslöjdmuseet in Göteborg staged an exhibit of his pieces created for Zanotta and Flos. Besides his designing and criticism (for Stile Industria in the 1950s), since 1969 he has taught, too. Since 1981 he has been professor of Decorating and Industrial Design at the School of Architecture of the Milan Polytechnic. Achille Castiglioni has been working for Zanotta since 1964. -----Pier Giacomo Castiglioni(1913-1968)The Italian designer and architect Pier Giacomo Castiglioni is the second of the three Castiglioni brothers. Like his brothers, Pier Giacomo Castiglioni studied architecture at Milan Polytechnic, taking his degree in 1937. In 1938 Pier Giacomo Castiglioni and his elder brother, Livio, founded a practice in Milan, which the youngest brother, Achille, joined in 1944. All three Castiglioni brothers were interested in both technology and art. Livio left the joint practice in 1952 to go his own way. Pier Giacomo Castiglioni is regarded as the intellectual equal of his brother Achille. Until his untimely death in 1968, Pier Giacomo collaborated with Achille on numerous designer objects. In 1957 the exhibition "Colori e forme nella casa d'oggi" (Colors and Forms in Today's Home) was mounted at the Villa Olmo in Como, where Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni annoyed specialists with their vision of a modern lifestyle because what they showed was a colorful jumble of styles that incorporated old and new furnishings instead of uniformly styled interiors. Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni showed many of their designs, including for the first time their "readymades". "Mezzadro", a stool consisting of a tractor seat mounted on a substructure and "Sella", a telephone stool with a bicycle saddle as a seat were not made until many years later, by Zanotta. The two brothers were particularly successful with the lighting they designed for Arredoluce, Flos, and Artemide. They playfully explored new possibilities for form, linking technical innovation and Minimalist economy of means to produce highly functional objects which were just as aesthetically satisfying as they were practical. In 1955 the Castiglionis designed "Luminator" for Arredoluce; their "Taraxacum" hanging lamp dates from 1960. Another Castiglioni design for Flos was the 1962 die lamp "Arco", which links the qualities of floor and hanging lamps. The Castiglioni brothers not only exerted a strong influence on the younger generation of Italian designers. Pier Giacomo Castiglioni taught design at Milan Polytechnic from 1946 until his death. Achille Castiglioni also taught interior decoration and industrial design there from 1982 until 1986 and was a professor of industrial design at Turin Polytechnic from 1970 until 1980. The Museum of Modern Art collection owns many works by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni.-----Awards of Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni:Gold Medal Mia International Exhibition 1968First Prize 5 Stelle Tecnhotel Selection Compasso d'Oro 1981,1987,1991


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