1、考上大学:美国学生为了能从大学毕业,上了大学才开始好好学习. 中国学生为了考上大学而拼命学习,上了大学就不再好好学习.(注:美国大学“宽进严出”;中国大学“严进宽出”) 2、向老师发问:美国学生为了装懂而向老师发问,还认为坐的横七竖八才能更好与老师交流. 中国学生则为了装懂而不向老师发问,还认为坐的端端正正是对老师的尊敬. 3、解题方法:如果老师给出同一道题目:“现在是12点整,时针和分针正好重合,请问要经过多长时间时针和分针才能再次重合 ”老师语音刚落,美国学生的反应是不约而同的拨动腕上的手表,用这种其实很聪明的“笨方法”,看时针和分针什么时候才能再次重合.而在场的中国学生立即拿出纸和笔,埋头列出一大堆公式并开始计算. 4、受教育方式:美国学生的受教育方式是“放羊”,十分轻松,所以他们大多数喜欢异想天开,想象力无比丰富. 中国学生的受教育方式是一种“填鸭”,辛苦的很,题海战术他们不怕,怕就怕那种脑筋急转弯的问题,因为有的时候,他们确实转不过弯来. 5、数学头脑美国学生一般不大有数学头脑,不得不长期依赖电子计算器. 中国学生都是数学天才,口算心算水平一流. Different social attitudes: The british are, in some ways, less conservative than Americans - the drinking age is 18, not 21, homosexual civil unions are legal, and abortion hasn't been a serious political issue in years. Mixing religion and politics is extremely rare in the UK. On the other hand, there are stricter controls on some things - it's much harder to get a driving licence, and the age requirement is higher than in most states, there are speed cameras everwhere, CCTV cameras in many public places (although they may or may not be working), and carrying weapons or other objects for "self defence" is illegal (in particular, note that pepper spray is illegal). Getting into a debate about the right to bear arms will be very time consuming, and may also lead people to think that you're a gun-nut before they've got to know you properly. Smoking in enclosed public places is illegal - that includes pubs, the underground, train stations... more or less any non-residential building actually... (similar to New York, so