卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)是一所研究型私立大学。
该校位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡。1967年由卡内基理工学院和梅隆工业研究所合并成立。该校面积不大,却拥有全美第一所计算机学院和戏剧学院,该校的艺术学院,商学院,工学院、公共管理学院以及计算机、心理学、统计学、应用数学、决策科学、计算生物学等都在全美名列前茅,因为杰出的表现,卡内基梅隆大学被评选为新常春藤(new ivies)之一。其电脑科学研究和麻省理工学院并列全美第一。其工学院卡内基理工学院排名全美第六,全世界科技领域大学排名第七。茅以升博士是卡内基梅隆大学毕业的首位博士,该校校园内树立有茅以升的全身像Cost of 2010-11 Academic YearExpense ResidentTuition $41,500Fees $636Room and Board $10,750Books and Supplies (Est.) $1,000Personal/Miscellaneous (Est.) $1,400Health Insurance $2,142Transportation (Est.) variableTotal $57,428Matriculating international students must submit a completed Certification of Finances form and supporting documents that indicate his or her family or sponsor will have sufficient funds to cover tuition, room and board, and living expenses at Carnegie Mellon. This form and the required supporting documents need to be submitted only after a student has been admitted to Carnegie Mellon University and has chosen to matriculate.Make your financial arrangements with Carnegie Mellon by July 1. University and United States officials who issue your visa require certification of your ability to meet financial obligations. You will want to obtain several original copies of this proof of funding in order to be able to present them as needed to different officials. If you're offered admission, you must pay the enrollment deposit of $800 before you can receive a Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20 or DS-2019) to secure your entry visa.Matriculating国际学生必须递交填妥的表格认证的财政及有关证明文件,指示他或她的家人或赞助商将有足够的资金来支付学费,食宿费,在卡耐基梅隆大学和生活费。此表格及所需文件只需要提交后,学生被录取到卡内基梅隆大学,并选择录取。使7月1日与卡内基梅隆你的财务安排。大学和美国官员谁发给你签证需要你的能力履行其财务责任认证。您将要获得这种资助论证工作中几个正本,以便他们能够根据需要提出不同的官员。如果你找到了承认,你必须支付800元报名押金,然后才能接收的资格证书(I - 20表格或DS - 2019),以保护您的入境签证详细