






美国留学音乐专业面试时从以下几方面做:首先,熟练背诵谱子。我指的是非常细致的背诵,并做到稳定的演奏。你要为你的面试做好125%的准备,因为面试的时候,大部分人会损失掉自己25%的真实水平。第二,节奏和音准一致。稳定的节奏和音准,是音乐的基础。没有了节奏,再花俏的技巧也只能是无源之木、无本之水。千万不要为了表现自己的个性,而失去节奏和音准。要研究总谱,注意每一个节拍、符值、连线。要知道古典音乐演奏方向的教授们,一定不希望你是一个自由发挥的演奏家。因此,越到最后越是要做到慢练。说起来很容易,可是当你形成习惯,每次急匆匆的弹完,你发现你根本不会慢下来了。这时候,如果你已经体会到问题,可以适当使用节拍器来纠正坏习惯。第三,音乐风格。这一点我要强调三遍!比如你在演奏莫扎特曲目的时候,一定不能太过高昂和激荡,因为莫扎特的风格以细腻、轻盈、含蓄华贵,而有强烈的古典色彩。显然,如果你把莫扎特的曲子弹得不知道是谁,那你就该打道回府了。第四,强弱对比。这句话可以再分解,该强的强,该弱的弱。简单来说,就是强弱度要合适。对专业选手而言,这一点代表着基本水平,因为它隐含着选手对作品的理解。很多学琴的人对此深有体会。如果你总是习惯性地表达过强,那么当曲子演奏到高潮,你是打算刺穿所有面试官的耳膜吗?反过来说,某个PART强度很弱,你需要弓着身子气若游丝表达吗?事实上,强弱的对比一定是基于你对曲子的理解。这一点我认为比目光交流和微笑还要重要和致命。尤其是对于没有太多舞台经验的学生,容易在强弱上失控,上台后自己耳朵听不见自己的琴声,更别说面试官了。第五,提前预演。可以在好朋友或者熟悉的师长面前,多做几次预演,缓解紧张。第六,穿着得体,举止得当。小鲜花小鲜肉不能穿戴花枝招展,奇装异服,过多装饰,这些我就不再多说了,都get到了吧!第七,准备好向校方提问的有意义的问题。尽可能多做功课,多了解对方院校、教授、专业、名额,以及各种项目等。第八,提前候场,微笑离场。入场的时候,请以礼貌、友好而自信的目光向在场人员致意。同样,离场的时候向所有评委表示诚挚感谢,注意目光务必要到每一个人身上。附上面试演奏的曲目:一、钢琴曲目1. A Prelude and Fugue by J. S. Bach from the Well-Tempered Clavier2. A complete sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, or Beethoven, excluding Haydn juvenilia or Mozart K. 545 or Beethoven op. 49 & 793. A complete work of a 19th-century composer4. One piece or single movement by a contemporary composer5. An etude of virtuosity at the level of those by Chopin, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Debussy, Bartok, Stravinsky orLigeti.二、声乐曲目Vocal Audition Requirements1. One art song in Italian2. One art song in French3. One art song in German4. One art song in English5. One opera aria6. One oratorio aria7. An additional selection in a fifth language三、小提琴面试曲目1.From J.S. Bach-Unaccompanied Sonatas and Partitas:2.Two major contrasting movements from the sonata or duo repertoire with piano 3.One complete major concerto work (with applicable cadenzas)4.A virtuoso concert piece by composers such as Paganini, Sarasate, Vieuxtemps, Wieniawski, or Ysaÿe (any works not written for solo violin must be performed with accompaniment).5.One commercially published work written after 1980 (a movement from a multi-movement work does not count as a work)四、萨克斯面试要求A)古典萨克斯1. Ibert Concertino da Camera (pub. Leduc), or a comparable work;2. Choose one of the following (or a comparable work):•Creston Sonata, Op.19 (pub. Shawnee); 2 contrasting mvmts ;•Dahl Concerto (pub. European American Music); 2 contrasting mvmts ;•Denisov Sonata (pub. Leduc); 2 contrasting mvmts ;•Glazounov Concerto (pub. Leduc) ;•Harbison Sonata "San Antonio" (pub. Schirmer-AMP); 2 contrasting mvmts ;3. Two orchestral excerpts from The Orchestral Saxophonist, Vol.1 (pub. Roncorp). Suggested excerpts:•Mussorgsky-Ravel Pictures at an Exhibition;•Prokofiev Lieutenant Kije ;•Rachmaninov Symphonic Dances .4. Two contrasting études;B)爵士萨克斯1. Prepare a solo piece including playing the melody and at least 3 improvised choruses of a jazz standard (any style)2. Prepare at least two blues heads and improvise on the changes3. Prepare the melody to one jazz standard ballad and improvise at least one chorus4. Prepare the melody to one medium swing tempo jazz standard of your choosing and improvise at least one chorus5. Prepare the melody to the jazz standard "All The Things You Are" and improvise at least one chorus6. Prepare the melody to the jazz standard "Oleo" and improvise at least one chorus五、单簧管面试曲要求Clarinet Audition Requirements1.Two contrasting Etudes from Rose 32 Etudes2. Mozart clarinet concerto3. A prepared piece of the applicant’s choice4. A work composed since 1970. This may be a concerto, a work with piano, or one for solo clarinet.5.Three to Six orchestral excerpts:六、大提琴面试曲目1. One piece of applicant’s choice (must be a commercially published work)2. Two contrasting movements of an unaccompanied Bach suite3. One complete concerto or major work from the standard cello repertoire4. A complete sonata or other duo work for cello and piano5. A commercially published work written after 1970七、音乐制作曲目要求Applicants should submit Three to Five works that reflect their experience in computer music and other art media or interdisciplinary forms,showing an awareness of 20th-century composition. If your work is produced primarily through electronic/recorded media, evidence of skill in written musical forms, such as scores, must be added.八、音乐剧面试曲目1.Musical theater applicants must prepare two brief, contrasting songs from the Broadway repertoire: one ballad and one upbeat selection. And one should be written before 19652.Two short, contrasting monologues from the following: Modern, post-war literature: examples of post-war dramatists are Miller, Williams, Albee, Inge and Shepard. Classical literature: examples of classical pieces include Shakespeare’s comedies and histories or Moliere.3. Present a 30-60 second clip of yourself moving/dancing. Your full body should be in view at all times. You may choose a cut from a musical or a dance performance in which you participated, or record something original. Any style is acceptable: musical theatre, ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, etc. Wear appropriate dance attire that will show clean line.九、流行音乐面试曲目Part One: Prepared PiecesYour prepared piece should demonstrate significant understanding of musicality, expression, phrasing, appropriate articulation; excellent intonation and tonal quality; and clarity of articulation or enunciation of notes (and lyrics for vocalists). Your audition performance should be delivered in a manner that is appropriate for the style of the piece. Berklee embraces and values all styles of music, so you should prepare Three pieces that you are comfortable with and that displays your strengths as a musician. It should be should be in any style that demonstrates your instrumental proficiency and your overall musicianship. Here are some guidelines that may help when selecting your prepared piece:•You might choose a tune from a well-known artist or band (in any style).•You might choose a jazz or blues standard tune (which may include rhythm changes) to which you have the option of adding your own improvisation.•You might choose a composition from the instrumental/voice repertoire or a movement, sonata, concerto, or etude. You might choose a tranion of a well-known artist’s solo.Part Two: Sight ReadingWhile sight-reading, you should display strong accuracy of rhythm, pitch, and tone in order to achieve an interpretation that conveys musical substance with phrasing and expression appropriate to the style of the example provided.Part Three: ImprovisationWe would like to hear you improvise over a short progression to gauge where you are in your development. Your prepared piece may also include improvisation, but it is not required.Part Four: Melodic and Rhythmic PlaybackWe recognize it is common for applicants to have imbalances in their playing abilities, and we realize that applicants may not have advanced skills in improvisation, reading, or ear training. We take a holistic approach in our evaluation process; each component of the audition helps the audition team assess your overall abilities as a musician and your potential for success at the master’s program level.十、长笛面试曲目Flute Audition Requirements1. Any sonata by J.S. Bach.2. Mozart Concerto in G or D - complete.3. Major contemporary work (complete sonata, concerto, or substantial work).4. Two additional complete works of contrasting styles and periods.5. Five Orchestral Excerpts displaying a variety of styles.



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