






下面一篇英国留学申请动机信希望能够给予你参考,给你申请动机信的写作总体思路。I am a junior student coming from Arts & Metiers ParisTech in France which is a mechanical engineering school and whose main task is cultivating general engineer. I have a good command of professional knowledge, and I am also capable in practice through study and experiment. However, I still long for a further study and improving professional skills, so I look forward to majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university in UK.There are four reasons why I long for an further study in cranfield university. Firstly, I ache with desire to experience and have education of a comprehensive university which has professional studies in different majors rather than a general engineering school. Secondly, I need to improve my English urgently. It is of great help in job hunting mastering English, French and my mother tongue Chinese. Lastly, I realize that I have great interest in machinery, and generally speaking I have a good report at some courses in my first school year, such as stress analysis, bearing design and gear design, so the knowledge I have mastered laies a solid foundation for me to further study design of rotating machine.I am confident I will have a good performance if your esteemed school would like to give me the entrance chance. On the one hand, my social experiences help me a lot. I have a good adaptive ability and I can merge into new environment quickly.For example, I had no idea about French as a foreigner at the very beginning, and I had never been in touch with French when I graduated from senior high school. After that I started to study french, and I entered Arts & Metiers ParisTech after three years of study. My work experiences make me deal with interpersonal relationship very well. I worked in a Chinese restaurant in the past, and I alsoworked as a trainee at Photonics Bretagne.On the other hand, I perform well at school. I have a good understanding in theory and I can understand the formula analysis thoroughly, moreover I like to share my opinions with members in group work, so I am competent for group work with students coming from different countries at Cranfield University. And I want to be a mechanical design engineer in motor corporation in the future, and majoring in design of rotating machine at cranfield university is of great help for the position.In conclusion, I have strong desire to further study at your esteemed univeristy. I really hope I will have the opportunity to improve my professional skills as well as overall quality, and it is a great honour for me to study and practice at the honorable school.



你指的动机信,应该就是personal statement了。就是个人陈述。英国留学申请的个人陈述,主要内容包括如下:





动机(或者又叫“你为什么要申请这个学校、专业 ”)对于一些没有电话面试,直接审核材料决定是否录取的院校,对于你申请他们学校以及选择这个专业的动机是什么,意愿是否强烈和纯粹,几乎完全是从你的PS里在分析。学校的官网摆在那里,各个专业的具体介绍,课程设置,都可以从网上下载获得。但是一千个申请者来看同一个学校或者同一个专业,每个人看完之后的理解是不一样。对于想去学习的某个城市的了解,对于某一门课程的喜欢与否,为什么喜欢,更是有很大差别的。因此,这部分内容的体现一定是建立在你明确自己的兴趣和志向,并且基于对学校和专业的了解,才能真实并且生动地展示给学校的。因此,在阐述这部分内容时,一定要尽量避免使用“XXX学校世界闻名”,“法国是一个发达而浪漫的国度”,“XXX专业有很‘好’的就业前景,所以我很想学”……这样抽象 模糊 过大 过空的字眼和句子。这恰恰是中国学生易犯的通病。事实上,相比起这些空喊口号的概括性描述,反倒不如具体而明确地抓住这个学校和专业吸引你的某一个点来展开。想象一下你写的每句话,如果老师反问你“为什么”,你要如何具体来回答。这样写出来的东西才是有血有肉,体现出你个性化眼光的。对于国外院校的老师来说,申请某个学校及专业,必然是为将来自己的职业而服务的。职业规划也一定要避免“我想结束学业后进入一所知名法国企业”、“毕业后我想做XXXX(专业名称)相关的工作”、“我想为中法文化交流做出自己的贡献”……等等这样同样抽象 模糊 过大 过空的句子,而是最好结合自己所学专业及个人的特长和兴趣,明确地指出自己所向往的行业、期望进入的公司(可以只说公司性质,也可以举例),以及部门或者职位。对于有创业理想,又申请商学院的同学,能够对自己将来的创业规划做一点简单描述当然又会加分许多。职业规划对于缺乏商科专业背景的同学来说,要写得这么具体的确不简单,需要有一定的对经济和企业管理知识的了解,但正因为不简单,如果能够写得很具体又很有逻辑,那么对于弥补你专业背景缺乏是相当有说服力的。


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