希望以下的内容对你有所帮助:1签证主要是你的准备问题,你要自己想给自己解释三个问题, 1,为什么出国, 2,有没有足够的钱 3,要不要回来, 第一个问题主要是找到你选择美国,选择哪个学校的原因,别说为国家怎样怎样,就是自己喜欢,有前途。
第二个问题主要是硬件问题,有足够的书面经济担保,还要回答一个问题,花这么多钱值不值得,(当然是值,为什么?) 第三个问题是要回来,签证不管你将来概不改变主意,他只想知道你签证的时候是不是想回国,一定要表示想回来,但要想好怎样保证回来你学的东西有用处,为什么国内更适合 总之,你需要至少拿出一个星期准备,详细出几十个问题,然后写答案,练习,后来慢慢的问题抽调,就变成一个完整的故事,反复找人帮你练,到后来大到你自己都相信这个故事就行了。 总之,签证签不签的过就是取决于准备得好不好,没有硬伤就有80%以上机会过,一旦赶上签证管不爽也没事,第二次一样过 最后祝你签证成功。 补充,硬件方面要追备好,将要去的学校信息,这里的成绩单,经济担保,甚至和父母的照片等等,具体得去找一个北大的《飞跃手册》看看2.下面是实际的一次对话:interview时间:10--15分钟 C: Nice to meet you ,sir.vo(抬头看了一眼,微微一笑) Nice to mee you .Would you show your card first C:You mean this pink card (不太清楚程序, 从来没有看机经)vo :Yes,that's right.just put it over side.C:OK, (把粉色牌子放在窗口一边。)vo :Have you ever been the United States C:No,but I have been to the United Kingdom last summer.vo :翻看护照, just for travel C:Actually I was joining a law training course program in the Oxford University,it is a month's study there. Er, I also got the Certificate of attendence and 1000 ponds shorlarship beneficiary.(准确地把certificate递到窗口, 直接赛进去。这时候,千万别问“would you like to look at... )vo :en-hm .(接过来, 看了一下)C:I also bring some photoes taken in the Oxford University in the banquate, would you like to look at vo :No, not neccessary. That's ok/And...Why are you going to the U.S C:Well, XXXXXXX, so I am confident that I will be successful as a lawyer , to carry out my dream.........vo :(打断, 提高了声调, i am asking that why are you going to the U.S. )C:Yes, I know what you're asking, I am going to pursue my LLM degree ,that is my sinificant step to realize my dream.vo :Ok , but seems that you have no expriences....C:(赶紧接上他的话,但注意别让他感觉你不尊重他而打断他, 而是表现出你明白他的担忧。)Yes, you are right, I am just undergraduate now, but I have ever been practising law for quite a long term in law firm, I am clear of my positon and direction to go.( 意思较复杂, 句子较长的时候说话感觉快点好, 否则他会boring,别让他在你重要信息出来前打断你。 )This is a support letter from Mr.xxx,he is a partner of the this law firm which i 've ever worked as an intern.vo :(接过来)读信,挺认真的样子。 Er, so they are just giving a position of pralegal C:Yes, only after I passed the bar exam of PRC, I would imediately become a lawyer. That is according to the regulations.vwhy are you chose this university C:XXXXX,XXX, 忘了具体说了什么, 反正就是说这个学校的优势。 同时给了他学校法学院的support letter/vo :看了一下。 So ,what major are you taking in the XXXUniversity C:International economic law,It is dealing withXXXXXXXXXXX,and speciallyXXXXXXXXXX.vo :微微点头, why U.S.why not take your master in China C:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvo :why are you coming back C:xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(说我的这个专业是主要为了满足国内的法律服务需要, 有很好的发展前景。)vo :不置可否地盯着我, 然后带着一种捉摸不透的笑脸嚷道 but there are also many lawyers in U.S.doing International Economic Law.C:有点乱了方寸,感觉有点危机四伏,但2秒钟后马上强自己镇静下来。Maybe you are right, butxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.vo :Then what 's specific work about your field ( some thing like that,听得不是很清楚,喇叭竟然有点断断续续 )C:Sorry, i am not quite following you ,the loudspeaker doesnot work well.vo :拍了拍他里面的喇叭,ok 重复一次问题C:Now it's fine, International economic law is concerning the regulations xxxxxxxxxx , to handle the law affairs arising in.xxxxxxxfield, I personally place intreste in WTO stream,xxxxvo :Just say something more specific, ( 成心刁难我啊,晕,who 怕 who) C:Well, (清了清嗓子, 有点口渴了当时,在门口站了将近一个小时)as to the WTO affairs, such as anti-dumping, anti-subsidy,DSB procedure regulation, xxxxxx,(瓜几嘎几, 说了一大堆法律术语, 为难俺, 看俺把你说晕。) 但,可也别太嚣张了,该打住就打住了,惹毛了没准啪红章一盖,据你没商量。)vo : Can you tell me some thing about your major even more specific what exact work would you do in your field C:(他还真和我较劲了,这和移民倾向没有关系吧?老兄?)O--kay---! ! For example , recently I am still assiting Mr.xxx ,the partner who wrote the support letter,to deal with a case about Japanese laver exportation, you know laverjapanese food( At that time, I was suddenly find that he looks like a child,cute! listen to me there)We on behalf of the ministry of commerce to take the case ..... about foreign trade barriers investigation....................(看他好像满足了, stop.)vo :so,,,, the unveristy are providing you financial aid C:Yes, they provide me xxxxxdollars. it shows on the I-20.v o :I see, what degree would you have C:Bachelor of law.vo :在一张纸的侧边标上“ BA” ,have you bring any xxxx(说了一个词,不懂。)from your current university C:Pardom Bring what vo :have you bring any documents from your university such as transcript C:Such as transcript (我和他几乎异口同声说出这句话。然后他说。yes,that's right.)C:Yes, I have, 把文件夹翻开,问他,I have both chinese version and english version ,which do you prefer vo :English is ok. C:递给他, 密封的。vo :just open it, by yourself.C:Okay,here it is .vo :翻看着我的成绩单。C:There is a overall GPA on the top, you can just....vo :yes, o--kay.(看完了,合上)看了我一眼。又开始敲电脑,有点冷场呢。但我还是没有出声。大约30秒后.vo :who are supporting you for your study C:My parents , in the exception of the scholarship.This is the bank statement of deposit.(递上银行证明)vo :拿过来,认真地对存款的款项, 估计他在估算一共多少钱,maths不好, 算得慢。C:I should pay about xxxxxdollars to study in the U.S., and the financial certificate shows more than that.vo :点头, (看得出来visa快到手了。 )把一些材料推出来给我。 伸手取东西,(没看见他盖章)“刷”抽出一个绿条递到眼前, good luck to you .微笑着说。 C:Thank you .(我竟然挺平静)What bout those documents should I take them back (我手里撰着绿条,指着他没有推出来的材料。)vo :Nope, they will do that for you .C:Ok, nice meeting you.Bye.本人对签经有益的观点有所保留,visa interview 其实是很personal 的东西,与人打交道,方式各异。各取所需吧, 希望不至于误导大家。 祝将战的土兔们旗开得胜! (转自TOTOO)