Biographical Information Form - Part 1 of the two-part application for freshman admission should be completed and returned immediately. Essays, Activities, and Tests Form - Part 2 of the two-part application for freshman admission should be returned as soon as possible, but no later than January 1. One long and two short essays are required. Standardized Tests - Testing must be completed by the January test date. These dates change each year and are set by the testing agency. Click here for specifics on our testing requirements. Two Teacher Evaluation Forms - Evaluation A is to be completed by a math or science teacher, Evaluation B is to be completed by a humanities, social science, or language teacher. It is your responsibility to provide us with an official English translation of any evaluations not completed in English, in addition to the original untranslated document. Secondary School Report Form - This form, which includes your school transcript, is to be completed by a guidance counselor or principal/headmaster. If your school offers predicted grades for the IB or A Levels, this should be included in the Secondary School Report Form. It is your responsibility to provide us with an official English translation of any letters or transcripts not written in English, in addition to the original untranslated document. Interview - The interview is conducted by an MIT graduate in the applicant's home area. If available, you should contact your interviewer by the December 10th before your application deadline. Mid-year Grade Report Form - If you are not attending a U.S. or U.S.-based school system, you are not required to complete this form. It will appear on your MyMIT application tracking system as it does for all applicants, but it is not a required piece of the application if you are not attending a U.S. or U.S.-based school system
我知道本科的录取条件 SAT, 托福成绩 其它的都是表格形式的,从MIT的网站上下载下来填一下,推荐信也是表格,拿给你的老师填。 有一些写作的内容,一个是“为什么要来MIT”,另一个是二选一的命题作文,字数500字以内,我没仔细看,但是感觉不偏。一月份之前考了SAT(或者GRE)和托福。还是不知道你是几年级。这些英文的东西是给freshman的,这个考试时间也是针对freshman的。如果是转学的话申请截止日期是3月初。MIT录取唯一一个very important的因素是学生的个性和能力,成绩什么的都属于important层次的。个人感觉应该是个人陈述最重要。
下面是国际学生申请要求, 你需要面试. MIT的校友会在你的城市附近和你面试, 如果你不是住在什么偏远小乡村的话.在MIT网上还有很多资料:Biographical Information Form - Part 1 of the two-part application for freshman admission should be completed and returned immediately.Essays, Activities, and Tests Form - Part 2 of the two-part application for freshman admission should be returned as soon as possible, but no later than January 1. One long and two short essays are required.Standardized Tests - Testing must be completed by the January test date. These dates change each year and are set by the testing agency. Click here for specifics on our testing requirements.Two Teacher Evaluation Forms - Evaluation A is to be completed by a math or science teacher, Evaluation B is to be completed by a humanities, social science, or language teacher. It is your responsibility to provide us with an official English translation of any evaluations not completed in English, in addition to the original untranslated document.Secondary School Report Form - This form, which includes your school transcript, is to be completed by a guidance counselor or principal/headmaster. If your school offers predicted grades for the IB or A Levels, this should be included in the Secondary School Report Form. It is your responsibility to provide us with an official English translation of any letters or transcripts not written in English, in addition to the original untranslated document.Interview - The interview is conducted by an MIT graduate in the applicant's home area. If available, you should contact your interviewer by the December 10th before your application deadline.Mid-year Grade Report Form - If you are not attending a U.S. or U.S.-based school system, you are not required to complete this form. It will appear on your MyMIT application tracking system as it does for all applicants, but it is not a required piece of the application if you are not attending a U.S. or U.S.-based school system
SAT最好能在2100到2200左右,SAT 2看你要选的专业,数学要780-800 ,托福一定要上100,GPA>3.89 有参加社区工作或活动的经历,两封教师推荐信,和国际知名竞赛得奖。麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,MIT),是世界顶尖级研究型私立大学,誉为“世界理工大学之最“,位于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市。麻省理工学院无论在美国还是全世界都有非常重要的影响力,培养了众多对世界产生影响的人士,是全球高科技和高等研究的先导力量。经过麻省理工学院几代人坚持不懈地努力奋斗,时至今日,但凡有人提起“世界理工大学之最”,人人皆首推麻省理工学院。麻省理工已成为世界各地莘莘学子心向神往的科学圣殿,在国际自然科学及工程学领域亦享有极佳的声誉,其管理学、经济学、哲学、政治学、语言学等人文社科也同样优秀。