






Internationalcourse is mainly to make students understand the basic concepts of international investment and its main mode of international investment in the development of today's major features and trends; the basic theory of international investment; and international investment environment and its evaluation method; international portfolio investment characteristics and operation mechanism; the main body of international investment - multinational corporations; the issue of inviting foreign investment in China.Internationalcourse is a finance professional undergraduate, one of the main specialized courses, mainly on international aspects of financial theory and practice: the evolution of the world monetary system to start, layer by layer analysis of foreign economic transactions of a country's international balance of payments, exchange rates, foreign exchange operations, foreign exchange controls, international financial institutions, international capital flows, international direct investment, international portfolio investment, regional monetary integration, and so a series of international finance in the field of the main issues.internationalcourse is undergraduate students to finance the professional elective courses. This course is required before a Western economics, Money and Banking, International Finance, International Trade Practice, International Commercial Law foundation. This course focuses on international settlement in the settlement tools, settlement and clearing documents, systematic analysis of various instruments, the concept of settlement documents, the relationship between human rights and obligations, documentation and common discrepancy and its treatment, every part of the number of related case study.Negotiation on Businesscourse is mainly taught in an overview of business negotiations, business negotiations, the psychological and ethical thinking, business negotiation preparation, business negotiations, business negotiations, the price negotiations, business negotiation contract, business negotiation strategy, business communication and negotiation, business negotiation etiquette manners, international business negotiations and so on.



英文课程描述主要是针对在国内修读大学的同学,转学到北美所需的一系列申请材料中最重要的一套材料。供海外大学审核同学在国内大学修读课程,以决定有多少学分可以免修。一套好的英文转学分可以为同学节省时间和费用,免去很多烦恼。但是英文课描怎么写,英语如何表达,令很多同学困惑不已。其实这方面的相关专业服务是有的。同学可以去Ta0宝网,在搜索栏里输入 “英文课程描述” 找到一家叫做“一百元留学翻译” 的店铺,店主从事英文转学分工作多年,非常有经验。这家店也是好评数最多的一家店铺,相信一定能解决同学们的问题,祝你转学一臂之力。





国际投资:本课程主要让学生了解国际投资的基本概念及其主要方式,当今国际投资发展的主要特征和发展趋势,国际投资的基本理论,国际投资环境及其评价方法;国际证券投资的特征与运行机制;国际投资的主体 - 跨国公司,中国的招商引资问题。 国际金融国际金融本课程是金融学专业本科生的主要专业课之一,内容主要涉及国际金融理论与实践的方方面面:从世界货币体系的演变入手,逐层剖析一国对外经济交易中的国际收支,汇率,外汇业务,外汇管制,国际金融机构,国际资本流动,国际直接投资,国际证券投资,区域货币一体化等等一系列国际金融领域中的主要问题。 国际结算国际结算 本课程是金融学专业本科学生的专业选修课程。本课程前需要有西方经济学,货币银行学,国际金融,国际贸易实务,国际商法的基础。本课程主要介绍国际结算中的结算工具,结算方式和结算单据,系统分析各种票据,单据结算方式的概念,关系人权利义务,单据制作及常见不符点及其处理,各部分都有一些相关案例分析。 商务谈判谈判商业事务 本课程主要讲授商务谈判概述,商务谈判中的思维心理和伦理,商务谈判准备,商务谈判过程,商务谈判中的价格谈判,商务谈判签约,商务谈判策略,商务谈判沟通,商务谈判礼仪礼节,国际商务谈判等内容。


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