bachelor of management
bachelor of management
管理学学士-Management degree,bachelor of management理学士-bachelor of science
管理学学士学位:Bachelor of Science Degree in Management或者
是:Bachelor of Management,中国和外国的学位分类制度并不是完全一致的,比如劳动与社会保障,国外把它划到了社会学,而中国是管理学学位。呵呵
管理学学士Bachelor of Management ; Bachelor ofAdministration双语例句:
1. 除了主修市场学的管理学学士学位,还有四年的市场营销经验。Four years of experience in marketing,in addition to a bachelor's degree inmanagement with major in marketing. 2.一个月前,鉴定机构——AACSB(国际高等商业学会)估计共有12,600所院校在授予管理学学士或硕士。A month ago, AACSB, an accreditation agency, estimated that there were 12,600 institutes conferring Bachelor's or Master's degrees in management. 3.由此将保证学生最终达到管理学学士学位要求的相应水平。Therefore, it meets all requirements to warrant a Northern Arizona University BBA degree.