






是不是一定要面签?- APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED IN PERSON, NO EXCEPTIONS. 因为墨西哥在美国好几个地方都有使领馆, 俄亥俄州没有,你去Detroit吧. Visas Department Consulate of Mexico at Detroit 645 Griswold st. Suite 830 Detroit, MI 48226 点击左边的Visas Section.A VISA (FEE $36.00 USD) Requirements: Visit the Consulate anytime from 9:00 to 11:00AM, Monday to Friday to submit the application and the following documents: Filled application form. May be obtained at our office or from our website.- Valid passport and photocopy of the page with the bearer’s data, picture and signature.-Resident Alien Card, Permanent Resident Card or valid US multiple entry visa, with one copy of the front and back views, if it is the case.- “I 94” stub (White receipt from Immigration when entering the U.S.) and its copy.- Credit card statement or bank statement for the last three months with an annual income for at least $2.000.00. Or original letter from the applicant’s employer on its letterhead stating length of employment, position and minimum salary of $500.00 per month.- Trip itinerary or hotel confirmation printed via internet or in original letterhead from travel agency. - Fee: $36.00 US dollars. Payable only by company check, money order or cash.- The Visa will be ready in one (1) business day.The visa will be ready for collection the following working day from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. 另外也叫你学校的registar office印一张纸, 说明现在你是本校的学校(can you print me a letter which states i am your school's student, I need it to apply a visa), 说是签证要用的. 如果你是拿中国护照,去墨西哥是要签证的,除非有美国绿卡就不用.



1.墨西哥签证,有效期从30天到10年不等,停留时间在入境地有墨西哥签证移民官员决定,最多不能超过180天。2.墨西哥签证的入境次数是有效期内多次入境。3.墨西哥签证办理需要申请人本人前来面递,递送时间是星期一到星期四早8:30到12点。4.墨西哥签证需要在递交墨西哥签证办理当天面试,面试不需要预约,面试一般在5分钟内进行,所需要的语言是中文,英文或西班牙文。我们会为墨西哥旅游签证申请人提供书面的签证注意事项和所需资料.以及面试时所需要注意事项。5.建议墨西哥签证办理所需的申请材料原件须在递交材料时带齐,便于墨西哥签证申请工作人员及时核查(身份证,户口本,结/离婚证,退休证,房产证,机动车驾驶证,银行证明等)6.如果夸领区递交墨西哥签证申请,需提供长期居住地的暂住证原件。7.墨西哥移民局规定对于在美国,加拿大和日本合法居留的不需要申请墨西哥商务签证。8. 如国赴墨西哥参展,请提前2周递交签证申请,请申请者于计划出发之日前三个星期之内递交材料。


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